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Reporting lost gear as found


Now I'll go under my account

[Presenter selects “My Account”]

and I will show you if you find your piece of gear that you've previously reported as lost, how you can indicate to the department that you found it.

So under report that I found my gear, the first option is view lost gear submissions or report that I found my gear. You can also click directly on view found gear submissions or view all submissions.

[Presenter selects the “My Submission” tab]

So on this page, you can report that you've found previously reported lost gear. So in order to report that, that you found previously reported lost fishing gear, please find the appropriate lost gear report below and click the gear found button.

You have a few options on how to quickly find previously submitted reports. The first being the search bar here, you can either enter the tag number that was associated to the report, the color of the tag, the color of the buoy, etc. , and it will filter the reports that have this key word in the search bar. Other option is to use the filter by. So you can filter by gear type.

[Presenter selects the drop down menu for “Gear Type”]

All the gear type here is listed below.

You can filter by your region.

[Presenter selects drop down menu for “Region”]

You can filter by your fishery management area.

[Presenter selects drop down list for “Fishery Management Area”]

You can also filter by species, status or the date from and to that you reported your gear as lost. And then you would click show results

[Presenter selects “Show Results”]

and it would filter that. information and those results would appear up top. Now because we're going to use the example that we just submitted this one appears right here and we if we hover over

[Presenter hovers over the field for “Trap”]

the trap you can see those were the two tag numbers that we've just submitted as lost.

Same thing for the buoy

[Presenter hovers over the field for “Buoy”]

I did not provide any information for the buoy so it's just the two buoys that appear there and same thing for the rope I didn't provide any further. information for the rope. So when you hover over the rope,

[Presenter hovers over the field for “Rope”]

there's no information that appears like the traps. You have the report number here that we saw in the submission confirmation page, the fishery management area, and then the gear status. Just note here that it will always show pending. This is a system error. It will always show pending. So please do not worry if you see pending.

That doesn't mean that it's pending somewhere in the system. We did receive your submission. I can definitely confirm that. So I wish to report that I found this gear.

So I will click on gear found.

[Presenter selects “Gear Found” on the right hand side of the tab]

And this is where it will bring you.

[Tab changes to “Location of the Gear Found”]

So again, same format as declaring your gear as lost. You have three pages, the location of the gear found, what did you find, and to review report. So the location that will appear is essentially the location that you submitted in your lost gear submission form.

So it's the exact same coordinates that I entered in that form, and we wish to know where you found it. So if you found it at that exact area,

[Presenter zooms in on the dropped pin on the map]

those coordinates would remain the same, but possibly it changed a little bit

[Presenter amends the “Latitude” coordinate on the left hand side of the tab]

because if you lost it in that area and you went looking for it, then that was not there.

[Presenter amends the “Longitude” coordinate on the right hand side of the page]

So you see that the pin changed or moved slightly.

So please indicate the coordinates of where you found your previously lost gear. When the coordinates have been entered, you click on next.

[Presenter selects the “Next” arrow on the bottom right hand side of the tab]

So the next page is what did you find?

[Tab switches to “Retrieval of Previously Reported Lost Fishing Gear”]

So this is a summary of the information that you provided in your Lost Gear report.

[Presenter scrolls down the tab to the subheading “What Did you Find?”]

Now you have to tell us exactly what you found. So in the case that you found everything, you can click up top here on "Found All"

[Presenter selects “Found all” on the upper right hand side of the page]

and everything will be selected.

[Presenter unselects “Found all” on the upper right hand side of the page]

If I unselect "Found All" because there's only one or two items from the list of the gear that I had previously submitted or reported as lost. If I only found the rope, for example,

[Presenter selects the checkbox for the first “Trap” on the chart, indicating “Gear Found”]

or one trap, or rather, I have the option to select specifically

[Presenter selects the checkbox for the second “Trap” on the chart, indicating “Gear Found”]

those two traps and that rope, for example.

[Presenter selects the last checkbox for “Rope” on the chart, indicating “Gear Found”]

In this case, let's say that I only found those two traps,

[Presenter unselects “Gear found” for “Rope”]

I did not find the buoy and the rope that was associated. I click on the gear found next to the two traps which I've done. It's perfect. I will click review.

[Presenter selects “Review” on the bottom right hand side of the tab]

The last page is to review your report before you submit.

We have the same message here that appears just like in the lost gear reporting. Please review your submission. Your submission is not complete until you press the submit button. Now the map that appears here

[Presenter scrolls down the tab]

is the map that you entered on the first page.

We have the coordinates here. If there's a mistake, if this is not the coordinates that you wanted to enter, you cannot change or move the pin on this page. You would simply have to click Edit

[Presenter hovers mouse over “Edit” on the bottom left hand side of the page]

and it will bring you back to that page so you can make the appropriate changes.

Next is what did you find? I had only selected the two traps and they appear here. Just perfect, that's exactly what I wanted to do. Those are the two items that I found.

[Presenter scrolls down to bottom of the tab]

That is the only information that is required, and then you just submit your report.

[Presenter selects “Submit Report” on the bottom right hand side of the page]

And here you'll find your submission of found fishing gear and a note saying that it has been received by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. You'll have a submission number

[Presenter highlights the “submission number” on the tab]

that you can keep track of for your personal records, but this number will also appear under my account. If you notice any system bugs or simply want to tell us how the system can be improved, you can email us., you can email us your thoughts, your concerns, your questions, at

You can simply click on the link and a window to an email account will appear. You can print the submission if you wish or you can return to my account.

[Presenter selects “My Account”]

Again, on the right-hand side, you can click on View Found Gear Submissions and you'll see all the previously reported submissions that you have of Found Gear.

You can also click on “View All Submissions” and you'll see all the found gear submissions including the lost gear submissions.

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