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Once completed, audit reports are tabled at the Departmental Audit Committee (DAC) meeting; the Committee is responsible for recommending these reports to the Deputy Minister for his approval. Once approved by the Deputy Minister, the reports are sent to: the Access to Information and Privacy Secretariat for identification and application of any severances that may be required; the Communications Branch for preparation of communication materials; and to Information Management and Technology Services for conversion to HTML. Once completed, the reports are published on the intranet and internet for 5 years after which they are archived.

In response to the audit recommendations, a management action plan (MAP) is drawn up by the sector responsible. These MAPs and their implementation are monitored and a status report is provided to the DAC at each quarterly meeting. During this portion of the DAC meeting, called Update to Management Action Plans, the Committee addresses and considers the following issues: past due MAPs and the reasons for the delay in implementation, proposed extensions and a decision as to whether they are approved and finally they assess any MAPs that may have become irrelevant and whether they should be closed or addressed in a different manner.







Contact us

Internal Audit Directorate
Centennial Towers
15W070, 200 Kent St
Ottawa, ON | K1A 0E6

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