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Shellfish harvesting and safety

Harvesting areas, closures, safety practices, contamination and illness, reporting and the sanitation program.

On social media

Services and information

Harvesting area openings and closures

Map of harvesting areas, public notices of closures by region, reasons for closures and contact information.

Safe practices

Safety tips for shellfish harvesting, storage, handling and cooking, selling and buying and identification.

Contamination and illnesses

About shellfish poisoning, food safety and allergies, including symptoms and treatments.

Report a shellfish concern

Contact information for reporting shellfish food safety concerns.

Harvesting next to wastewater treatment plants

Information on how we manage and monitor shellfish harvesting areas next to wastewater treatment plants.

Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program

How the federal government protects Canadians from the health risks of eating contaminated shellfish.

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