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Reporting lost gear – Review and submit your report


Please review your submission. Your submission is not complete until you press the submit button. So you will see this message appear, confirming that the information has not yet been submitted until you review, and you actually click on the submit button below. So let's review the information that we've entered on pages one through three.

[Presenter scrolls to the fourth tab of page to review the information before pressing “Submit”]

Essentially, page four review report provides you the opportunity to make sure the information you've entered is correct.

So your information, I had Jane Doe, Gulf region. I had my VRN, my FIN, and my license number. Those are all correct. If they weren't correct,

[Presenter highlights the “Fisher Identification Number” with their mouse]

you cannot change the information on the review your report page, you would have to click Edit.

[Presenter hovers their mouse over “Edit”]

By clicking Edit, it will bring you back to the page one of your information. You can make the changes and then proceed back to page two and page three before going back to page four to review the rest of the information.

[Presenter scrolls down the tab to “Where Did You Lose Your Gear?”]

Where did you lose your gear? The map that shows the coordinates that you've entered is available, but if you can see, I cannot move the pin. So again, you can't change any information that has been previously entered.

This is just the summary of the information that has been entered. But if you do need to change anything, you can just click on edit and it will bring you back to that page where you can make the changes. Next is what gear did you lose?

[Presenter scrolls down to the section on “What Gear Did You Lose?”

So again, take takes the information that we entered on page three, just shows it in another format and allows us to review it before we submit. And again, edit button is available if changes are to be made.

[Presenter hovers their mouse over the “Edit” button]

If I'm satisfied with this information, I click on submit report that's on the bottom right-hand side.

[Presenter selects the “Submit” button”]

When your report has been submitted, you will see this page. So you'll see a confirmation number for your personal records if you wish to keep it.

But essentially, you... see a submission page that clearly indicates your submission of last year has been received by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Please take note of your submission number, but I will show you under your My Account page you can see reports that you've previously completed and submitted.

So you can keep this number on hand if you wish, but it will also be under your account. If you have any questions, if you experience any issues while using the system. system, you can always send us an email, either with questions, concerns, or maybe comments on how we can improve the system. So the email is

You can print your submission with the confirmation of your submission by clicking on this button.

[Presenter hovers mouse over the “Print” button]

You can go back to your account or you can click on report another piece of lost gear.

[Presenter hovers mouse over “Report Another Lost Gear”]

If you click on report another lost gear, I'll just click here and show you where it brings us. It brings us on page one.

[Page switches to tab number one of “Your Information”]

Now remember when I said when you submit one report, that information is saved in your profile. So if you click on report another piece of lost gear, you would have to re-enter this information on page one. But if I go under home

[Presenter clicks the “Home” button on the top left hand side of the tab]

and we return to your account page, we select here under report lost gear, select a profile.

[Presenter selects “Profile 1” on the drop down menu]

If I select this profile, Gulf Lobster,

[Presenter selects a pre-existing profile]

you see the information that previously entered is saved. So that means that the user next time they have a piece of gear to report as lost, they don't have to enter this information. Again, it's already saved. saved and you can just proceed to page 2 right away.

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