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Production quantities and values, 2012

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2012 Canadian Aquaculture Production Statistics (tonnes)
  Nfld PEI NS NB Que Ont Man Sask Alta BC CANADA (1)
Salmon .. .. 5,903 30,217 0 0 x x x 79,981 116,101
Trout .. .. 113 142 420 3,700 x x x 88 6,077
Steelhead .. .. 0 0 0 0 x x x 505 505
Other .. .. 264 0 1 21 x x x 139 645
Total Finfish 16,831 0 6,280 30,359 421 3,721 x x x 80,713 140,159
Clams 0 0 406 0 0 0 x x x 2,710 3,116
Oysters 0 2,787 105 1,118 0 0 x x x 6,487 10,497
Mussels 4,397 22,690 1,396 4 271 0 x x x 274 29,033
Scallops 0 0 2 0 15 0 x x x 198 215
Other 0 0 40 0 46 0 x x x 0 86
Total Shellfish 4,397 25,477 1,949 1,122 333 0 x x x 9,669 42,947
Total Aquaculture 21,228 25,477 8,229 31,481 754 3,721 x x x 90,382 183,106
Re-stocking (2)         806           806
Total (incl. re-stocking) (2) 21,228 25,477 8,229 31,481 1,560 3,721 x x x 90,382 183,912

2012 Canadian Aquaculture Production Statistics ($000)
  Nfld PEI NS NB Que Ont Man Sask Alta BC CANADA (1)
Salmon .. .. 40,124 184,966 0 0 x x x 409,143 634,233
Trout .. .. 1,412 1,420 1,951 18,300 x x x 478 31,516
Steelhead .. .. 0 0 0 0 x x x 5,183 5,183
Other .. .. 4,687 0 78 500 x x x 1,197 8,058
Total Finfish 99,286 3,200 46,223 186,386 2,029 18,800 x x x 416,001 781,476
Clams 0 0 1,258 0 0 0 x x x 6,291 7,549
Oysters 0 7,617 1,140 5,220 0 0 x x x 10,251 24,228
Mussels 13,518 30,014 1,876 9 353 0 x x x 855 46,625
Scallops 0 0 13 0 209 0 x x x 1,338 1,560
Other 0 0 1,525 0 70 0 x x x 0 1,595
Total Shellfish 13,518 37,631 5,812 5,229 631 0 x x x 18,735 81,557
Total Aquaculture 112,804 40,831 52,035 191,615 2,661 18,800 x x x 434,736 863,033
Re-stocking (2)         8,584           8,584
Total (incl. re-stocking) (2) 112,804 40,831 52,035 191,615 11,245 18,800 x x x 434,736 871,617

(1) Provinces with data not available are not included in the Canada totals.
(2) Sales to outfitters: operations offering lodging and services for hunting, fishing and trapping.
Note(s): The production and value of aquaculture includes the amount and value produced on sites and excludes hatcheries or processing. Shellfish also includes some wild production.
The data are collected from each of the provincial departments responsible for aquaculture.
Source: Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 23-222-X

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