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Seafisheries landed quantity by province, 2016


2016 Atlantic & Pacific coasts commercial landings by province
(metric tonnes, live weight)
Species Nova Scotia New Brunswick P.E.I. Quebec N.L. Atlantic Total British Columbia Total Canada
Cod 1,508 6 9 473 16,217 18,213 895 19,107
Haddock 15,435 x 0 x 437 15,871 0 15,871
Redfish spp. 6,423 x 0 x 3,454 10,043 16,689 26,732
Halibut 2,601 71 51 543 810 4,076 3,747 7,823
Flatfishes 1,255 1 29 383 8,758 10,427 13,994 24,420
Greenland turbot x x 0 2,778 10,277 13,088 0 13,088
Pollock 3,289 x 0 x 381 3,670 2,196 5,866
Hake 8,397 5 0 6 532 8,940 78,289 87,229
Cusk 176 0 0 x x 177 0 177
Catfish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Skate 44 0 0 0 412 456 480 936
Dogfish x 0 0 x x 37 215 252
Other 1,366 x 0 19 x 1,482 3,263 4,745
Total groundfish 40,554 108 90 4,349 41,379 86,480 119,767 206,247
Pelagic & other finfish
Herring 48,126 31,755 4,406 6,863 27,342 118,492 22,071 140,563
Mackeral 1,280 199 821 814 4,633 7,746 0 7,746
Swordfish x 0 0 0 x 1,548 0 1,548
Tuna 483 2 155 10 20 671 2,838 3,509
Alewife 787 492 46 0 0 1,326 0 1,326
Eel 23 106 88 0 36 252 0 252
Salmon 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,058 24,058
Smelt x 246 x 0 0 250 0 250
Silversides x 0 x 0 0 199 0 199
Shark 83 0 0 x x 85 0 85
Capelin 0 x 0 0 x 37,133 0 37,133
Other 19 x 0 x 28 51 0 51
Total pelagics 52,365 33,253 5,659 7,688 68,787 167,751 48,967 216,718
Clams / quahaug 25,830 730 x 1,057 x 42,776 1,558 44,334
Oystertable note 1 53 x 504 0 0 x 0 x
Scallop table note 2 47,358 4,101 x x 1,465 53,764 0 53,764
Squid 18 0 0 0 134 152 0 152
Musseltable note 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lobster 49,609 19,541 13,412 5,183 2,880 90,624 0 90,624
Shrimp 20,582 5,848 0 16,529 61,916 104,875 4,047 108,922
Crab, Queen 14,551 9,786 1,899 14,538 41,745 82,519 0 82,519
Crab, Other 1,171 1,602 1,861 1,196 205 6,035 3,369 9,404
Whelks x 0 0 x 1,886 3,592 0 3,592
Cockles x 0 0 0 x x 0 x
Sea cucumbers 2,358 x 0 x 2,261 6,687 1,624 8,311
Sea urchin 186 935 0 786 490 2,397 3,511 5,908
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 139 139
Total shellfish 162,138 43,613 18,483 42,356 128,177 394,767 14,249 409,016
Subtotal 255,057 76,974 24,232 54,393 238,343 648,998 182,983 831,980
Marine plants x 12,240 357 0 0 x 0 12,730
Lumpfish roe 0 0 0 0 x x 0 19
Miscellaneous x 0 0 1 x 3,435 0 3,435
Total other 1,546 12,240 357 1 2,040 16,185 0 16,185
Grand total table note 4 256,603 89,213 24,589 54,394 240,382 665,182 182,983 848,165

Table Notes

Suppressed to meet confidentiality requirements

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Table note 1

Oyster: Atlantic includes wild and farmed data.

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Table note 2

Scallop includes meat with roe.

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Table note 3

PEI mussels are now classified under "aquaculture" because they are a farmed product.

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Table note 4

Totals may not add up due to rounding.

Return to table note 4 referrer

Source: Department of Fisheries and Oceans (2017). Zonal Interchange File [database]. Ottawa


2016 Atlantic & Pacific coasts commercial landings by province
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