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Gender-Based Analysis Plus
2021-22 Departmental Plan

Institutional GBA+ Capacity

The Department is committed to improving its evidence base for decision-making by ensuring Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) assessments are conducted using an intersectional analysis that considers sex, gender, and diversity issues in the development of all initiatives, policy, or program proposals, including Memoranda to Cabinet, Federal Budget proposals, and Treasury Board Submissions. The Department also continues to strengthen the application of a GBA+ lens beyond development, during the regulatory process, and throughout policy implementation. Monitoring of GBA+ during these processes will continue to be improved to ensure that differential implications are considered (i.e. acknowledging that identity factors are not compartmentalized and they can intersect to create differential impact, e.g. refugees with trauma, Francophone seniors, etc.).

GBA+ Centre of Expertise (CoE)

The GBA+ Centre of Expertise (CoE) was created in 2020 to build internal capacity and ensure that GBA+ is applied correctly and consistently across the Department. The CoE consists of two full-time employees to assist with all GBA+ initiatives. Over the coming year, the CoE will further integrate GBA+ into departmental decision‑making processes and will continue to provide additional information, guidance, and support on conducting comprehensive GBA+ assessments.

The CoE will continue to be the liaison between DFO and the Department for Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) on all GBA+ process updates, training materials, and matters relating to the GBA+ Action Plan, as well as the WAGE GBA+ Implementation Survey. The CoE will also circulate GBA+ information communicated by WAGE to the rest of the Department to ensure DFO remains informed and is up to date on any developments related to GBA+.

Building on previous accomplishments, the CoE will continue to advance the implementation and monitoring of GBA+ within the Department. The CoE is developing a new GBA+ methodology that emphasizes intersectionality, taking into account the environment in which Canadians live along with their intersecting identity factors to help effectively address their needs and better mitigate any negative impacts of policy decisions. The new methodology will further support DFO’s GBA+ Framework requirement to use an intersectional lens in the development of all initiatives and policy or program proposals.

The CoE will increase the availability of information, demographic statistics, and guidance documents that outline best practices for conducting a GBA+ assessment, which will improve GBA+ awareness and capacity across the Department and will also help ensure that DFO employees have the tools they need to effectively apply GBA+. Finally, building on previously-developed training sessions, the CoE will provide additional training to support GBA+ assessments to better inform future policy development.

Gender Focal Point

At DFO, the Gender Focal Point is the lead analyst in the recently-established CoE, who will continue to support and coordinate GBA+ initiatives and assessments throughout the Department. The Gender Focal Point will focus on raising awareness, enhancing knowledge through sharing best practices, and performing periodic stock takes to ensure GBA+ standards are applied consistently across the Department. In addition, the Focal Point will lead outreach and continue to create connections with diversity and inclusion groups such as the National Network for Diversity and Inclusion.

GBA+ Champion

The GBA+ Champion plays a key leadership role in advancing GBA+ initiatives and will continue to ensure that the differential impacts of people of all genders are considered when policies, programs, and legislation are developed. Supported by the Gender Focal Point and the CoE, the Champion will also help promote GBA+ related initiatives, and bring together a community-of-practice approach to the GBA+ function within DFO.

Highlights of GBA+ Results Reporting Capacity by Program

P01-Fisheries Management

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P02-Aboriginal Programs and Treaties

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P03-Aquaculture Management

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P04-Salmonid Enhancement

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P05-International Engagement

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?

The program supports:

Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?

Yes. There are no initiatives to expand our capacity to report on impacts.

P06-Small Craft Harbours

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P07-Conservation and Protection

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P34-Fish and Seafood Sector (composed of the Atlantic Fisheries Fund [AFF], the British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund [BCSRIF]; and the Quebec Fisheries Fund [QFF])

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?

The fisheries funds (Atlantic Fisheries Fund, British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund, and the Quebec Fisheries Fund) support Economic Participation and Prosperity and Education and Skills Development. The fisheries funds provide opportunities to Canada’s fish and seafood sector with the aim to help it transition to meet the growing demand for seafood globally by increasing its capacity to bring high value, high quality, and sustainable products to markets at home and around the world. While the programs do not have a mandate to target women in the fish and seafood sector specifically, the program is equally available to them if they meet the program eligibility criteria. Industry economics and employment statistics indicate that employment in the fish and seafood sector is skewed towards male participation; however, it can be expected that the fisheries funds will result in higher participation rates by women, due to the nature of organizations funded, and supported by statistics around female representation in management, technical, and professional roles in academia, NGOs, and Indigenous groups.

Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?

No. The Atlantic Fisheries Fund application form has recently been updated and now includes a voluntary self-identification section to allow applicants to identify whether they are Indigenous (or an Indigenous owned company- 51% or more) or identify as a woman (or as a company owned by a woman- 51% or more). In 2021-22 this data will begin to be collected to increase GBA+ reporting capacity. In 2020-21, the British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund (BCSRIF) developed a new reporting template that funding recipients will be required to submit each year. Through this report, BCSRIF aims to collect data related to various ecological and socio‑economic indicators, including participation in projects by various demographic groups, and training/ employment opportunities for Indigenous peoples. This data is due to be submitted in spring 2021, which will enable the program to report on these elements, and evaluate the effectiveness of this data collection exercise. BCSRIF is also in the process of updating its results framework, which includes several outcomes and indicators related to Indigenous participation in the program (either as project leads, partners, or beneficiaries of training/employment opportunities).

Over the coming year, the Quebec Fisheries Fund will discuss with its partner, the government of Quebec, to gather information on this topic.

P08-Aquatic Animal Health

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P09-Biotechnology and Genomics

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P10-Aquaculture Science

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P11-Fisheries Science

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P12-Economics and Statistics

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?

The program supports the Department in its work as it applies to any and all of the pillars. The program collaborates with Statistics Canada and the Canada Revenue Agency to analyze tax filer data. The resulting reference database on income and demographics serves as the Department’s key information source on gender‑related information.

Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?

Yes. This program is internal-facing but collects information to support gender and diversity awareness of other stakeholder-facing programs in the Department.

P13-Fish and Fish Habitat Protection

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P14-Aquatic Invasive Species

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P15-Species at Risk

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P16-Marine Planning and Conservation

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?

The program supports:

These impacts include increased economic participation in monitoring and stewardship activities for women and for Indigenous people. Substantial capacity funding is provided by the program to Indigenous communities for participation in program management activities and to build technical and governance capacity in coastal communities. 

Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?

No. Program data collection is currently insufficient to enable monitoring or reporting on program impacts by GBA+ and most recent GBA+ analyses were undertaken using Census data. Future data collection that could enable better monitoring and reporting on program outcomes is anticipated through the Marine Conservation Targets initiative. Under this initiative, data collection and reporting on outcomes relevant to GBA+ are planned through national monitoring and reporting on the Oceans Act Marine Protected Areas Effectiveness project.

P17-Aquatic Ecosystem Science

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P18-Oceans and Climate Change Science

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P20-Icebreaking Services

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?

Impacts of the Icebreaking Services program can be linked to the Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-being pillar of the GBA+ Framework. Coast Guard icebreakers support Arctic community resupply through on-water delivery, which is several factors less expensive than airlift delivery, where food prices are already three times the national average and at 60%, child poverty rates are the highest in Canada. Food insecurity also disproportionately impacts Inuit women, who have low vitamin intake that in turn affects prenatal development.

Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P21-Aids to Navigation

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P22-Waterways Management

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P23-Marine Communications and Traffic Services

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P24-Shore-based Asset Readiness

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P25-Hydrographic Services, Data and Science

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P26-Search and Rescue

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P27-Environmental Response

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?

Impacts of the Environmental Response program can be linked to the Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-being pillar of the GBA+ Framework. Coast Guard is the lead federal agency for ship-source pollution preparedness and response, which serves to minimize the effects of pollution incidents on marine ecosystems, including fish stocks, as well as the socio-economic impacts on Canadians who work in the fishing industry or rely on fish as their primary source of protein. Fish stock protection efforts also have a gendered impact, as women require more essential omega-3 fatty acids for prenatal development.

Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P28-Maritime Security

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P29- Fleet Operational Capability

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P30-Fleet Maintenance

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?


Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?


P31-Fleet Procurement

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?

The program supports Economic Participation and Prosperity. The ongoing effort to renew the aging Coast Guard fleet is expected to directly impact the Coast Guard crew and Canadians employed in the domestic shipbuilding sector. In the ongoing program of fleet procurement and renewal, the Coast Guard is continuing its long history of implementing equality best practices for crew accommodations. The Agency also works to ensure the physical work environment is not a barrier to equal participation. Coast Guard has also recently established a dedicated engineering team, which will analyze workflow on board for ergonomic and equality principles. The Agency will also identify opportunities to improve internal policies to encourage and celebrate a more diverse workforce that is representative of the Canadians we serve. In addition, the Coast Guard’s partner shipyards support a number of initiatives to increase the participation of women and First Nations people in domestic shipbuilding. Impacts of the Fleet Procurement program can also be linked to the Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-being pillar of the GBA+ Framework. For example, scientific studies supported by Coast Guard vessels are especially pertinent in the Arctic, given the relatively fragile environmental conditions, coupled with a population that is differentially, and more visibly impacted by the changing climate. Similarly, Coast Guard’s ocean science, conservation and management programs serve to protect marine ecosystems, which are economically and socio‑culturally valuable to Canadians.

Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?

No. Fleet Procurement does not directly collect or monitor program impacts by gender and diversity, except for the wide ranging socio-economic impacts outlined in the previous section. However, over time, GBA+ impacts are expected to be monitored through more direct means, such as through the use of new performance metrics, where applicable, for the newer classes of vessels such as the Multi-Purpose Vessels and Icebreakers.

P32-Canadian Coast Guard College

Does this program have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework? If so, which ones?

The program supports the Education and Skills Development pillar.

The CCG College applies GBA+ in its course creation, development, and delivery.

Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA+)? If no, what actions are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity? If yes, are there any notable initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity in the future?

Yes. Data is collected from the Coast Guard Officer Training Program selection process from candidates who self-identify.

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