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The 2005 Survey of Recreational Fishing in Canada collected information about recreational fishing activities to assess the economic and social importance of recreational fisheries to Canada's provinces and territories. This nationally-coordinated study provides the most comprehensive information on recreational fisheries activities and harvests in all regions of the country.  It is also the most up-to-date source of detailed statistics on the economic contribution made by anglers at both provincial/territorial and national levels.


The cooperation of survey respondents was critical to the successful completion of this project and is gratefully acknowledged.

This report was prepared by Rowena Orok and Neville Johnson, Statistical Services under the supervision of Robert Elliott, Director, Economic Analysis and Statistics, Policy Sector.

The survey was a coordinated initiative between Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the provincial and territorial fisheries licensing agencies. Key operational activities including survey sampling, data collection, editing and estimation were managed by Kieth Brickley, consulting statistician, under the direction of Sue Rocque, Resource Management-National, Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Sector.

The cooperation of the following survey coordinators and technical support staff is also gratefully acknowledged:

Provinces and territories:

Jonathan Sharpe (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Rosanne MacFarlane (Prince Edward Island)
Al McNeill (Nova Scotia)
Mary Sabine (New Brunswick)
Peter Cronin (New Brunswick)
Pierre Bouchard (Quebec)
Helen Ball (Ontario)
George Duckworth (Ontario)
Rob Cann (Manitoba)
Tanya Johnston (Saskatchewan)
David Park (Alberta)
Andrew Wilson (British Columbia)
Bob Wilson (British Columbia)
Susan Thompson (Yukon)
Richard Zieba (Northwest Territories)
Wayne Lynch (Nunavut)
Nicole Hynes (Nunavut)

Fisheries and Oceans Canada:

Laurie Biagini (Pacific Region)
Lia Bijsterveld (Pacific Region)
Lewis Sonsini (Statistical Services, Ottawa)
Michelle Fougère (Statistical Services, Ottawa)
Yves Gagnon (Statistical Services, Ottawa)
Jennifer Mousseau (Statistical Services, Ottawa)


The following symbols are used in this report:

nil or zero
. .
figures not available
figures not applicable


metric tons
not surveyed
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Date modified: