Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS)
Science advisory schedule, policies and directives, national and regional contact information.
Services and information
About CSAS
The Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) coordinates the scientific peer review and science advice for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).
Policies and guidelines
CSAS directives on publication distribution, consensus, peer reviews, translation and more.
Peer-review at Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Learn about DFO peer-reviewed science.
Science advisory schedule
This searchable online tool provides details on past advisory processes and upcoming reviews.
External Expert Identification Committee
The Committee is engaged to provide recommendations on external science experts and co-chairs for CSAS peer-review meetings.
Registry for External Science Experts – register now
Database of science experts interested in participating in the CSAS peer-review process.
Introduction to Stock Assessment online course
Take our free online course to learn more about DFO's stock assessment process and the principles of stock assessment.
Contact CSAS
Phone numbers, email and mailing addresses for national headquarters and regional offices.

Science Advisory Report 2023/016
California Sea Lion Abundance Estimation in Canada, 2020–21.
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