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2019 DFO Pacific Science Publications

We are pleased to continue to provide Canadians with the Pacific Region's science publications, and to continue the ongoing communication of high quality research with this list of 2019 Pacific Science Publications. Below you will find primary and secondary peer reviewed publications published in 2019 which involve at least one DFO Science Branch author from the Pacific Region. The links provided to this research are hosted by third party publishers, as such journals may only be available in English.

Title Keywords
Goldsmit, J., Hope, S., Stewart, D. B., Wayde, J., Gordon, C. and Lynn, K. (2019) Where Else? Assessing Zones of Alternate Ballast Water Exchange in the Canadian Eastern Arctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 139: 74–90. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.11.062. Anthropogenic stressors, aquatic invasive species, Nonindigenous species, Ecological assessment, Impact, Risk of introduction, Ballast water exchange, Shipping
Liu, S., Liu, Y., Fu, C., Yan, L., Xu, Y., Wan, R. and Li, J. (2019) Using Novel Spawning Ground Indices to Analyze the Effects of Climate Change on Pacific Saury Abundance. Journal of Marine Systems 191: 13–23. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.12.007. Anthropogenic stressors, climate change, Pacific saury, Spawning ground index, Gradient forest analysis, Northwestern Pacific
O'Hara, P. D. O., Avery-gomm, S., Wood, J., Bowes, V., Wilson, L., Morgan, K. H., Boyd, W. S., Hipfner, J. M., Desforges, J., Bertram, D. F., et al. (2019) Seasonal Variability in Vulnerability for Cassin's Auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) Exposed to Microplastic Pollution in the Canadian Pacific Region. Science of the Total Environment 649: 50–60. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.238. Anthropogenic stressors, pollutants, marine microplastics, seasonal exposure, population level exposure
Edwards, A. M. and Auger-Méthé, M. (2019) Some Guidance on Using Mathematical Notation in Ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10: 92–99. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13105. General biology, ecology, ecological models, equations, mathematics, parameters, reproducibility, variables
Sutherland, T. F., Sterling, A. M., Shaw, K. L., Blasco, N. N. J. and Bradford, M. J. (2019) Detecting Indicator Taxa Associated with Benthic Organic Enrichment Using Different Video Camera Orientations. Journal of Coastal Research In-Press: 1–27. doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-18-00056.1. General biology, ecology, anemones, bacteria, Benthic survey, polychaetes, video orientation
Vandersteen, W. E., Leggatt, R., Sundström, L. F. and Devlin, R. H. (2019) Importance of Experimental Environmental Conditions in Estimating Risks and Associated Uncertainty of Transgenic Fish Prior to Entry into Nature. Scientific Reports 9. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-35826-1. General biology, ecology, salmonids, transgenic, hatchery, environmental conditions
Beacham, T. D., Wallace, C., Jonsen, K., Mcintosh, B., Candy, J. R., Willis, D., Lynch, C., Sébastien, J., Bernatchez, L. and Withler, R. E. (2019) Comparison of Coded‐Wire Tagging with Parentage‐Based Tagging and Genetic Stock Identification in a Large‐Scale Coho Salmon Fisheries Application in British Columbia, Canada. Evolutionary Applications 12: 230–254. doi: 10.1111/eva.12711. Salmon, genetics, coded -wire tags, Coho salmon, fishery management, genetic stock identification, genotyping by sequencing, parentage-based tagging
Nijland, W., Reshitnyk, L. and Rubidge, E. (2019) Satellite Remote Sensing of Canopy-Forming Kelp on a Complex Coastline: A Novel Procedure Using the Landsat Image Archive. Remote Sensing of Environment 220: 41–50. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.10.032. Species-at-risk, Landsat, Worldview 2, Canada, Pacific, Google earth engine, Kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, Nereocystis luetkeana
Afflerbach, J. C., Frazier, M., Froehlich, H. E., Anderson, S. C. and Halpern, B. S. (2019) Quantifying Uncertainty in the Wild-Caught Fisheries Goal of the Ocean Health Index. Fish and Fisheries In Press. doi: 10.1111/faf.12346. Stock, population assessments, bootstrap, catch-MSY, data-limited fisheries, ecological indices, indicators, simulation analyses
Esenkulova, S., Tabata, A., Sutherland, J.G., Haigh, N., Pearce, C.M. and Miller, K.M. (2019) Combining metabarcoding and morphological approaches to identify phytoplankton taxa associated with harmful algal blooms. Reprint. doi: Anthropogenic stressors, aquatic invasive species, Harmful algal blooms, Next-Generation Sequencing, Metabarcoding, Alexandrium, 52 Heterosigma, Pseudochattonella
Gower, J. and King, S. (2019) Seaweed, seaweed everywhere. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 365(6448): 27-27. DOI: 10.1126/science.aay0989 Anthropogenic stressors, aquatic invasive species, Atlantic Sargassum belt, S. natans, S. fluitans
Westfall, K.M., Therriault, T.W. and Abbott, C.L. (2019) A new approach to molecular biosurveillance of invasive species using DNA metabarcoding. Glob Chang Biol. 26(2): 1012-1022. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14886 Anthropogenic stressors, aquatic invasive species, 16S, COI, arthropod, ascidian, biosurveillance, environmental DNA, genetic marker, metabarcoding, mollusk
Iacarella, J.C., Saheed, D., Dunham, A. and Ban, N.C. (2019) Non-Native Species Are a Global Issue for Marine Protected Areas. Front Ecol Environ 2019; 17( 9): 495– 501. doi:10.1002/fee.2100 Anthropogenic stressors, aquatic invasive species, non-native species (NNS), marine protected areas (MPAs), survey
Abbatt, J.P.D., Leaitch, W.R., Aliabadi, A.A., Bertram, A.K., Blanchet, J.P., Boivin-Rioux, A., Bozem, H., Burkart, J., Chang, R.Y.W., Charette, J., Chaubey, J.P., Christensen, R.J., Cirisan, A., Collins, D.B., Croft, B., Dionne, J., Evans, G.J., Fletcher, C.G., Gali, M., Ghahremaninezhad, R., Girard, E., Gong, W., Gosselin, M., Gourdal, M., Hanna, S.J., Hayashida, H., Herber, A.B., Hesaraki, S., Hoor, P., Huang, L., Hussherr,R., Irish, V.E., Keita, S.A., Kodros, J.K., Köllner, Franziska., Kolonjari, F., Kunkel, D., Ladino, L.A., Law, K., Levasseur, M., Libois, Q., Liggio, J., Lizotte, M., Macdonald, K.M., Mahmood, R., Martin, R.V., Mason, R.H., Miller, L.M., Moravek, A., Mortenson, E., Mungall, E.L., Murphy, J.G., Namazi, M., Norman, A., O'Neill, N.T., Pierce, J.R., Russell, L.M., Schneider, J., Schulz, H., Sharma, S., Si, M., Staebler, R.M., Steiner, N.S., Thomas, J.L., Von Salzen, K., Wentzell, J.J.B., Willis, M.D., Wentworth, G.R., Xu, J. and Yakobi-Hancock, J.D. (2019) Overview Paper: New Insights Into Aerosol and Climate in the Arctic. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19:2527–2560. Anthropogenic stressors, climate change, aerosol particles, NETCARE, biogeochemical models, interdisciplinary, Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Bograd, S.J., Kang, S., Di Lorenzo, E., Horii, T., Katugin, O.L., King, J.R., Lobanov, V.B., Makino, M., Na, G., Perry, R.I., Qiao, F., Rykaczewski, R.R., Saito, H., Therriault, T.W., Yoo, S. and Batchelder, Hal. (2019) Developing a Social–Ecological–Environmental System Framework to Address Climate Change Impacts in the North Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: 333p. Anthropogenic stressors, North Pacific, North Pacific Marine Science Organization, social–ecological systems, climate change, ocean sustainability
Freeland, H. and Ross, T. (2019) ‘The Blob' - or, how unusual were ocean temperatures in the Northeast Pacific during 2014-2018? Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 150: 8p. Anthropogenic stressors, climate change, Marine heatwave, Gulf of Alaska, ArgoLine-P, the Blob
Johannessen, S.C., Macdonald, R.W. and Wright, C.A. (2019) Rain, Runoff, and Diatoms: the Effects of the North Pacific 2014–2015 Warm Anomaly on Particle Flux in a Canadian West Coast Fjord. Estuaries and Coasts. 42: 1052–1065. Anthropogenic stressors, climate change, Sediment trap, Sinking particles, Coastal waters, “The Blob” warm anomaly, Winter phytoplankton bloom
Ma, S., L, Y., Liu, Y., Fu, C., Ye, Z., Sun, P., Yu, H., Cheng, J. and Tian, Y. (2019) Climate-induced long-term variations in ecosystem structure and atmosphere-ocean-ecosystem processes in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Progress in Oceanography. 175: 183-197. Anthropogenic stressors, climate change, Chinese waters, Ecosystems, Long-term changes, Biotic community, Regime shifts
Steiner, N.J., Cheung, W.W.L., Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M., Drost, H., Hayashida, H., Hoover, C., Lam, J., Sou, Tessa., Rashid Sumaila, U., Suprenand, P., Tai, T.T. and VanderZwagg, D.L. (2019) Impacts of the Changing Ocean-Sea Ice System on the Key Forage Fish Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) and Subsistence Fisheries in the Western Canadian Arctic—Evaluating Linked Climate, Ecosystem and Economic (CEE) Models. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: 179p. Anthropogenic stressors, climate change, Arctic cod, subsistence fisheries, Canadian Arctic, Arctic change, Arctic ecosystems
Tai, T.C., Steiner, N.S., Hoover, C., Cheung, W.W.L. and Sumaila, U.R. (2019) Evaluating present and future potential of arctic fisheries in Canada. Marine Policy. 108: 11p. Anthropogenic stressors, climate change, Arctic fisheries, Ocean acidification, Landed value, Species distribution model
Fu, Caihong., Xu, Y., Grüss, A., Bundy, A., Shannon, L., Heymans, J.J., Halouani, G., Akolglu, E., Lynam, C.P., Coll, M., Fulton, E.A., Velez, L. and Shin, Y. (2019) Responses of ecological indicators to fishing pressure under environmental change: exploring non-linearity and thresholds. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 77(4): 1516–1531. Anthropogenic stressors, climate change, ecosystem-based fisheries management, generalized additive model, marine ecosystem model, non-linear response, primary productivity
Xu, Y., Fu, C., Pena, A., Hourston, R., Thomson, R., Robinson, C., Cleary, J., Daniel, K. and Thompson, M. (2019) Variability of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) spawn abundance under climate change off the West Coast of Canada over the past six decades. Journal of Marine Systems. 200. Anthropogenic stressors, climate change, Pacific herring, Spawn abundance, Environmental drivers, Machine learning, Boosted regression trees, Coastal upwelling
Ivanova, S.V., Kessel, S.T., Espinoza, M., McLean, M.F., O'Neill, C., Landry, J., Hussey, N.E., Williams, R., Vagle, S. and Fisk, A.T. (2019) Shipping alters the movement and behavior of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), a keystone fish in Arctic marine ecosystems. Ecological Applications, Ecological Society of America. 30(3): 13p. Anthropogenic stressors, marine traffic, anthropogenic disturbance, Arctic cod, Arctic marine habitat, climate change, spatial ecology, swimming behavior, vessel traffic
Covernton, G.A., Pearce, C.M., Gurney-Smith, H.J., Chastain, S.G., Ross, P.S., Dower, J.F. and Dudas, S.E. (2019) Size and shape matter: A preliminary analysis of microplastic sampling technique in seawater studies with implications for ecological risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment. 667(1): 124-132. Anthropogenic stressors, pollutants, Aquaculture, Filtration, Mesh, Methodology, Microplastics
Convernton, G.A., Collicutt, B., Gurney-Smith, H.J., Pearce, C.M., Dower, J.F., Ross, P.S. and Dudas, S.E. (2019) Microplastics in bivalves and their habitat in relation to shellfish aquaculture proximity in coastal British Columbia, Canada. Aquacult Environ Interact 11:357-374. Anthropogenic stressors, pollutants, Microfibre, Ingestion, Food safety, Mariculture
Beaudreau, A.H., Ward, E.J., Brenner, R.E., Shelton, A.O., Watson, J.T., Womack, J.C., Anderson, S.C., Haynie, A.C., Marshall, K.N. and Williams, B.C. (2019) Thirty years of change and the future of Alaskan fisheries: Shifts in fishing participation and diversification in response to environmental, regulatory and economic pressures. Fish and Fisheries. 20(4): 601-619. Fisheries management, consolidation, fishing community, fishing strategy, permit holder, portfolio, specialization
Dealy, L. and Hodes, V.R. (2019) Monthly Distribution and Catch Trends of Eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) from Juan de Fuca Strait to the Fraser River, British Columbia, October 2017 to June 2018. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3179. 18: 39p. Fisheries management, Fraser River Eulachon, Thaleichthys pacificus, biology, distribution, migration timing
Free, C.M., Jensen, O., Anderson, S.C., Longo, C., Minto, C., Osio, G. and Walsh, J. (2019) Blood from a stone: Performance of catch-only methods in estimating stock biomass status. Fisheries Research. 233. 10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105452 Fisheries management, Stock assessment, Stock status, Data-limited fisheries, Data-poor fisheries, Catch-only methods, Ensemble methods
Guo, C., Fu, C., Forrest R.E., Olsen, N., Liu, H., Verley, P. and Shin, Y. (2019) Ecosystem-Based Reference Points Under Varying Plankton Productivity States and Fisheries Management Strategies. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76(7): 2045-2059. Fisheries management, ecosystem-based fisheries management, ecosystem-based reference point, ecosystem model, harvest control rules, OSMOSE
Guo, C., Fu, C., Olsen, N., Xu, Y., Grüss, A., Liu, H., Verley, P. and Shin, Y. (2019) Incorporating Environmental Forcing in Developing Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Strategies. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 77(2): 500-514. Fisheries management, ecosystem indicator, ecosystem model, environmental change, harvest control rule, precautionary approach
Pearce, C.M., Williams, S., Keddy, L. and Blackburn, J. (2019) Juvenile geoduck (Panopea generosa) predator protection with tubes: Assessing effects of tube diameter, length, and mesh size on growth and survivorship. Aquaculture Reports. 14. Fisheries management, Geoduck clam, Intertidal culture, Panopea generosa, Predator protection, Tubes
Causeya, D.R., Kimb, J.H., Steadd, D.A., Martina, S.A.M., Devlin, R.H. and Macqueena, D.J. (2019) Proteomic comparison of selective breeding and growth hormone transgenesis in fish: Unique pathways to enhanced growth. Journal Of Proteomics. 192: 114-124. General biology, ecology, Coho salmon, Fish growth, Growth Hormone Transgenesis, Selective Breeding, Label-free High Throughput Proteomics
Freshwater, C., Trudel, M., Beacham, T.D., Gauthier, S., Johnson, S.C., Neville, C. and Juanes, F(2019). Individual variation, population‐specific behaviours and stochastic processes shape marine migration phenologies. Journal of Animal Ecology. 88(1) : 67-78. General biology, ecology, body size, carry-over effects, life history, migration, otolith, Pacific salmon, phenology
Guillas, K.C., Kahn, A.S., Grant, N., Archer, S.K., Dunham, A. and Leys, S.P. (2019) Settlement of juvenile glass sponges and other invertebrate cryptofauna on the Hecate Strait glass sponge reefs. Invertebrate Biology. 138(4): 11p. General biology, ecology, glass sponge reef, Hexactinellida, marine protected area, Porifera, recruitment
Korbari, T., Sastri, A.R., Yebra, L., Liu, H. and Hopcroft, R.R. (2019) Evaluation of trade-offs in traditional methodologies for measuring metazooplankton growth rates: Assumptions, advantages and disadvantages for field applications. Progress in Oceanography. 178: 18p. General biology, ecology, Metazooplankton, Weight-specific growth, Natural cohort, Artificial cohort, Molting rate, Egg production, Model
Leggatt, R.A. and Devlin, R.H. (2019) Fluorescent protein transgenesis has varied effects on behaviour and cold tolerance in a tropical fish (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi): implications for risk assessment. Fish Physiol Biochem. 46(1): 395-403. DOI: 10.1007/s10695-019-00725-3 General biology, ecology, Fluorescent protein, Transgenic, Tropical fish, Environmental risk, Cold tolerance, Competition
Price, M.H.H., Connors, B.M., Candy, J.R., McIntosh, B., Beacham., T.D., Moore, J.W. and Reynolds, J.D. (2019) Genetics of century‐old fish scales reveal population patterns of decline. A Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology. 12(6): 12p. General biology, ecology, conservation genetics, ecosystems, fisheries, historical ecology, population depletion, recovery, salmon, extinction risk, Skeena River
Wade, J., Dealy, L., Hodes, V. and MacConnachie, S. (2019) Morrison Creek Lamprey (Lampetra richardsoni) trapping survey, June 2017. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3183. 4: 6p. General biology, ecology, Morrison Creek Lamprey, passive trap, population decline
Watson, B.M., Biagi, C.A., Northrup, S.L., Ohata, M.L.A., Charles, C., Blanchfield, P.J., Johnston, S.V., Askey, P.J., Van Poorten, B.T. and Devlin, R.H. (2019) Distinct diel and seasonal behaviours in rainbow trout detected by fine-scale acoustic telemetry in a lake environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 76 (8): 1432-1445. General biology, ecology, rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, behaviour, seasonal, acoustic telemetry
Ward, E.J., Anderson, S.C, Damiano, L.A., Hunsicker, M.E. and Litzow, M.A. (2019) Modeling regimes with extremes: the bayesdfa package for identifying and forecasting common trends and anomalies in multivariate time-series data. The R Journal. 11(2): 46-55. General biology, ecology, bayesdfa package, modeling, multivariate time-series data
Fenske, K. H., Berger, A.M., Connors, B., Cope, J.M., Cox, S.P., Haltuch, M.A., Hanselman, D.H., Kapur, M. Lacko, L., Lunsford, C.R., Rodgveller, C.J. and Williams, B. (2019) Report on the 2018 International Sablefish Workshop. US. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-387, 107p. Stock, population assessments, Sablefish fisheries, Anoplopoma fimbria, Ecological Risk Assessment, Pacific Sablefish Transboundary Assessment Team (PSTAT)
Holt, C.A. and Michielsens, G.J. (2019) Impact of time-varying productivity on estimated stock–recruitment parameters and biological reference points. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 77: 836–847. Stock, population assessments, sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, stock–recruitment models, time-varying productivity
Krueger, C.C., William, W.T. and Youn, S.J. (2019) Chasing an Illusion? Successful Restoration of Okanagan River Sockeye Salmon in a Sea of Uncertainty, From Catastrophe to Recovery: Stories of Fishery Management Success. Section I. 572p. Stock, population assessments, Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, ecosystem-based sustainability strategy, recovery, Okanagan River basin
Doherty, B., Benson, A.J. and Cox, S.P. (2019) Data summary and review of the PHMA hard bottom longline survey in British Columbia after the first 10 years (2006-2016). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3276. 9: 75p. Groundfish, Rockfish, PHMA, longline survey, stock assessment, inshore data-limited rockfish species
Boldt, J.L., Gauthier, S. and King, S. (2019) Proceedings of the National Workshop on Filling in the Forage Fish Gap. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: 3287. 5: 82p. Pelagics, forage fish, data gaps, monitoring, Pelagic Integrated Ecosystem Science (PIES), workshop
King, J., Boldt, J.L., Dennis-Bohn, H., Zubkowski, T., Anderson, E., Flostrand, L. and Tucker, S. (2019) Integrated Pelagic Ecosystem Surveys on the Vancouver Island Continental Shelf, July 7 - August 2, 2017 and July 5 - July 29, 2018. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3318. 11: 115p. Pelagics, Integrated Pelagic Ecosystem Survey (IPES), distribution, abundance, food-web linkages, trophic structure
LeBlanc, M., Geoffroy, M., Bouchard, C., Gauthier, S., Majewski, A., Reist, J.D. and Fortier, L. (2019) Pelagic production and the recruitment of juvenile polar cod Boreogadus saida in Canadian Arctic seas. Polar Biology. 43: 1043-1054. Pelagics, Boreogadus saida, Juvenile recruitment, Zooplankton, Ice breakup date, Phytoplankton bloom, Canadian Arctic Ocean
Barth, J.A., Allen, S.E., Dever, E.P., Dewey, R.K., Evans, W., Feely, R.A., Fisher, J.L., Fram, J.P., Hales, B., Ianson, D., Jackson, J., Juniper, K., Kawka, O., Kelley, D., Klymak, J.M., Konovsky, J., Kosro, P.M., Kurapov, A., Mayorga, E., MacCready, P., Newton, J., Perry, R.I., Risien, C.M., Robert, M., Ross, T., Shearman, R.K., Schumacker, J., Siedlecki, S., Trainer, V.L., Waterman, S. and Wingard, C.E. (2019) Better Regional Ocean Observing Through Cross-National Cooperation: A Case Study From the Northeast Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: 93p. Physical sciences, ocean observation, marine ecosystem, coastal oceanography, ocean model and observations comparison, data delivery
Burd, B.J. and Thomson, R.E. (2019) Seasonal patterns in deep acoustic backscatter layers near vent plumes in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. FACETS. 4: 183-209. Physical sciences, acoustic backscatter, deep scattering layers, zooplankton, hydrothermal plumes, seasonal patterns
Davies, S.C., Gregr, E.J., Lessard, J., Bartier, P. and Wills, P. (2019) Coastal Digital Elevation Models Integrating Ocean Bathymetry and Land Topography for Marine Ecological Analyses in Pacific Canadian Waters. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3321. 6: 38p. Physical sciences, Coastal Digital Elevation Models, DEMs, Bathymetry, land topography, ecological analysis
Fennel, K., Alin, S., Barbero, L., Evans, W., Bourgeois, T., Cooley, S., Dunne, J., Feely, R.A., Hernandez-Ayon, J.M., Hu, Z., Lohrenz, S., Muller-Karger, F., Najjar, R., Robbins, L., Shadwick, E., Siedlecki, S., Steiner, N., Sutton, A., Turk, D., Vlahos, P. and Wang, Z.A. (2019) Carbon cycling in the North American coastal ocean: a synthesis. Biogeosciences. 16: 1281–1304. Physical sciences, coastal ocean carbon fluxes, review, synthesis, carbon sink
Page, S., Hannah, C., Juhasz, T., Spear, D. and Blanken, H. (2019) Surface circulation tracking drifter data for the Kitimat Fjord system in northern British Columbia and adjacent continental shelf for April, 2014 to July, 2016. Fish and Oceans Canada Ottawa. Issue 206, 37p. Physical sciences, Ocean circulation, Drifters, Programmes, Oil spills, Satellite communication, Tracking, Surface circulation, Databases
Harvey, B.J., Andrus, R.A. and Anderson, S.C. (2019) Incorporating biophysical gradients and uncertainty into burn severity maps in a temperate fire‐prone forested region. Ecosphere 10( 2):e02600. Physical sciences, conifer forest, disturbance ecology, fire ecology, Landsat, normalized burn ratio (NBR), remote sensing, Rocky Mountains
Hayashida, H., Christian, J.R., Holdsworth, A.M., Hu, X., Monahan, A.H., Mortenson, E., Myers, P.G., Riche, O.G.J., Sou, T. and Steiner, N.S. (2019) CSIB v1 (Canadian Sea-ice Biogeochemistry): a sea-ice biogeochemical model for the NEMO community ocean modelling framework. Geoscientific Model Development. 12: 1965-1990. Physical sciences, numerical model, sea-ice biogeochemistry, sea-ice ocean, ocean circulation
He, X., Sutherland, T.F., Pawlowski, J. and Abbott, C.L. (2019) Responses of foraminifera communities to aquaculture‐derived organic enrichment as revealed by environmental DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology. 28(5): 1138– 1153. Physical sciences, benthic monitoring, eDNA, metabarcoding, finfish aquaculture, foraminifera, free sulphides, organic enrichment
Heidarzadeh, M., Šepić, J., Rabinovich, A., Allahyar, M., Soltanpour, A. and Tavakoli, F. (2019) Meteorological Tsunami of 19 March 2017 in the Persian Gulf: Observations and Analyses. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 177: 1231–1259. Physical sciences, Persian Gulf, meteotsunami, extreme waves, atmospheric waves, tide gauge data, wavelet analysis, remote sensing
Irish, V.E., Hanna, S.J., Xi, Y., Boyer, M., Polishchuk, E., Ahmed, M., Chen, J., Abbatt, J.P.D., Gosselin, M., Chang, R., Miller, L.A. and Bertram, A.K. (2019) Revisiting properties and concentrations of ice-nucleating particles in the sea surface microlayer and bulk seawater in the Canadian Arctic during summer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19: 7775—7787. Physical sciences, ice nucleating particles (INPs), microlayer, bulk seawater, Canadian arctic, salinity, freezing temperatures
Ji, B.Y., Sandwith, Z.O., Williams, W.J., Diaconescu, O., Ji, R., Li, Y., Scoy, E.V., Yomamoto-Kawai, M., Zimmerman, S. and Stanley, R.H.R. (2019) Variations in Rates of Biological Production in the Beaufort Gyre as the Arctic Changes: Rates From 2011 to 2016. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 124: 3628– 3644. Physical sciences, oxygen, argon, gross primary production, net community production, sea ice, triple oxygen isotopes
Lluch-Cota, S.E., Woodworth-Jefcoats, P.A., Itoh, S., Peña, A., Kimura, S. and Colas, F. (2019) Understanding changes in transitional areas of the Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 169-170: 5p. Physical sciences, transition areas, gradient, contrasting conditions, Pacific Ocean, biogeochemical, biological communities
Loh, T.L., Archer, S.K. and Dunham, A. (2019) Monitoring program design for data‐limited marine biogenic habitats: A structured approach. Ecol Evol. 9(12): 7346– 7359. Physical sciences, benthic assessment, benthic indicators, biogenic habitat, data-limited habitats, foundation species, monitoring protocol, survey methodology
Martin, S.B., Morris, C., Bröker, K. and O'Neill, C. (2019) Sound exposure level as a metric for analyzing and managing underwater soundscapes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol 146 (1): 135p. Physical sciences, sound exposure level (SEL), soundscapes, anthropogenic sound, marine mammals
Miller, L.A., Burgers, T.M., Burt, W. J., Granskog, M.A. and Papakyriakou, T.N. (2019) Air‐Sea CO2 Flux Estimates in Stratified Arctic Coastal Waters: How Wrong Can We Be? Geophysical Research Letters. 46 (1): 235-243. Physical sciences, air-sea CO2 Flux, stratified ocean layers, Arctic Ocean, Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Nixon, R.L., Jackson, S.L., Cullen, J.T. and Ross, A.R.S. (2019) Distribution of copper-complexing ligands in Canadian Arctic waters as determined by immobilized copper(II)-ion affinity chromatography. Marine Chemistry. 215: 10p. Physical sciences, Marine organic ligands, Copper, Immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography, Canadian Arctic, GEOTRACES
Norgard, T., Du Preez, C., Yakgujanaas, J. Clarkson, M.(2019) Northeast Pacific Seamount Expedition: Exploring Canada's Seamounts. New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration. 32(1). Physical sciences, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Bowie Seamount, expedition, partnerships, Oceanography supplement
Olson, A.M., Hessing-Lewis, M., Haggarty, D. and Juanes, F. (2019) Nearshore seascape connectivity enhances seagrass meadow nursery function. Ecological Applications. 29(5): 5p. Physical sciences, eelgrass, food web, habitat complexity, habitat configuration, kelp forests, predator–prey interactions, rockfish, spatial subsidies, stable isotopes, Zostera marina
Pawlowicz, R., Hannah, C. and Rosenberger, A. (2019) Lagrangian observations of estuarine residence times, dispersion, and trapping in the Salish Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 225: 30p. Physical sciences, Estuarine dynamics, Surface drifters, Groundings, British Columbia, Salish sea
Peña, M.A., Fine, I. and Callendar, W. (2019) Interannual variability in primary production and shelf-offshore transport of nutrients along the northeast Pacific Ocean margin. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. Volumes 169–170, 10p. Physical sciences, Primary production, Phytoplankton, Interannual variability, British columbia coast, Northeast pacific margin
Rabinovich, A.B., Krassovski, M.V. and Hannah, C.G. (2019) M2 Tidal Currents in Douglas Channel: Analysis and Predictability. Canadian Technical Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences 326. 5: 47p. Physical sciences, tidal currents, tidal energy, semidiurnal, Douglas Channel, tide prediction
Rabinovich, A.B., Thomson, R.E., Krassovski, M.V., Stephenson, F.E. and Sinnott, D.C. (2019) Five Great Tsunamis of the 20th Century as Recorded on the Coast of British Columbia. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 176: 2887–2924. Physical sciences, 1946 Aleutian tsunami, 1952 Kamchatka tsunami, 1957 Andreanof Islands tsunami, 1960 Great Chile tsunami, 1964 Alaska earthquake, tsunami tide gauge, tsunami records, wavelet analysis
Roemmich, D., Alford, M.H., Claustre, H., Johnson, K., King, B., Moum, J., Oke, P., Owens, W.B., Pouliquen, S., Purkey, S., Scanderbeg, M., Suga, T., Wijffels, S., Zilberman, N., Bakker, D., Baringer, M., Belbeoch, M., Bittig, H.C., Boss, E., Calil, P., Carse, F., Carvel, T., Chai, F., Conchubhair, D.O., d'Ortenzio, F., Dall'Olmo, G., Desbruyeres, D., Fennel, K., Fer, I., Ferrari, R., Forget, G., Freeland, H., Fujiki, T., Gehlen, M., Greenan, B., Hallberg, R., Hibiya, T., Hosoda, S., Jayne, S., Jochum, M., Johnson, G.C., Kang, K., Kolodziejczyk, N., Körtzinger, A., Le Traon, P.Y., Lenn, Y.D., Maze, G., Mork, K.A., Morris, T., Nagai, T., Nash, J., Garabato, A.N., Olsen, A., Pattabhi, R.R., Prakash, S., Riser, S., Sterl, A., Sutton, P., Talley, L., Tanhua, T., Thierry, V., Thomalla, S., Toole, J., Troisi, A., Trull, T.W., Turton, J., Velez-Belchi, P.J., Walczowski, W., Wang, H., Wanninkhof, R., Waterhouse, A.F., Waterman, S., Watson, A., Wilson, C., Wong, A.P.S., Xu, J. and Yasuda, I. (2019) On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: 439p. Physical sciences, Argo, floats, global, ocean, warming, circulation, temperature, salinity
Sastri, A.R., Christian, J.R., Achterberg, E.P., Atamanchuk, D., Buck, J.J.H., Bresnahan, P., Duke, P.J., Evans, W., Gonski, S.F., Johnson, B., Juniper, S.K., Mihaly, S., Miller, L.A., Morley, M., Murphy, D., Nakaoka, S., Ono, T., Parker, G., Simpson, K. and Tsunoda, T. (2019) Perspectives on in situ Sensors for Ocean Acidification Research. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: 653p. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00653 Physical sciences, ocean acidification, sensor, best practices, data quality, carbonate system
Shan, S., Hannah, C.G. and Wu, Y. (2019) Coupling of Estuarine Circulations in a Network of Fjords. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 124(10): 6809– 6830. Physical sciences, estuarine circulation, freshwater patitioning, Douglas Channel, strong wind events
Stiff, H.W., Hyatt, K.D. and Cross, L. (2019) Database of Physical-Chemical Water Properties in Alberni Inlet, Vancouver Island, 1939-2018. Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1290. 4: 147p. Physical sciences, marine conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD), monitoring programs, Alberni Physical-Chemical Water Properties Database,
Suchy, K.D., Le Baron, N., Hilborn, A., Perry, I. Costa, M. (2019) Influence of environmental drivers on spatio-temporal dynamics of satellite-derived chlorophyll a in the Strait of Georgia. Progress in Oceanography. 176: 17p. Physical sciences, Chlorophyll a, Remote sensing, Phytoplankton dynamics, Environmental drivers, Bottom-up processes, Strait of Georgia, Salish Sea
Testor, P., De Young, B., Rudnick, D.L., Glenn, S., Hayes, D., Lee, C.M., Pattiaratchi, C., Hill, K., Heslop, E., Turpin, V., Alenius, P., Barrera, C., Barth, J.A., Beaird, N., Bécu, G., Bosse, A., Bourrin, F., Brearley, J.A., Chao, Y., Chen, S., Chiggiato, J., Coppola, L., Crout, R., Cummings, J., Curry, B., Curry, R., Davis, R., Desai, K., DiMarco, S., Edwards, C., Fielding, S., Fer,I., Frajka-Williams, E., Gildor, H., Goni, G., Gutierrez, D., Haugan, P., Hebert, D., Heiderich, J., Henson, S., Heywood, K., Hogan, P., Houpert, L., Huh, S., Inall, M.E., Ishii, M., Ito, S., Itoh, S., Jan, S., Kaiser, J., Karstensen, J., Kirkpatrick, B., Klymak,J., Kohut, J., Krahmann, G., Krug, M., McClatchie, S., Marin, F., Mauri, E., Mehra, A., Meredith, L., Meunier, T., Miles, T., Morell, J.M., Mortier, L., Nicholson, S., O'Callaghan, J., O'Conchubhair, D., Oke, P., Pallàs-Sanz, E., Palmer, M., Park, J., Perivoliotis, L., Poulain, P.M., Perry, R., Queste, B., Rainville, L., Rehm, E., Roughan, M., Rome, N., Ross, T., Ruiz, S., Saba, G., Schaeffer, A., Schönau, M., Schroeder, K., Shimizu, Y., Sloyan, B.M., Smeed, D., Snowden, D., Song, Y., Swart, S., Tenreiro, M., Thompson, A., Tintore,J., Todd, R.E., Toro, C., Venables, H., Wagawa, T., Waterman, S., Watlington, R.A. and Wilson, D. (2019) OceanGliders: A Component of the Integrated GOOS. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: 422p. Physical sciences, in situ ocean observing systems, gliders, boundary currents, storms, water transformation, ocean data management, autonomous oceanic platforms, GOOS
Thomas, J.L., Stutz, J., Frey, M.M., Bartels-Rausch, T., Altieri, K., Baladima, F., Browse, J., Dall'Osto, M., Marelle, L., Mouginot, J., Murphy, J.G., Nomura, L., Pratt, K.A., Willis, M.D., Zieger, P., Abbatt, J., Douglas, T.A., Facchini, M.C., France, J., Jones, A.E., Kim, K., Matrai, P.A., McNeill, V.F., Saiz-Lopez, A., Shepson, P., Steiner, N., Law, K.S., Arnold, S.R., Delille, B., Schmale, J., Sonke, J.E., Dommergue, A., Voison, D., Melamed, M.L. and Gier, J. (2019) Fostering multidisciplinary research on interactions between chemistry, biology, and physics within the coupled cryosphere-atmosphere system. Elem Sci Anth. 7(1): 58p. Physical sciences, Cryosphere, Atmospheric chemistry, Science coordiation
Wu, Y., Hannah, C., O'Flaherty-Sproul, M., MacAulay, P. and Shiliang, S. (2019) A modeling study on tides in the Port of Vancouver. Anthropocene Coasts. 2(1): 101-125. Physical sciences, tidal asymmetry, tidal vortex dipole, momentum balance, unstructured mesh model, near-shore water
Zhai, L., Greenan, B., Thomson, R. and Tinis, S. (2019) Use of Oceanic Reanalysis to Improve Estimates of Extreme Storm Surge. Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Technology. 36: 2205- 2219. DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0015.1 Physical sciences, Extreme events; Sea level; Storm surges; Hindcasts; Primitive equations model; Reanalysis data
Cantrell, D., Filgeueira, R., Revie, C.W., Rees, E.E., Vanderstichel, R., Guo, M., Foreman, M.G.G., Wan, D. and Grant, J. (2019) The relevance of larval biology on spatiotemporal patterns of pathogen connectivity among open-marine salmon farms. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 77(3): 505–519. Salmon, biology, sea lice larvae, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, pathogen dispersal, connectivity, salmon farms, Broughton Archipelago
Flamarique, I.N., Ahmed, A.S., Cheng, C.L., Molday, R.S. and Devlin, R.H. (2019) Growth hormone regulates opsin expression in the retina of a salmonid fish. J Neuroendocrinol. 31(11). DOI:10.1111/jne.12804 Salmon, biology, fish, growth hormone, opsin, retina, visual pigment
Godefroid, M., Boldt, J.L., Thorson, J.T., Forrest, R., Gauthier, S., Flostrand, L., Perry, R.I., Ross, A.R.S. and Galbraith. (2019) Spatio-temporal models provide new insights on the biotic and abiotic drivers shaping Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasi) distribution. Progress in Oceanography. 178: 17p. Salmon, biology, Pacific Herring, Clupea pallasi, biomass, continental shelf, predator-prey interaction, spatio-temporal dynamics
Houde, A.L.S., Akbarzadeth, A., Günther,O.P., Li, S., Patterson, D.A., Farrell, A.P., Hinch, S.G. and Miller, K.M. (2019) Salmonid gene expression biomarkers indicative of physiological responses to changes in salinity and temperature, but not dissolved oxygen. Journal of Experimental Biology. 22(13): 15p. Salmon, biology, Transcription, Environmental stressors, Smolt status, Na+/K+-ATPase activity, Plasma ions, Behaviour
Houde, A.L.S., Schulze, A.D., Kaukinen, K.H., Strohm, J., Patterson, D.A., Beacham., T.D., Farrell, A.P., Hinch, S.G. and Miller, K.M. (2019) Transcriptional shifts during juvenile Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) life stage changes in freshwater and early marine environments. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Geonomics and Proteomics. 29: 32-42. Salmon, biology, Transcription, Migration, Feeding, Growth, Smoltification
MacDonald, B.L., Grant, S.C.H., Patterson, D.A., Robinson, K.A., Boldt, J.L., Benner, K., King, J., Pon, L., Selbie, D.T., Neville, C.M. and Tadey, J.A. (2019) State of the Salmon: Informing the survival of Fraser Sockeye returning in 2019 through life cycle observations. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3336. 5: 60p. Salmon, biology, Fraser Sockeye, Science Integration Workshop, cohort return, ecosystem conditions, salmon survival
Nekouei, O., Vanderstichel, R., Kaukinen, K.H., Thakur, K., Ming, T., Patterson, D.A., Trudel, M., Neville, C. and Miller, K.M. (2019) Comparison of infectious agents detected from hatchery and wild juvenile Coho salmon in British Columbia, 2008-2018. PLoS ONE 14(9). Salmon, biology, Coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, microfluidics qPCR, pathogens, hatchery fish, wild fish
Pagowski, V.A., Mordecai, G.J., Miller, K.M., Schulze, A.D., Kaukinen, K.H., Ming, T.J., Li, S., Teffer, A.K., Tabata, A. and Suttle, C.A. (2019) Distribution and Phylogeny of Erythrocytic Necrosis Virus (ENV) in Salmon Suggests Marine Origin. Viruses. 11(4): 358p. Salmon, biology, erythrocytic necrosis virus (ENV); viral erythrocytic necrosis (VEN); Pacific salmon; Pacific herring; British Columbia
Thakur, K.K., Vanderstichel, R., Kaukinen, K., Nekouei, O., Laurin, E. and Miller, K.M. (2019) Infectious agent detections in archived Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) samples from British Columbia, Canada (1985–94). Journal of Fish Diseases. 42: 533–547. DOI: 10.1111/jfd.12951 Salmon, biology, archived, BioMark, Fraser River, infectious agents, Skeena, Sockeye salmon
Zubkowski, T.B. and King, J.R. (2019) Biological Results of the Cowichan Bay and Howe Sound Juvenile Salmon Trawl Surveys conducted April to September 2016. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquatic. Sci. 1294 (5): 78p. Salmon, biology, juvenile salmon, trawl surveys, Cowichan Bay, Howe Sound, CCGS Neocaligus
Connors, B., Atlas, W., Melymick, C., Moody, M., Moody, J. and Frid, A. (2019) Conservation Risk and Uncertainty in Recovery Prospects for a Collapsed and Culturally Important Salmon Population in a Mixed‐Stock Fishery. Limnology and Oceanography. 11(6): 423-436. Salmon, conservation, mixed-stock fisheries, collapse, recovery, Atnarko watershed, Indigenous fisheries, commercial fisheries
Mordecai, G.J., Miller, K.M., Di Cicco, E., Schulze, A.D., Kaukinen, K.H., Ming, T.J., Li, S., Tabata, A., Teffer, A., Patterson, D.A., Ferguson, D.A. and Suttle, C.A (2019) Endangered wild salmon infected by newly discovered viruses. Elife 8. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.47615 Salmon, conservation, Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, virus, arenavirus, nidovirus, Reovirus
Beacham, T.D. and Wallace, C.G. (2019) Salmon species identification via direct DNA sequencing of single amplicons. Conservation Genet Resour. 12:285-291. Salmon, genetics, Genetic stock identification, Species identification, Direct DNA sequencing, Single nucleotide polymorphisms
Causey, D. R., Kim, J.H., Devlin, R.H., Martin, S.A.M. and Macqueen, D.J. (2019) The AMPK system of salmonid fishes was expanded through genome duplication and is regulated by growth and immune status in muscle. Scientific Reports. 9: 9819p. Salmon, genetics, 5′adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), expanded AMPK of salmonids, immune stimulation
Christensen, K.A., Sakhrani, D., Rondeau, E.B, Richards, J., Koop, B.F. and Devlin, R.H. (2019) Effect of triploidy on liver gene expression in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) under different metabolic states. BMC Genomics. 20: 336p. Salmon, genetics, Ploidy, Triploid, Gene dosage, Transgenic, RNA-seq, Salmonid, Growth hormone
Houde, A.L.S., Günther, O.P., Strohm, J., Ming, T.J., Li, S., Kaukinen, K.H., Patterson, D.A., Farrell, A.P., Hinch, S.G. and Miller, K.M. (2019) Discovery and validation of candidate smoltification gene expression biomarkers across multiple species and ecotypes of Pacific salmonids. Conservation Physiology. 7 (1). Salmon, genetics, Aquaculture, de-smolt, hatchery, Na+/K+-ATPase activity, parr–smolt transformation, transcription
Kim, J.H., Macqueen, D.J., Winton, J.R., Hansen, J.D, Park, H. and Devlin, R.H. (2019) Effect of growth rate on transcriptomic responses to immune stimulation in wild-type, domesticated, and GH-transgenic coho salmon. BMC Genomics. 20: 1024. Salmon, genetics, Growth, Immunity, Transgenesis, Selective breeding, Pleiotropy, Growth hormone, Coho salmon, Transcriptomics, Poly I:C, PGN
Laurin, E., Jaramillo, D., Vanderstichel, R., Ferguson, H., Kaukinen, K.H., Schulze, A.D., Keith, I.R., Gardner, I.A. and Miller, K.M. (2019) Histopathological and novel high-throughput molecular monitoring data from farmed salmon (Salmo salar and Oncorhynchus spp.) in British Columbia, Canada, from 2011–2013. Aquaculture. 499: 220-234. Salmon, genetics, Aquaculture, Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon, Histopathology, qPCR
Lehnert, S.J., Christensen, K.A., Vandersteen, W.E., Sakhrani, D., Pitcher, T.E., Heath, J.W., Koop, B.F., Heath, D.D. and Devlin, R.H. (2019) Carotenoid pigmentation in salmon: variation in expression at BCO2-l locus controls a key fitness trait affecting red coloration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 286(191). Salmon, genetics, genetic polymorphisms, carotenoid, single nucleotide polymorphisms, flesh coloration, BCO2-l, genome-wide association study
Noble, S., Boratynska, S., Saxena, V., Devlin, R.H., and Ekker, M. (2019) Dnd shRNA constructs cause altered PGC migration but fail to sterilize. Aquaculture. 512, 6p. Salmon, genetics, Aquaculture, Deadend, Fertility, Primordial germ cells, RNAi, Zebrafish
Semeniuk, C.A.D., Capelle, P.M., Dender, M.G.E., Devlin, R., Dixon, B., Drown, J., Heath, J., Hepburn, R., Higgs, D.M., Janisse, K., Lehnert, S.J, Love, O.P., Mayrand, J., Mickle, M., Pitcher, T.E, Neff, B., Semple, S.L., Smith, J.L., Toews, S., Wellband, K., Venney, C.J. and Heath, D. (2019) Domestic-wild hybridization to improve aquaculture performance in Chinook salmon. Aquaculture. 511:10p. Salmon, genetics, Chinook salmon, Aquaculture, Outcross, Hybridization, Heterozygosity, Growth, Survival, Biomass
Carras, M.A., Knowler, D., Pearce, C.M., Hamer, A., Chopin, T. and Weaire, T. (2019) A discounted cash-flow analysis of salmon monoculture and Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture in eastern Canada. Aquaculture Economics and Management. 24(1): 43-63. Salmon, management, Economic analysis, Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture, New Brunswick, profitability, salmon farming, sustainable aquaculture
Freshwater, C., Anderson, S.C., Holt, K.R., Huang, A. and Holt, C.A. (2019) Weakened portfolio effects constrain management effectiveness for population aggregates. Ecological Applications. 29( 7). Salmon, management, closed-loop simulation, fisheries management, Oncorhynchus spp., portfolio effects, recruitment variability, synchrony
Anderson, E.D., Zubkowski, T.B. and King, J.R. (2019) Comparison of Juvenile Salmon Catch in Cantrawl 250 and LFS 7742 Mid-Water Trawl Nets. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3306. 5:87p. Salmon, stock, population assessment, net protocols, mid-water trawl gear, comparison, Strait of Georgia, FV Sea Crest
Bass, A.L., Hinch, S.G., Teffer, A.K., Patterson, D.A. and Miller, K.M. (2019) Fisheries capture and infectious agents are associated with travel rate and survival of Chinook salmon during spawning migration. Fisheries Research. 209:156-166. Salmon, stock, population assessment, Chinook salmon, Fisheries capture, Pathogens, Cryptobia salmositica, Gillnets
Beacham, T.D., Wallace, C., Jonsen, K., McIntosh, B., Candy, J.R., Willis, D., Lynch, C. and Withler, R.E. (2019) Variation in migration pattern, broodstock origin, and family productivity of coho salmon hatchery populations in British Columbia, Canada, derived from parentage‐based tagging. Academic Practice in Ecology and Evolution. 9(9891– 9906). Salmon, stock, population assessment, coded-wire tags, coho salmon, fishery management, genetic stock identification, genotyping by sequencing, parentage-based tagging, sibs
Hyatt, K.D., Stiff, H.W. and Rankin, P. (2019) Observations of Size-at-Age for Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Smolts from Sproat Lake, British Columbia (1977-2016). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3186.5:77p. Salmon, biology, smolts, Oncorhynchus nerka, Salmon in Regional Ecosystems Program (SIRE-P), annual sampling, Sproat Lake
Stevenson, C.F., Bass, A.L., Furey, N.B., Miller, K.M., Li, S., Rechisky, E.L., Porter, A.D., Welch, D.W. and Hinch, S.G. (2019) Infectious agents and gene expression differ between sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) smolt age classes but do not predict migration survival. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.77(3):484-495. Salmon, stock, population assessment, gill samples, non-lethal biopsied smolts, Chilko Lake, host gene expression (GE), infectious agents
Stiff, H.W., Hyatt, K.D., Vulstek, S.C., Russell, J.R. and Joyce, J.E. (2019) Water Temperature, Water Level, and Adult Sockeye Salmon Migration Observations in Auke Creek, Alaska. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3178. 6:157p. Salmon, stock, population assessment, inter-annual migration timing, historical data, water temperature and level, Auke Creek, Alaska
Zubkowski, T.B. and King, J.R. (2019) Biological Results of the Howe Sound Juvenile Salmon Trawl Surveys conducted April to August 2017. Can. Data Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1295 (5): 49p. Salmon, stock, population assessment, juvenile, trawl surveys, coded-wire tags, DNA, isotope analysis, Howe Sound, CCGS Neocaligus
Kawahara, M., Meyer, G.R., Lowe, G.J., Polinski, M.P., Yoshinaga, T. and Itoh, N. (2019) Parallel studies confirm Francisella halioticida causes mortality in Yesso scallops Patinopecten yessoensis. Dis Aquat Organ. 135(2): 127-134. DOI: 10.3354/dao03383 Shellfish, Bacteria, Bivalve, Disease, Experimental challenge, Francisella halioticida, Patinopecten yessoensis
Friesen, S.K., Martone, R., Rubidge, E., Baggio, J.A. and Ban, N.C. (2019) An approach to incorporating inferred connectivity of adult movement into marine protected area design with limited data. Ecological Applications 29( 4):e01890. DOI: 10.1002/eap.1890 Species distributions, habitat, protected areas, British Columbi, Northern Shelf Bioregion, ecological connectivity, graph theory, habitat proxy, marine conservation, marine reserve, marine spatial planning, multiplex network, network analysis, population connectivity
Grant, N., Mateev, E., Kahn, A.S., Archer, S.K., Dunham, A., Bannister, R.J., Eerkes-Medrano, D. and Leys, S.P. (2019) Effect of suspended sediments on the pumping rates of three species of glass sponge in situ. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 615:79-100. Species distributions, habitat, protected areas, Glass sponges, Reefs, Pumping Rate, Suspended sediments, Porifera, Trawling, Marine protected areas
Jamieson, G. and Hunter, K. (2019) Learning by example: a historical account of the experiences and transformation in the management of the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region (Reserve), Vancouver Island, Canada. International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. 3(1). Species distributions, habitat, protected areas, Biosphere Reserve, Governance, History, Watersheds
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