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What we do

Our mandate, programs and service standards.

Mandate and role

Our mandate, priorities and core responsibilities.

Programs and Initiatives

What we do to support departmental priorities and mandate commitments.

Service standards, remissions and fees

What our services standards are, when can a remission be issued and annual reports on the service fees we charge.

Public Consultations

To seek consultation on issues of importance to Canadians and their families.

Reports and statistics

Statistics related to aquaculture, commercial fisheries, recreational fishing and trade imports and exports.


Financial and human resources information to inform Canadians about our work.

Campaigns and promotions

See what we are promoting to Canadians.

About the Canadian Coast Guard

How the Coast Guard contributes to the safety, security and the accessibility of Canada’s waterways.

About the Canadian Hydrographic Service

Learn about who we are, how and why we work, our history and the regulations we follow.

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