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Seafisheries landed quantity by province, 2019


2019 Atlantic & Pacific coasts commercial landings by province
(metric tonnes, live weight)
Species Nova Scotia New Brunswick P.E.I. Quebec N.L. Atlantic Total British Columbia Total Canada
Cod 1,066 4 7 325 14,460 15,861 492 16,353
Haddock 19,088 x 0 x 243 19,331 0 19,331
Redfish spp. 8,662 x 0 x 5,875 14,966 15,572 30,538
Halibut 3,925 137 67 779 990 5,898 3,163 9,061
Flatfishes 708 x x 437 12,702 13,854 9,555 23,409
Greenland turbot x x 0 1,332 10,397 11,755 0 11,755
Pollock 2,855 x 0 x 122 2,977 6,249 9,226
Hake 5,291 1 0 13 250 5,555 99,685 105,240
Cusk 100 x 0 0 x 100 0 100
Catfish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Skate x 0 0 x 909 962 323 1,285
Dogfish 36 x 0 0 x 37 182 219
Other 610 x x 25 45 681 3,502 4,183
Total groundfish 42,417 271 74 3,223 45,993 91,977 138,723 230,700
Pelagic & other finfish
Herring 39,960 25,388 2,407 3,829 22,317 93,902 18,903 112,805
Mackeral 1,050 435 1,576 859 4,814 8,734 0 8,734
Swordfish 996 0 0 0 0 996 0 996
Tuna 730 5 211 24 29 998 2,402 3,400
Alewife 593 1,216 41 0 0 1,850 0 1,850
Eel x 28 51 x 22 148 0 148
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,764 4,764
Smelt x 193 4 x 0 198 0 198
Silversides 0 0 159 0 0 159 0 159
Shark 54 x 0 x x 55 0 55
Capelin 0 x 0 x 28,002 28,944 0 28,944
Other 30 3 0 x x 97 0 97
Total pelagics 43,421 27,749 4,449 5,264 55,199 136,082 26,069 162,151
Clams / quahaug 28,354 x 464 1,069 x 50,188 1,730 51,918
Oystertable note 1 36 35 748 0 0 818 0 818
Scallop table note 2 59,946 4,275 287 619 1,039 66,166 x x
Squid x 0 0 x 2,662 2,748 0 2,748
Musseltable note 3 0 0 0 x 0 x 0 x
Lobster 51,555 21,734 18,980 9,990 4,601 106,861 0 106,861
Shrimp 20,943 3,301 0 8,446 42,691 75,381 2,915 78,296
Crab, Queen 14,271 12,578 3,510 14,654 26,895 71,906 0 71,906
Crab, Other 851 791 1,205 1,026 285 4,158 8,325 12,483
Whelks x 0 0 984 x 2,260 0 2,260
Cockles x 0 0 0 x x 0 x
Sea cucumbers x x 0 1,058 6,619 10,403 1,691 12,095
Sea urchin x 626 0 596 x 1,704 3,169 4,873
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x
Total shellfish 179,240 44,418 25,193 38,448 109,096 396,395 17,956 414,351
Subtotal 265,078 72,437 29,715 46,935 210,288 624,454 182,749 807,203
Marine plants x x 0 0 0 x 0 x
Lumpfish roe 0 0 0 x 56 x 0 x
Miscellaneous x 0 0 x 2,283 2,284 0 2,284
Total other 134 12,521 0 6 2,339 14,999 0 14,999
Grand total table note 4 265,212 84,958 29,715 46,941 212,627 639,453 182,749 822,202

Table Notes

Suppressed to meet confidentiality requirements

Return to table note    x referrer

Table note 1

Oyster: Atlantic includes wild and farmed data.

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Table note 2

Scallop includes meat with roe.

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Table note 3

PEI mussels are now classified under "aquaculture" because they are a farmed product.

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Table note 4

Totals may not add up due to rounding.

Return to table note 4 referrer

Source: Department of Fisheries and Oceans (2022). Zonal Interchange File [database]. Ottawa


2019 Atlantic & Pacific coasts commercial landings by province
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