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Biotechnology and genomics

How scientists develop and apply genomics tools to assess and regulate fish products of biotechnology.

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Services and information

Aquatic biotechnology regulation

Acts and regulations, risk assessments, published orders, guidance documents and notification forms.

Environmental DNA (eDNA)

A transformative tool that, along with other methods, can change how we monitor aquatic environments.

Genomics research

Research, strategy, initiatives and projects.

Genetics research

What is genetic biotechnology, why we use it, how we use it and who is working on it.

Wild commercial fisheries

Fishing quotas, genotype library, DNA analysis and genetic baseline datasets.

Aquaculture profiling

Broodstock, genetic diversity, bigger fish and DNA markers.

Aquatic animal health

Biotechnology tools and disease prevention.

Aquatic ecosystem health

Genetic research, cleaning contaminated sites with bacteria and monitoring environments.

Regulatory science for aquatic animals with novel traits

Risk assessment models, protecting wild fish genetic makeup, and identifying domesticated and invasive species.

Whole genome sequencing of Pacific salmon

Mapping the entire genomes of Pacific salmon to help us better understand them.

What we are doing

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