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Reporting lost gear – What gear did you lose?


Now on page three: “What gear did you lose?” The first question that it will ask you is the target species of the gear.

[Presenter clicks on the drop down list labeled “Target Species of Gear”]

You can use this search bar.

[Presenter types an example in the search bar]

So when you start entering letters, it will give you the options that correspond to those letters. So for this example here, if I put "SNO,” snow crab will appear so I can either select snow crab, or go backspace,

[Presenter deletes the three letters they just typed into the drop down box]

or just use the scroll down on the right side

[Presenter scrolls down the drop down menu to view the options in alphabetical order]

and view all of the options here. And just note that these are in alphabetical order. So I'll just click on lobster for this example.

[Presenter selects “Lobster” from the drop down menu]

And at this moment in time, there is a message that will appear saying that your submission has been saved

[Presenter scrolls up the tab to display the message at the top stating that “the submission has been saved”]

and you may return to this form later and it will restore the current values. In the event that you are either disconnected or not able to fill it out and complete the information for this report before submitting, the next time that you log into your account it will bring you directly to this page and will save all the information that you've entered in pages one and two, so you don't have to complete those again.

So it will bring you back essentially right here.

[Presenter scrolls down the tab to display the two drop down lists]

Now next is the fishing management area that you have to select.

[Presenter scrolls down list of “Fishery Management Area” options and clicks on “LFA 25”]

Now based on my region and my coordinates I was in LFA 25, so the gear was lost in LFA 25. When those two fields are completed,

[Presenter scrolls down to the tab to the second box that appears beneath the two drop down lists]

a box like this will appear, or essentially provides you the opportunity to describe your lost gear.

In the dropdown here,

[Presenter selects the drop down list labeled “Gear” and hovers their mouse over each type of gear]

you'll see that you have the option to select Trap, which is for a lobster, a pot, which is the snow crab pot, and then a rope and a buoy. If you lost a trap or a pot and it included a rope and or a buoy, you don't have to select rope and buoy as separate items since if you select trap like we will do here,

[Presenter selects “trap” from the drop down list of gear options]

you have the option to add additional lost gear for your buoy and your rope.

So you don't have to have four different pages or three different pages for your trap, your buoy and your rope. If you select trap, or pot, you'll be able to add your buoy and your rope in that same page here.

So we've entered trap. Now here you have the opportunity to write a description of the trap if you wish.

[Presenter clicks on the box below the drop down list for “Gear”]

And the next thing we will ask you to do is enter your tag numbers. So if you know the tag numbers of the gear that you've lost, you would enter it here.

[Presenter selects the box designated to “Tag Number(s)” and selects “Add range”]

Now you can either add a range if there are several pieces of gear that were lost.

[Presenter proceeds to fill in the blank boxes, including a “prefix” and boxes containing “From” and “To”]

You can add the prefix that usually does come before your tag numbers. And then let's say that you lost your gear that's 1000 to 1005.

[Presenter begins to insert numbers into the “from” and “to” boxes and selects “Add range”]

If I click on add range, it will auto populate all the gear numbers from 1000 to 1005.

[Presenter hovers their mouse over the numbers that have auto populated on screen]

So that was six units in total. This is one option that you can do, but again, this gear has to be in a specific sequence and you have to know that you lost all these six pieces of gear at that one coordinate. So in the case that you do know your tag numbers, you can enter them manually here

[Presenter begins manually typing tag numbers into the text box]

if they're not in a sequence. And every time you push the space bar, it will auto populate the number of units of gear lost.

Now you can enter all your tag numbers here, and you can rest assure that the number of units of gear loss will auto populate to have the exact number.

[Presenter begins to delete the auto populated tag numbers]

In the event that you don't know the tag numbers, this field becomes mandatory.

[Presenter begins to click on the text box for the number of units of gear lost]

So the number of units of gear lost, you have to enter something. So if you know that you've lost, one trap, it's perfect. It already appears as one. If you lost more than one, you can either use the arrows here

[Presenter begins to increase the number of gear by clicking the arrows on the right hand side of the page]

to go up and down, or you can enter it yourself just using your numbers on your keyboard.

[Presenter begins to manually type in the number of gear instead of using the arrow]

So let's say seven. With this example, let's just say that we lost two, but I will enter the tag numbers.

[Presenter begins to manually type in the tag numbers]

There, auto populate to two. Next information that you can enter is the tag color.

[Presenter begins to click on a drop down list of “Tag color” options]

So if you know the tag color, it was this year, the lobster, it was green.

[Presenter selects “Green” from the drop down list of colors]

If you have the tag supplier number, I'll just put a random number,

[Presenter begins to type a random number in the “Tag Supplier Number” field]

a 12 and a tag year, that was for 2023.

[Presenter selects a random year from the “Tag Year” field]

In the event that you lost your rope, and buoy,

[Presenter selects the box for “Lost Buoys”]

if you lost your buoy and you click on I also lost a buoy, this will appear. So the number of buoys that you lost,

[Presenter enters a random number of buoys lost into the “Lost Buoy” field, using the arrows located on the right hand side of the field box]

enter the number you lost and again use the arrows to either go up and down. If you have a buoy number, same thing as the tag numbers,

[Presenter selects the option to enter “From” and “To” range in order to auto populate a “Buoy Number”]

you can add a range, you can add your prefix and your from and to and it will auto populate the buoy numbers or you can just say note that the tag numbers that were on my buoy were this

[Presenter inserts the tag numbers manually into the Buoy Number field, then deletes them shortly after]

but I will just put them manually here.

[Presenter manually inserts the “Number of buoys lost” into the designated field]

And buoy description you can put a color for example here you say high flyer standard color etc. you can put any description that you wish to include and last is I also lost rope

[Presenter selects the box for “I also lost rope” and enters the length of the rope, in feet, in the field below]

So you can say that you lost some rope.

Now this is one piece of gear, including your buoy and your rope. If you lost another piece of gear, you can click here.

[Presenter selects the option at the bottom of the page that allows the user to add another piece of lost gear]

And another page to describe your lost gear will appear.

[Presenter scrolls to the second tab and selects an item from the “Lost gear” drop down list]

So if you lost a buoy that was not associated, for example, to the trap that you entered above, you can enter that information.

[Presenter scrolls up to the second tab]

In case you clicked on this accidentally,

you can just click on the "Remove"

[Presenter clicks on “Remove” icon in the top right hand side of the second tab]

and it will remove. So you just keep that one page of your gear description.

[Presenter scrolls to the third tab]

Once you're satisfied with this information, under "Suspected Reason for Loss," you can use the arrow here to click and see the option.

[Presenter clicks on the drop down list]

We have Equipment Failure, Gear Conflict, Ice, Snag, Suspected Theft, Weather, and Unknown.

[Presenter selects an option for “Suspected Reason for Loss”]

Let's just click one and click Review.

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