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Coastal Environmental Baseline Program - Personal side

The Coastal Environmental Baseline Program (CEBP) was established in 2017 as one of the initiatives under the Protecting the Marine Environment pillar of the Government of Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan. This Program contributes to coastal and waterway protection by providing funding for scientific activities that help us learn more about Canada’s coastal ecosystems.


The people behind The Coastal Environmental Baseline Program

Claire Goodwin

I'm driven really by the sense of discovery every time I go out into the marine environment. We discover something new. For me, it's the excitement of never knowing really what you're going to find.

Emily Cumming

I grew up collecting, you know, beachcombing, collecting wildflowers and pebbles. And what I do now is essentially a slightly more grown up version of that.

Ethan Augustine

When I'm not working. I like to spend a lot of time outdoors. So that's part of what drew me to this work. It's a passion of mine. I love it. I love hunting and fishing. Makes me feel alive.

Fatma Dhifallah

I’ve gone beyond my abilities. I’ve done things I never thought I could. I’ve been to places I never thought I’d go. I’d love to do more in the future.

Rylan Command

I grew up in Victoria, on the west coast of Canada. I spent so much of my life tromping around in the tide pool and picking up little crabs and turning over to seaweed and stuff like that. So I've always felt really connected to the ocean and getting a chance to be involved in projects on the East Coast now it's a totally different environment and it's been really inspiring and a lot of fun to be involved with that.

Amanda Quiros

I’d say I’m attached to the environment. One of my priorities is to make sure the actions we put in place are done to conserve and protect our resources and ecosystems.

Valerie Desrochers 

It was nice to work on this over the past four years, to expand our knowledge, and my expertise to better understand these environments. So it was very pleasant and rewarding.

Yanick Gendreau

It allowed us to meet amazing people, and really meet them from a human point of view, which was wonderful.
Chris Lewis

I worked with the department for 14 years and I would say probably the last five years has been some of the most rewarding experiences and work I've done on behalf of the department.

Bethany Reinhart 

I think a lot of people, when they're kids, want to be a marine biologist and I sort of wound up in this spot without really knowing how it happened. And it is sort of a pinch me experience. I have a great time being a biologist.

Amy Migneault

You know, I have the best job in the world. I got to go on a boat and hang out with whales. It's it's amazing. So it's really important to continue doing this work, seeing the collaboration, all the organizations doing the great work that they do. It's been really inspiring to me as a researcher.

On screen text:

Thanks to all those involved in The Coastal Environmental Baseline Program.

We are grateful to have filmed all of the interviews in this production on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg people.

Special thanks to
Arctic UAV
Comité ZIP de la Rive Nord de l'Estuaire
for the use and provision of video/photographic imagery.

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