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Employment by sector and year

Marine economy total employment by sector and yeartable note 1 (# of jobs)
Marine sector 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023table notep
Private sector 298,819 196,832 270,930 344,945 360,660
Seafood 66,315 54,364 73,763 69,134 66,730
Commercial fishing 25,350 20,759 33,303 29,769 29,617
Aquaculture 11,017 8,759 10,589 10,927 9,978
Fish processing 29,948 24,845 29,871 28,438 27,135
Offshore oil & gas 15,000 13,135 20,130 21,642 15,834
Transportation 65,838 58,378 65,536 79,423 85,445
Marine transportation 27,212 24,097 27,039 30,020 32,330
Support activities for marine transportation 38,626 34,282 38,498 49,403 53,115
Tourism & recreation 122,641 43,329 82,450 142,257 158,102
Manufacturing & construction 29,025 27,626 29,051 32,489 34,550
Ship and boat building 20,397 16,433 17,775 21,817 21,840
Ports and harbours construction 8,629 11,193 11,276 10,672 12,710
Public sector 64,126 65,050 63,937 74,315 85,093
National Defence 31,342 34,576 33,924 39,945 44,381
Fisheries & Oceans 20,179 18,147 18,099 21,461 24,922
Other federal departments 5,122 5,144 5,688 6,702 9,193
Provincial / Territorial departments 2,655 2,045 1,913 2,496 2,667
Universities and ENGOs 4,828 5,137 4,312 3,711 3,931
Total marine economy 362,945 261,882 334,867 419,259 445,753
Total economy table note 2 19,121,200 18,043,800 18,942,300 19,693,000 20,170,900

Table Notes

Table note p

p: preliminary. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada calculations, based on Statistic Canada's input-output model and custom data tabulations. See the Methodology section for more information.

Return to table note p referrer

Table note 1

Includes direct, indirect, and induced economic impacts attributable to the directly impacted marine sector.

Return to table note 1 referrer

Table note 2

Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0023-01 Labour force characteristics by industry, annual (x1000).

Return to table note 2 referrer

All data is subject to revisions by statistical sources. In some instances, more than one source may be available and discrepancies in numbers may occur because of conceptual or methodological differences. In addition, some numbers may not add up precisely due to rounding.


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