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Seafisheries landed value by province, 2023

2023 Value of Atlantic & Pacific coast commercial landings, by province
(thousand dollars)
Species NS NB PE QC NL Atlantic Total BC Total Canada
Cod 3,134 x x 496 24,273 27,908 915 28,823
Haddock 18,217 - - 0 121 18,338 - 18,338
Redfish spp. 10,286 x - x 5,538 16,286 24,904 41,189
Halibut 72,035 1,970 1,428 12,003 10,310 97,746 53,647 151,393
Flatfishes 1,419 x - 33 x 7,117 4,287 11,404
Greenland turbot 56 x - x 41,480 42,313 - 42,313
Pollock 5,314 - - 0 33 5,347 2,596 7,943
Hake 6,543 - x 6 x 6,681 24,724 31,405
Skate 163 - - x x 170 355 525
Other groundfishFootnote 1 2,528 10 - 10 54 2,602 36,091 38,693
Total groundfish 119,694 2,017 1,431 13,764 87,601 224,508 147,519 372,026
Pelagic & other finfish
Herring 10,243 4,391 1,755 763 8,576 25,727 5,130 30,858
Mackerel 122 x x 1 - 125 61 186
Swordfish 11,064 - - - 6,425 17,489 - 17,489
Tuna 12,460 88 3,268 419 894 17,130 5,546 22,675
Alewife 2,888 2,984 118 - - 5,990 - 5,990
Eel x 612 711 x 333 2,434 - 2,434
Elvers Footnote 2 x x - - - 20,241 - 20,241
Salmon - - - - - - 23,386 23,386
Smelt x 80 96 x - 178 - 178
Silversides - - 300 - - 300 - 300
Shark x - - x 0 1 - 1
Capelin - - - 28 4,829 4,858 - 4,858
Other pelagic/finfish 40 41 x x 84 377 123 500
Total pelagics 56,963 8,311 6,250 2,186 21,142 94,852 34,246 129,098
Clams / quahaug 26,435 x 808 1,447 x 86,088 66,524 152,612
Oyster Footnote 3 179 197 960 - - 1,336 208 1,544
Scallop Footnote 4 173,394 14,872 38 3,453 3,183 194,940 70 195,010
Squid 6 - - - 193 199 - 199
Lobster 821,262 289,999 289,818 242,135 120,857 1,764,071 - 1,764,071
Shrimp 68,611 2,561 - 14,862 152,931 238,965 73,310 312,275
Crab, Queen 77,335 68,314 23,933 77,845 253,048 500,474 - 500,474
Crab, Other 1,179 1,070 1,595 1,913 0 5,757 113,539 119,296
Sea cucumber x x - x 9,729 14,267 8,522 22,789
Sea urchin - 1,147 - 4,660 684 6,490 7,956 14,446
Other shellfish Footnote 5 x - - x 9,952 12,976 611 13,586
Total shellfish 1,171,793 379,995 317,152 350,049 606,575 2,825,563 270,739 3,096,302
Subtotal 1,348,450 390,323 324,833 365,999 715,318 3,144,922 452,504 3,597,426
Marine plants x x - x x 693 - 693
Lumpfish roe - - - 5 195 200 - 200
Miscellaneous Footnote 6 x x - x x 9,322 - 9,322
Total other 6 686 0 7 9,515 10,215 0 10,215
Grand total Footnote 7 1,348,456 391,009 324,833 366,006 724,833 3,155,137 452,504 3,607,641

Source: Department of Fisheries and Oceans (2024). Zonal Interchange File [database]. Ottawa


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