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Reporting lost gear – Creating an account


Hello, I'm Elise Davis from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and I'll walk you through how to use the lost gear reporting system in the following videos.

[Video shows the mouse moving to the user registration section online form.]

For new users, you can use the information here on the right-hand side to register for a new account.

[Video shows the registration form being filled out. There are 4 input fields for first name, last name, phone number and email address. The email is a mandatory field and contains a privacy statement outlining what the email will be used for.]

You will enter your first name [Video shows presenter filling in the first name field as an example]

and your last name [Video shows presenter filling in the last name field as an example]

and your phone number [Video shows presenter filling in the phone number field as an example]

You will also enter your email and this email will be used to log in to the account.

[Video shows presenter filling in the email address field as an example]

Next is your password, and enter any password you wish to use. [Video shows presenter filling in the Password field as an example]

You will have to confirm your password, [Video shows presenter filling in the confirm password field as an example]

and I just want to show that if the password does not match, a message here will appear

[Video shows presenter moving mouse over “Password match: no”]

saying “Password match: no.” So you know that you have to re-enter it

[Video shows presenter filling in the confirm password field as an example]

and make sure that they match before proceeding. Now I have a yes, verify all the information is correct, and then I can proceed to create an account.

For the purpose of this example, I've already entered my information and my password, and I will be using this to enter the system to proceed with the demonstration.

[Video shows presenter selecting the “Log in” button]

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