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Reporting lost gear – Your information


Let's talk about what we see on this page, Which is “your account” page that you'll see when you log into your account.

On the right-hand side, you will find links that will bring the user to view lost-gear submissions that have been previously completed, and the option to report they have found their gear. On the left-hand side here,

[Video shows presenter mouse on left side under Manage My Profile]

under “manage my profile,” you can click under “manage my account,” and here you'll be able to change your name, your last name, your phone number, your email, and your password.

Now, when you're ready to report your gear as lost, you can click on this arrow here

[Video shows presenter selecting a dropdown field to select a profile]

under select a profile you want to use for the report.

When you click here, you can see that there's a new blank report, [Video shows presenter hovering over “New Blank Report”]

which is what we'll be clicking in a few short seconds. But you also see here profile one, “Gulf-Lobster.”

[Video shows presenter hovering over Profile 1 Gulf -Lobster]

This essentially saves the profile from the last report that you've submitted. And I'll go over this when we've completed this first example.

But for now, let's just click on “New Blank Report.”

[Video shows presenter selecting new blank report]

Now the Fishing Gear Reporting System is essentially four pages. The first being your information, which is this page that we see here.

The second, “where did you lose your gear?” [Video shows presenter mouse hovering over “Where did you lose your gear?”]

The third, “What gear did you lose?” [Video shows presenter mouse hovering over “What gear did you lose?”]

And the fourth page [Video shows presenter mouse hovering over review your report while explaining the purpose of the tab]

is an opportunity to review all the information that you've submitted in pages one through three.

Now under your information, I just like to read the note here:

[Video shows presenter mouse hovering over important information]

“Once you submit your first loss gear report, the information captured here will create your profile and will be automatically populated during your next reports” because what we saw under my account page was your profile essentially when you enter the information here

[Video shows the presenters mouse making a circular pattern]

this will be saved under the profile so you won't have to enter this information every time you have a report to submit, so that will save you some time.

Now if we start here,

[Video shows presenter filling in the First name filed]

we'll enter your first name, [Video Shows presenter tabbed to Last name]

your last name, [Video shows presenter has tabbed to region and moved mouse to region as well]

we can select the region. [Video shows presenter mouse scrolling down the fillable fields on the right hand side of the screen]

I want you to look at the number requirements that will pop up under the VRN, the FIN, and the license number when I select a different region. [Video shows presenter selecting the “region” dropdown field]

So when I select Gulf, [Video shows presenter selecting Gulf]

there's requirements that will pop up [Video shows presenter mouse moving back and fourth on text which reads the following “Enter between 3 to 6 digits Vessel Registration Number’]

for the VRN, the FIN and the license number.

When I select Pacific, [Video shows the presenter selecting the Pacific region to demonstrate how the requirements for the fields have changed]

those requirements change, so they are specific to each region. [Video shows presenter selecting the region dropdown field]

For the purpose of this example, [Video shows the presenter selecting the Gulf region]

I will just pick the region of Gulf, and I will enter numbers at random

[Video shows the presenter filling out the Vessel Registration Number field]

that meet the requirements.

[Video shows the presenter filling out the Fisher Identification Number]

Now the red stars that we see here next to the field names,

[Video shows presenter mouse hovering over a red asterisk]

those indicate that the field is mandatory.

[Video shows presenter moving the mouse to the next button found at the bottom right of the page]

So if I were to try to continue to the next page

[Video shows presenter moving toward the licence number filed before returning back to the “next” button]

without entering my license number,

[Video shows what happens when a user selects the next button without completing all fields]

I would get this error.

[Video shows the presenter hovering over error]

Essentially it's saying that you cannot proceed to the next page until you fill out this field. I will just enter a number here. [Video shows presenter completing the licence number field]

And in the event that your license number is five digits, it's most likely that there's a zero that is in full to meet the requirement of six digits for the Gulf region, for example.

So all the information is entered, I can submit next.

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