Aquatic animal health science
Programs and research supporting the health of aquatic animals such as shellfish and marine mammals.
Services and information
National Aquatic Animal Health Program
Laboratory systems, surveillance programs, research on diseases and pathogens, aquatic animal diseases.
Piscine Reovirus (PRV)
Distribution, symptoms, diagnostic methods, case study results.
Sea lice
Research on treatment, control methods, relationships with salmon, new technologies.
Geoduck clam disease and parasite research
Species health, anatomy, parasites, pathology.
Infectious diseases and parasites of shellfish
Distribution, symptoms, diagnostic and control methods of diseases impacting shellfish.
Aquatic species figures
Figures to help people understand visually key information about aquatic species.
Multinucleate sphere unknown (MSX)
MSX, Science Summit, CFIA controls and permits.
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