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Saving app for offline reporting – Android users


This video will provide instructions on how to use the Fishing Gear Reporting System while offline.

When you are on the water, you may not always have access to internet. This tool will allow you to save your lost gear reports even when offline, and submit through the system when back online.

In order to use the offline reporting function, you need an active account. If you do not have an account, please register before continuing.

If you are not familiar with the Fishing Gear Reporting System, please watch the other videos available to familiarize yourself with the system.

Ensure you are logged in to your account prior to leaving an area with an internet connection. You will not be able to log in your account without an internet connection.

[Presenter opens the Google Chrome internet browser for this example.]

For Android, enter in the navigation bar to access the fishing-gear reporting site.

Click on the menu list icon, this is the 3 dots at the top righthand side of your screen.

[Presenter clicks on menu list icon, and dropdown menu appears.]

Next, click on “Install app,”

[Popup menu appears to confirm installation.]

and again on “Install” on the right hand side. You will now have quick access to the system from your home page.

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