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Aquatic species

Aquatic species in Canadian waters, including those at risk, invasive, fished or farmed.

Services and information

Browse aquatic species

Aquatic species listed by name or category, including species and habitat descriptions.

Farmed species profiles

Profiles of farmed fish and shellfish, such as salmon, mussels, trout and clams.

Aquatic species at risk

Species recovery information and habitat protection for fish, reptiles, marine mammals and mollusks.

Aquatic invasive species

Regulations, information and collaboration for reducing the spread of aquatic invasive species.

Pacific salmon

Fisheries management, Indigenous programs, salmonid enhancement program, aquaculture, science.

Marine mammals

Species identification, reporting a sighting or incident, marine mammal response.

Seals and sealing

Facts, statistics, regulations, species information.

Shark research

Atlantic and BC shark species, how to report sightings, shark anatomy, shark research lab.

Skates and rays

Rare and common species of skates and rays, and the differences between them.

Sea turtles

Species information, reporting a sighting or incident, safe observation guidelines.


Let's Go for a Swim! Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario, Prairies and Arctic

Print and colour some aquatic species at risk in Ontario, Prairies and Arctic.

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