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BY PROVINCE (thousand dollars)
Species Nova Scotia New Brunswick PEI Quebec NFL Atlantic Total British Columbia (6) Total Canada
Cod 18,498 1,167 316 1,957 36,853 58,792 1,510 60,302
Haddock 20,325 172 0 0 231 20,728 0 20,728
Redfish spp. 9,270 0 0 150 6,909 16,329 26,181 42,510
Halibut 6,063 142 5 916 1,589 8,715 31,605 40,320
Flatfishes 9,638 228 447 379 4,859 15,552 4,471 20,022
Greenland turbot 3,956 29 0 5,351 13,722 23,058 809 23,867
Pollock 12,270 468 0 0 354 13,092 358 13,450
Hake 15,254 36 45 13 297 15,645 12,909 28,554
Cusk 1,623 0 0 0 0 1,623 0 1,623
Catfish 146 0 0 1 57 204 0 204
Skate 245 0 0 2 652 900 140 1,040
Dogfish 255 18 17 18 2 310 1,396 1,707
Other 975 20 5 5 624 1,629 32,073 33,702
Total 98,518 2,282 836 8,793 66,148 176,577 111,452 288,029
Pelagic & other finfish
Herring 10,762 11,152 2,894 1,071 3,626 29,505 30,377 59,883
Mackerel 2,069 890 4,016 2,062 683 9,720 55 9,775
Swordfish 6,949 0 0 0 529 7,478 0 7,478
Tuna 10,735 0 390 0 386 11,511 5,192 16,703
Alewife 584 757 34 0 0 1,374 0 1,374
Eel 718 470 115 702 417 2,421 0 2,421
Salmon 0 0 0 29 0 29 54,639 54,668
Smelt 76 835 402 112 5 1,430 1 1,430
Capelin 5 77 0 30 9,485 9,597 0 9,597
Other 2,132 14 123 391 214 2,873 165 3,039
Total 34,031 14,194 7,973 4,396 15,345 75,939 90,430 166,369
Clams/quahaug 8,637 2,746 3,441 1,240 13,215 29,278 32,789 62,067
Oyster (1) 451 1,348 5,253 0 0 7,052 0 7,052
Scallop (2) 69,208 7,291 3,278 4,945 11,288 96,009 297 96,306
Squid 1,233 0 0 0 267 1,500 43 1,543
Mussel (3) 0 68 0 133 0 201 0 201
Lobster 236,347 75,196 82,560 29,491 19,162 442,756 0 442,756
Shrimp 72,479 6,986 0 23,814 170,181 273,459 26,646 300,105
Crab, Queen 15,652 26,515 2,415 28,647 102,204 175,434 0 175,434
Crab, Other 2,313 1,229 1,773 726 234 6,274 21,380 27,654
Sea urchin 2,261 3,798 60 9 1,163 7,291 10,392 17,683
Other 147 236 0 598 136 1,117 2,238 3,354
Total 408,727 125,411 98,780 89,601 317,850 1,040,370 93,785 1,134,154
Seafish/Shellfish 541,276 141,887 107,589 102,790 399,342 1,292,885 295,666 1,588,551
Marine plants 916 732 1,041 0 0 2,689 0 2,689
Lumpfish roe 0 0 0 41 3,392 3,432 0 3,432
Miscellaneous (4) 322 0 0 225 6,740 7,287 9,633 16,920
Total 1,238 732 1,041 266 10,131 13,408 9,633 23,041
GRAND TOTAL (5) 542,514 142,619 108,630 103,056 409,474 1,306,293 305,299 1,611,592

(1) Oyster: Atlantic includes wild and farmed data.
(2) Scallop includes meat with roe.
(3) PEI mussels are now classified under "aquaculture" because they are a farmed product.
(4) Miscellaneous value includes seal value.
(5) Totals may not add up due to rounding.
(6) Includes sales of hake valued at $4.38 million to foreign vesels under joint venture arrangement.
Includes tuna valued at $4.9M caught in international waters by Canadian fishermen and landed in Canada.
Source: Statistics, DFO-Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E6

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