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Reporting gear while offline


Before starting, ensure you are logged in to your account prior to leaving an area with an internet connection. You will not be able to log in your account without an internet connection.

Step 1: Install app

Navigate to the site and install the App using the instructions according to your device.

Step 2: Log in to the app

[Presenter clicks on app on home screen.]

Once the App is installed, log in to your account using your username or email and password.

[Presenter inserts username and password and logs in.]

Step 3: Reporting lost gear

When entering an area without a network, a warning message will appear on the “My Account” page indicating you are offline. Don’t worry, you are still able to create and save a report offline.

To create a new lost gear report, select “Report Lost Gear” and proceed to entering the information and coordinates as prompted on the screens.

[Presenter inserts first name and last name, selects region from dropdown menu, and inserts Fisher Identification Number (FIN), licence number and Vessel Registration Number (VRN). Presenter presses “Next” button at bottom of page to proceed to the next page.]

Please note: When you get to page 2, “Where did you lose your gear?,” when entering coordinates while offline, the pin on the map will not appear to confirm the location of lost gear. Please ensure your coordinates are correct before proceeding, as you will not be able to confirm the location using the map.

[Presenter inserts coordinates into fields and presses “Next” button at bottom of page to proceed to the next page.]

Step 4: Reviewing and saving your report

[Presenter selects target species of gear, fishery management area, and type of gear from dropdown menus. Presenter inserts number of units of gear and selects suspected reason for gear loss from dropdown menu. Presenter presses “Review” button at bottom of page to proceed to the next page.]

Once all lost gear information is correctly entered and ready to be submited, since you are offline, you will be prompted to save instead of submit. The save report button will be at the bottom right hand side of the page. After clicking on “save report” you will be brought to the “My account” page.

[Presenter scrolls to bottom of page and selects “Save Report” from bottom righthand side.]

Step 5: View unsubmitted reports

To find your saved report(s), go to “My Account” then “Unsubmitted Reports.”

[Screen shows there is one unsubmitted report at the bottom of page, under section titled “Unsubmitted Reports.” There is a yellow warning note above the report that it is unavailable while offline.]

Step 6: Submitting saved report(s)

Once you reenter an area with an internet connection, a submit button will appear under Unsubmitted reports.

[Page refreshes and the yellow offline warning has disappeared. A submit button appears on the bottom righthand side of page. ]

To submit your saved report, select the submit button next to your saved report(s).

[Presenter presses “Submit” button and proceeds to confirmation page.]

A confirmation page will appear once the report has been successfully submitted. Click on ‘My account” to return to the ‘My account” page.

[Presenter presses “My Account” button and returns to homepage.]

Step 7: How to view your previously submitted reports

To check all saved reports have been successfully submitted, go to “My Account,” then “View Previous Reports.” Please verify all lost gear reports that were submitted offline were successfully submitted now that you are online.

[Presenter pressed “View previous reports” button and proceeds to “Gear that I’ve Reported as Lost” page.]

If you encounter any issues, please send an email to

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