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Canada’s Oceans Now: Atlantic Ecosystems, 2022 - Highs and lows of marine and diadromous fish

Release date: March 2024
Infographic: Highs and lows of marine and diadromous fish
Text version

Highs and lows of marine and diadromous fish
A long history of overfishing and rapidly changing environment are impacting some marine fish species and favouring others, causing the entire marine food web to shift.

This infographic is a simplified ocean environment showing the water column with blue water and a greyish-brown sandy bottom. To the top left an Atlantic Mackerel, a Capelin, and an Atlantic Herring are illustrated. They are grouped within a white box outline and each labelled with black text:

Small pelagic fish remain at low abundance, limiting production of other fish

Below this box, another white box outline groups illustrations of an Atlantic Salmon and a Striped Bass. White title text to the upper left of the box says Diadromous fish and each species illustration has black text next to it:

To the bottom left of the infographic is another white box outline with an Atlantic cod slightly above the bottom, and a Greenland Halibut and thorny skate resting on the bottom. White text labels each species:

To the upper right of the infographic, a Porbeagle Shark, and a White Shark are grouped by another white box outline. Black text within the box gives a status statement:

In the water column below, Sliver Hake and Redfish are illustrated, each labeled with black text.

Towards the bottom a Spiny Dogfish, and an Atlantic Halibut are illustrated with white text labels and status statements:

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