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Atlantic rock crab life cycle

Release date: October 2022
Infographic: Atlantic rock crab life cycle
Description: Atlantic rock crab life cycle

Early life

Over the course of six molts, the larvae grow, transform themselves and increasingly start taking the  shape of small crabs.

A young crab in the final stage of the larval phase is called a megalops. It is at this stage that it leaves the  water column to go to the seafloor.

Reaching maturity

Males are mature when they reach a carapace width of about 70 to 75 mm, and females at a carapace width of about 60 mm.

Males and females continue to molt and grow after reaching maturity.


Mating occurs from late summer to early fall, when females molt.


Several days after mating, females lay their eggs and store them under their abdomen for almost a year.

The eggs hatch from the end of April to the beginning of June of the following year.

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