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(thousand dollars)
Species Nova Scotia New Brunswick PEI Quebec NFL Atlantic Total British Columbia Total Canada
Cod 14,072 518 96 309 18,545 33,540 1,093 34,634
Haddock 28,121 48 0 0 203 28,373 0 28,373
Redfish spp. 4,318 1 0 235 4,232 8,786 25,094 33,880
Halibut 10,048 244 26 644 3,590 14,551 48,406 62,958
Flatfishes 6,306 35 516 482 12,249 19,589 7,783 27,372
Greenland turbot 2,196 83 0 5,095 29,332 36,706 0 36,706
Pollock 6,545 85 0 1 161 6,792 2,151 8,943
Hake 9,646 48 3 10 774 10,481 16,405 26,886
Cusk 1,044 0 0 0 1 1,045 0 1,045
Catfish 76 0 0 0 32 109 0 109
Skate 82 0 0 3 664 749 2,108 2,856
Dogfish 436 0 0 13 0 449 1,766 2,215
Other 2,596 7 1 3 4,330 6,938 29,581 36,519
Total 85,487 1,070 642 6,795 74,114 168,109 134,387 302,496
Pelagic & other finfish
Herring 17,712 15,618 4,166 1,734 3,786 43,017 36,455 79,472
Mackerel 3,322 1,056 2,102 1,928 6,901 15,310 1 15,310
Swordfish 11,358 0 0 0 359 11,717 0 11,717
Tuna 10,697 0 2,713 0 1,101 14,511 5,919 20,431
Alewife 798 691 63 0 0 1,552 0 1,552
Eel 474 703 269 365 269 2,079 0 2,079
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 48,875 48,875
Smelt 56 905 256 111 6 1,334 0 1,334
Capelin 0 0 0 11 3,663 3,674 0 3,674
Other 375 22 404 215 46 1,061 237 1,299
Total 44,792 18,995 9,974 4,364 16,130 94,256 91,487 185,743
Clams/quahaug 9,600 2,172 4,100 2,899 30,223 48,993 36,883 85,877
Oyster (1) 124 884 7,443 0 0 8,451 0 8,451
Scallop (2) 122,256 4,242 566 1,927 1,782 130,773 229 131,001
Squid 54 0 0 0 559 613 0 613
Mussel (3) 60 196 0 108 0 364 0 364
Lobster 394,480 88,466 109,392 46,910 25,871 665,119 0 665,119
Shrimp 68,921 6,253 0 23,580 142,003 240,757 34,515 275,271
Crab, Queen 114,173 46,301 10,329 79,387 263,583 513,773 0 513,773
Crab, Other 2,702 2,082 1,416 1,377 1,138 8,714 38,396 47,110
Sea urchin 1,028 4,072 0 264 1,552 6,916 7,505 14,420
Other 1,486 213 3 1,987 4,821 8,511 3,120 11,631
Total 714,884 154,880 133,250 158,438 471,532 1,632,983 120,647 1,753,631
Seafish/Shellfish 845,163 174,945 143,866 169,598 561,777 1,895,348 346,522 2,241,870
Marine plants 1,358 960 2,741 0 0 5,060 0 5,060
Lumpfish roe 0 0 0 128 3,289 3,418 0 3,418
Miscellaneous (4) 631 0 0 13 16,421 17,065 11,540 28,605
Total 1,989 960 2,741 141 19,710 25,542 11,540 37,082
GRAND TOTAL (5) 847,152 175,905 146,607 169,739 581,487 1,920,890 358,062 2,278,953

(1) Oyster: Atlantic includes wild and farmed data.
(2) Scallop includes meat with roe.
(3) PEI mussels are now classified under "aquaculture" because they are a farmed product.
(4) Miscellaneous value includes seal value.
(5) Totals may not add up due to rounding.
Source: Statistics, DFO-Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E6

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