Cartes d'aquaculture
Pêches et Océans Canada est responsable de la délivrance des permis à toutes les installations aquacoles de la Colombie-Britannique. Ces cartes indiquent les installations propres à chaque secteur qui ont obtenu un permis au cours de l'année indiquée.
La liste suivante des détenteurs actuels de permis est mise à jour régulièrement : titulaires actuels de permis d'aquaculture valides en Colombie-Britannique.
Sites d'aquaculture en C.-B.
Installations de pisciculture marine en Colombie-Britannique
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Carte des installations de pisciculture marine en Colombie-Britannique
Système de coordonnees : NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers
Produit par la Division de la gestion de l’aquaculture du MPO
- Données : installations autorisées du MPO au 14 janvier 2025.
- Dernière mise à jour : 14 janvier 2025.
Cette carte est fournie aux fins d’information seulement et ne doit pas être utilisée pour la navigation. Pour obtenir la liste des détenteurs de permis actuels, veuillez consulter : Octroi de permis pour l'aquaculture en Colombie-Britannique.
Installations de pisciculture marine autorisées et espèces associées (65)
- cercle rouge avec point noir – Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar)
- cercle jaune avec point noir – Saumon chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
- cercle violet avec point noir – Morue charbonnière (Anolpopoma fimbria)
Numéro de référence de l’installation | Type de permis | Titulaire de permis | Nom commun du site | Espèces autorisées | Latitude (degrés decimaux) | Longitude (degrés decimaux) | Unité de gestion de l'aquaculture |
112 | Pisciculture marine | Golden Eagle Sable Fish Inc. | Centre Cove | Morue charbonnière (Anoplopoma fimbria) | 50,01736 | -127,19165 | Baie Kyuquot |
144 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West | Koskimo | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,45861 | -127,88988 | Baie Quatsino |
169 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Barkley | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 48,9431 | -124,98704 | Baie Barkley |
224 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | San Mateo | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 48,93938 | -124,99239 | Baie Barkley |
227 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Bawden | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,309053 | -126,007418 | Baie Clayoquot |
233 | Pisciculture marine | Creative Salmon Company Ltd. | Indian Bay | Saumon quinnat (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) | 49,11916 | -125,72549 | Baie Clayoquot |
234 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Dixon Bay | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,405 | -126,15055 | Baie Clayoquot |
244 | Pisciculture marine | Creative Salmon Company Ltd. | Eagle Bay | Saumon quinnat (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) | 49,12945 | -125,71093 | Baie Clayoquot |
270 | Pisciculture marine | Omega Pacific Seafarms Inc. | Jane Bay | Morue charbonnière (Anoplopoma fimbria) | 49,00306 | -125,15692 | Baie Barkley |
314 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Ross Pass | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,32437 | -126,04849 | Baie Clayoquot |
456 | Pisciculture marine | 622335 British Columbia Ltd. | Doctor Bay | Saumon quinnat (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) | 50,2521 | -124,81957 | Passage Discovery |
520 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Bedwell | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,26548 | -125,81247 | Baie Clayoquot |
526 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Rant Point | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,2567 | -125,84153 | Baie Clayoquot |
540 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Fortune Channel | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,23503 | -125,75174 | Baie Clayoquot |
543 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Mussel Rock | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,25925 | -125,86762 | Baie Clayoquot |
706 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West | Hardy Bay | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,73446 | -127,44641 | Port Hardy |
776 | Pisciculture marine | Creative Salmon Company Ltd. | Baxter Islets | Saumon quinnat (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) | 49,13299 | -125,78289 | Baie Clayoquot |
831 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West | Shelter Pass | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,88414 | -127,5004 | Port Hardy |
892 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West | Bell Island | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,83242 | -127,52057 | Port Hardy |
1078 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Lutes Creek | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,88622 | -126,76977 | Esperanza Inlet |
1079 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Steamer | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,8876 | -126,79088 | Esperanza Inlet |
1136 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West | Shaw Point | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,48527 | -125,88981 | Passage Discovery |
1148 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Binns Island | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,34182 | -125,95328 | Baie Clayoquot |
1158 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West | Hohoae Island | Saumon quinnat (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) | 50,0335 | -127,21019 | Baie Kyuquot |
1198 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West | Raynor | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,89253 | -127,25359 | Port Hardy |
1237 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West | Monday Rocks | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,48562 | -127,87618 | Baie Quatsino |
1238 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West | Mahatta West | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,46914 | -127,83577 | Baie Quatsino |
1288 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Doyle Island | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,81456 | -127,48698 | Port Hardy |
1291 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | McIntyre Lake | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,30557 | -125,81583 | Baie Clayoquot |
1293 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Duncan Island | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,8195 | -127,55568 | Port Hardy |
1299 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Thorpe Point | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,57888 | -127,6087 | Baie Quatsino |
1300 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Althorpe | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,47531 | -125,80975 | Passage Discovery |
1338 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Mahatta East | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,47456 | -127,78781 | Baie Quatsino |
1350 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Shelter Bay | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,96555 | -127,45345 | Port Hardy |
1351 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Marsh Bay | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,90567 | -127,34239 | Port Hardy |
1376 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Cleagh Creek | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,48188 | -127,73367 | Baie Quatsino |
1382 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Robertson | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,93242 | -127,42537 | Port Hardy |
1419 | Pisciculture marine | Creative Salmon Company Ltd. | McCall Islets | Saumon quinnat (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) | 49,14146 | -125,73122 | Baie Clayoquot |
1472 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | West Side | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,27928 | -125,83065 | Baie Clayoquot |
1507 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Millar Channel | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,37622 | -126,09003 | Baie Clayoquot |
1537 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Bare Bluff | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,32702 | -125,79902 | Baie Clayoquot |
1554 | Pisciculture marine | Golden Eagle Sable Fish Inc. | Charlie's Place | Morue charbonnière (Anoplopoma fimbria) | 50,04149 | -127,17617 | Baie Kyuquot |
1596 | Pisciculture marine | Creative Salmon Company Ltd. | Dawley Pass | Saumon quinnat (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) | 49,16641 | -125,7686 | Baie Clayoquot |
1691 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Kid Bay | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 52,80108 | -128,40431 | Côte Centrale |
1700 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Muchalat South | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,64012 | -126,32735 | Baie Nootka |
1702 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Goat Cove | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 52,78726 | -128,4199 | Côte Centrale |
1705 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Williamson | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,65623 | -126,42849 | Baie Nootka |
1738 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Atrevida | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,65603 | -126,45404 | Baie Nootka |
1762 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Gore | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,6466 | -126,43167 | Baie Nootka |
1789 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Concepcion | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,65923 | -126,47587 | Baie Nootka |
1825 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Noo-la | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,60799 | -126,36301 | Archipel Broughton |
1839 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Wa-kwa | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,60106 | -126,34741 | Archipel Broughton |
1849 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Muchalat North | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,64394 | -126,33953 | Baie Nootka |
1862 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Hecate | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,86799 | -126,7573 | Esperanza Inlet |
1863 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Esperanza | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,87814 | -126,76145 | Esperanza Inlet |
1895 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Sheep Passage | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 52,79609 | -128,31093 | Côte Centrale |
1896 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Lime Point | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 52,78538 | -128,33133 | Côte Centrale |
1899 | Pisciculture marine | Creative Salmon Company Ltd. | Warne Island | Saumon quinnat (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) | 49,12815 | -125,74923 | Baie Clayoquot |
6668 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Plover Point | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,21438 | -125,76603 | Baie Clayoquot |
7053 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Ghi ya | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,90078 | -127,93638 | Port Hardy |
7054 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc | Wanx talis | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,89322 | -127,8956 | Port Hardy |
7114 | Pisciculture marine | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Yaakswiis | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 49,35577 | -126,07951 | Baie Clayoquot |
7273 | Pisciculture marine | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd | Tsa-ya | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 50,6133 | -126,33073 | Archipel Broughton |
7713 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Cougar | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 52,71993 | -128,57432 | Côte Centrale |
7714 | Pisciculture marine | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Alexander | Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) | 52,67648 | -128,57494 | Côte Centrale |
Conchyliculture en Colombie-Britannique
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Carte des installations de conchyliculture en Colombie-Britannique
1:850 000
Système de coordonnées : NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers.
Produit par la Division de la gestion de l’aquaculture du MPO
- Données : installations autorisées du MPO au 6 janvier 2025
- Dernière mise à jour : 7 janvier 2025
Cette carte est fournie aux fins d’information seulement et ne doit pas être utilisée pour la navigation. Pour obtainer la liste des détenteurs de permis actuels, veuillez consulter la Liste des détenteurs actuels de permis valides d'aquaculture en Colombie-Britannique.
Légende :
- les cercles rose sur la carte indiquent les installations autorisées de conchyliculture (487)
- les triangles rose sur la carte indiquent les écloseries de mollusques et crustacés (9)
Numéro de référence de l’installation | Type de permis | Titulaire de permis | Nom commun du site | Latitude (degrés decimaux) | Longitude (degrés decimaux) |
2 | Installation conchylicole | Toan Van Tran | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,54496 | -124,83593 |
3 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Narrows Inlet, Sechelt | 49,69300 | -123,80454 |
4 | Installation conchylicole | Roderick S. Vowles, Wayne D. Vowles and Holly L. Vowles | Metcalf Bay, Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,49993 | -124,76595 |
5 | Installation conchylicole | Darrin Nelson Szaszik | Decourcy Island | 49,10550 | -123,74360 |
6 | Installation conchylicole | Village Bay Mariculture Ltd. | Village Bay, Quadra Island | 50,15617 | -125,19375 |
8 | Installation conchylicole | Frederick Lee Grauer | Lennies Lagoon, Lasqueti Island | 49,51115 | -124.29620 |
9 | Installation conchylicole | Frederick Lee Grauer | Unnamed Bay S.of West Point, Lasqueti Is | 49,51267 | -124.29296 |
10 | Installation conchylicole | Raincoast Sea Farms Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,56765 | -124.84301 |
11 | Installation conchylicole | Raincoast Sea Farms Ltd. | Comox Harbour | 49,66978 | -124.94678 |
12 | Installation conchylicole | Raincoast Sea Farms Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,58348 | -124.84495 |
13 | Installation conchylicole | Raincoast Sea Farms Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,56463 | -124.84321 |
15 | Installation conchylicole | Paradise Oyster Company Ltd. | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46287 | -124.74888 |
18 | Installation conchylicole | Strategic Shellfish Ltd. | Lambert Channel, Hornby Island | 49,53108 | -124.71148 |
20 | Installation conchylicole | Allan Morrison | Burgoyne Bay, Saltspring Island | 48,78903 | -123,51841 |
22 | Installation conchylicole | Islanders Eco Service Ltd. | Bird Cove, Evans Bay, Read Island | 50,20411 | -125,09156 |
23 | Installation conchylicole | Islanders Eco Service Ltd. | Burdwood Bay, Read Island | 50,17323 | -125,09349 |
24 | Installation conchylicole | Islanders Eco Service Ltd. | Evans Bay, Read Island | 50,20024 | -125,07523 |
25 | Installation conchylicole | Kelly Steeve | Burdwood Bay, Read Island | 50,16707 | -125,09874 |
26 | Installation conchylicole | Subtle Island Enterprises Inc. | Subtle Islands, W. Cortes Island | 50,11902 | -125,07889 |
27 | Installation conchylicole | Barnacle Bill’s Shellfish Co. | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,10142 | -125,03463 |
29 | Installation conchylicole | 1363643 BC Ltd | Okeover Inlet | 50,00425 | -124.70519 |
32 | Installation conchylicole | Abrupt Shellfish Inc. | Scott Island | 48,97398 | -123,69336 |
33 | Installation conchylicole | Bonne Le, Ai Thuy Tran and Tuan Anh Le | Baynes Sound | 49,48742 | -124.79402 |
36 | Installation conchylicole | Teakerne Arm Shellfish Corp. | NW Teakerne Arm | 50,18882 | -124.86717 |
38 | Installation conchylicole | Tuan Van Tran and Cong Thanh Ta | Useless Inlet, Barclay Sound | 48,99381 | -125,05661 |
41 | Installation conchylicole | Minh Van Nguyen | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,53762 | -124.82725 |
42 | Installation conchylicole | Xiu Mei Guo and Zhanbing Guo | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,53274 | -124.81848 |
45 | Installation conchylicole | EAS Aquaculture Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,49543 | -124.76236 |
46 | Installation conchylicole | Trinity Aquaculture Inc. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,49111 | -124.75996 |
48 | Installation conchylicole | Spartan Oyster Ltd. | Burdwood Bay, Read Island | 50,17530 | -125,09079 |
50 | Installation conchylicole | Bertha Jeffery | Uganda Pass, Marina Island | 50,08000 | -125,03793 |
54 | Installation conchylicole | Vinh Duc Nguyen, Thi Hanh Pham and Phong Thanh Le | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,57560 | -124.84144 |
59 | Installation conchylicole | Block 391 Shellfish Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,48832 | -124.75727 |
60 | Installation conchylicole | Jin Xian Huang, Van Dong Hang and Halong Oysters Ltd | Baynes Sound | 49,52393 | -124.80466 |
61 | Installation conchylicole | Lighthouse Shellfish Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,51608 | -124.79115 |
62 | Installation conchylicole | Wen Zhang | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,48201 | -124.72535 |
63 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,47052 | -124.78135 |
64 | Installation conchylicole | C and C Shellfish Company Ltd. | Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,47672 | -124.78893 |
65 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46934 | -124.78950 |
66 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,47054 | -124.78582 |
67 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,47137 | -124.79018 |
68 | Installation conchylicole | Parasunny Aquaculture Inc. | Buckley Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,55166 | -124.86886 |
69 | Installation conchylicole | Big Rock Oyster Farm Ltd. | Buckley Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,55405 | -124.87006 |
72 | Installation conchylicole | Thi Hanh Pham | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,57244 | -124.84296 |
73 | Installation conchylicole | Beech House Seafood Ltd. | Cortes Island | 50,14004 | -125,03165 |
74 | Installation conchylicole | D. Ritchie Holdings Ltd. | Whiterock Passage, Read Island | 50,26684 | -125,08159 |
75 | Installation conchylicole | Scott Akenhead and Laurel Lee Coatta | Ladysmith Harbour | 48,98698 | -123,77595 |
76 | Installation conchylicole | D. Ritchie Holdings Ltd. | Maurelle Island | 50,24431 | -125,11326 |
77 | Installation conchylicole | Ristol Seafarms Ltd. | Agamemnon Channel, Nelson Island | 49,72008 | -124.05536 |
80 | Installation conchylicole | Tien Xuan Phuong and Kim Thi Pham | Coulter Bay | 50,13273 | -125,04623 |
81 | Installation conchylicole | Joanne Mccoy and Dale Mccoy | West Cortes Island, Plunger Pass | 50,11527 | -125,07153 |
82 | Installation conchylicole | Ian D. Winter | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,09325 | -125,00651 |
83 | Installation conchylicole | Lucky 8's Oyster Co. Ltd. | East Marina Island | 50,07098 | -125,03135 |
84 | Installation conchylicole | Lucky 8's Oyster Co. Ltd. | Marina Reef | 50,03632 | -125,05431 |
85 | Installation conchylicole | South Manson's Shellfish Incorporated | Mansons Landing, Cortes Island | 50,06072 | -124.99225 |
86 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | North of Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,47626 | -124.79135 |
87 | Installation conchylicole | Block 421 Shellfish Ltd. | Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,47915 | -124.79183 |
88 | Installation conchylicole | David Geoffrey Nikleva | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,09915 | -125,01474 |
89 | Installation conchylicole | Lagoon Island Mariculture Ltd. | Lemmens Inlet, Lagoon Island | 49,20366 | -125,87756 |
90 | Installation conchylicole | Katherine Mclaggan, Stuart Victor Mclaggan and Sonya Friesen | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,09089 | -124.98720 |
91 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46529 | -124.75628 |
92 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46656 | -124.75997 |
93 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46646 | -124.76360 |
94 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46927 | -124.76991 |
97 | Installation conchylicole | Pacific Northwest Shellfish Company Ltd. | Fanny Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,50581 | -124.82511 |
98 | Installation conchylicole | 0864245 BC Ltd | Squirrel Cove, Cortes Island | 50,11807 | -124.90863 |
101 | Installation conchylicole | Madrona Shellfish Ltd. | Nanoose Bay | 49,26940 | -124.17365 |
102 | Installation conchylicole | DIA Technologies Inc. | Agamemnon Channel | 49,70571 | -124.05378 |
104 | Installation conchylicole | Julia Dawn Mitchell | Heron Bay, Lasqueti Island | 49,50313 | -124.25279 |
105 | Installation conchylicole | Storm Bay Shellfish Co. Ltd. | Sechelt Inlet | 49,65653 | -123,81989 |
109 | Installation conchylicole | Hadden And Sons Shellfish Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,54870 | -124.83972 |
110 | Installation conchylicole | Linda M. Carlson and Clay S. Carlson | Salalicum Pass, Open Bay, Quadra Island | 50,14045 | -125,18895 |
113 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Metcalf Bay | 49,49838 | -124.76650 |
115 | Installation conchylicole | Fred Stern | Townley Islands, Malaspina Peninsula | 50,02395 | -124.83944 |
116 | Installation conchylicole | Viking Bay Ventures Ltd. | SE King Islets, Read Island | 50,16051 | -125,14212 |
117 | Installation conchylicole | Lawrence Douglas Mc Donald | Marble Cove | 48,91396 | -125,10794 |
118 | Installation conchylicole | Travis Hesketh and Cory Hesketh | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,48572 | -124.75270 |
119 | Installation conchylicole | Helen V. Radosevic | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,10238 | -125,00460 |
120 | Installation conchylicole | Sand Dollar Oyster Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,50947 | -124.77946 |
121 | Installation conchylicole | Island Shellfish Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,51825 | -124.79541 |
122 | Installation conchylicole | Bonne Le, Chi Thi Bich (Betsy) Le and Tuan Anh Le | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,47528 | -124.69129 |
124 | Installation conchylicole | Ronald O. Block | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,10160 | -125,03285 |
126 | Installation conchylicole | Ronald O. Block | Cat Islands, SW Cortes Island | 50,07241 | -124.99067 |
127 | Installation conchylicole | Lorindale Holdings Ltd. | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,45875 | -124.73807 |
128 | Installation conchylicole | Lorindale Holdings Ltd. | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46040 | -124.75062 |
129 | Installation conchylicole | Bruce C. Cook | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,45712 | -124.73808 |
130 | Installation conchylicole | Van Duc Ly | Ford Cove, Hornby Island | 49,49998 | -124.68331 |
131 | Installation conchylicole | Hadden And Sons Shellfish Ltd. and Tran Giadinh Holdings Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,55915 | -124.84211 |
132 | Installation conchylicole | Jin Xian Huang, Van Dong Hang and Halong Oysters Ltd | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,55755 | -124.84320 |
133 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,56199 | -124.84268 |
134 | Installation conchylicole | State Of The Art Systems Corporation | Hornby Island | 49,53369 | -124.71188 |
135 | Installation conchylicole | James McElwain | Ship's Point, Baynes Sound | 49,49724 | -124.79111 |
146 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | St. Vincent Bay, Sykes Island | 49,81093 | -124.08203 |
160 | Installation conchylicole | Ristol Seafarms Ltd. | Sechelt Inlet | 49,58115 | -123,78374 |
164 | Écloserie de coquillages | Island Scallops Ltd. | Island Scallops Hatchery | 49,39128 | -124.60150 |
166 | Installation conchylicole | Johanna Hoskins | Saltspring Island | 48,89312 | -123,49988 |
168 | Installation conchylicole | Read Island Shellfish Ltd. | Evans Bay, Read Island | 50,22081 | -125,07108 |
174 | Installation conchylicole | David Hamoline | Malaspina Inlet | 50,06045 | -124.80426 |
175 | Installation conchylicole | Russell Patenaude | Okeover Inlet | 50,01226 | -124.70833 |
185 | Installation conchylicole | David Geoffrey Nikleva | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,08982 | -125,01206 |
186 | Installation conchylicole | Hoskyns Oysters Ltd. | Dunsterville Bay | 50,14731 | -125,14822 |
187 | Installation conchylicole | Lannie Keller | Fronting DL 20, N. Evans Bay, Read Is. | 50,21907 | -125,06738 |
188 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Thors Cove, Lancelot Inlet | 50,05706 | -124.70615 |
189 | Installation conchylicole | Huu-ay-aht First Nation | Trevor Channel, Baie Barkley | 48,87796 | -125,08613 |
191 | Installation conchylicole | Pacific Northwest Shellfish Company Ltd. | Malaspina Inlet | 50,04937 | -124.78582 |
194 | Installation conchylicole | Stuart Victor Mclaggan and M. Levesque | Shark Spit, Marina Island | 50,08832 | -125,05067 |
195 | Installation conchylicole | Huan Dan Investor | Carrington Bay, Cortes Island | 50,14618 | -125,02158 |
196 | Installation conchylicole | Tien Xuan Phuong and Kim Thi Pham | Frederic Point, Read Island | 50,18517 | -125,04470 |
197 | Installation conchylicole | Island Sea Farms Inc. | Evans Bay, Read Island | 50,20484 | -125,07579 |
204 | Installation conchylicole | Doug Wright | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,55602 | -124.84632 |
205 | Installation conchylicole | Doug Wright | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,55169 | -124.84281 |
209 | Installation conchylicole | Seascal Enterprises Ltd. | Cortes Island, Sutil Channel | 50,20415 | -124.98557 |
212 | Installation conchylicole | Judy Hicks | Okeover Inlet | 50,01777 | -124.71096 |
213 | Installation conchylicole | Tuan Van Tran | Useless Inlet, Baie Barkley | 48,98607 | -125,05705 |
238 | Installation conchylicole | Wood Island's Legacy | Wood Islets, Mosquito Hbr., Fortune Ch. | 49,19362 | -125,78632 |
239 | Installation conchylicole | Wood Island's Legacy | Mosquito Harbour, Meares Island | 49,19162 | -125,79546 |
240 | Installation conchylicole | Red Star Seafoods Ltd. | Lancelot Inlet | 50,04466 | -124.70896 |
241 | Installation conchylicole | Heike Tomaino | Lemmens Inlet, Meares Island | 49,21053 | -125,86157 |
250 | Installation conchylicole | Han Duc Tran and Dung Thi Dau | Metcalf Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,50454 | -124.77121 |
254 | Installation conchylicole | Oyster Bros Ventures | NE Nelson Island, Jervis Inlet | 49,78066 | -124.04069 |
256 | Installation conchylicole | Joyce Hope | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,09481 | -125,01085 |
258 | Installation conchylicole | James Edward Spalding | Useless Inlet, Baie Barkley | 48,99790 | -125,04783 |
259 | Installation conchylicole | Jesse Kurt Broten | Lemmens Inlet, Meares Island | 49,19021 | -125,88800 |
261 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Dark Cove, Jervis Inlet | 49,81624 | -123,95025 |
265 | Installation conchylicole | 1298272 B.C. LTD. | Hotham Sound | 49,85346 | -124.05550 |
272 | Installation conchylicole | Mary Huong Hoang, Hien Thuy Le, Thanh Thi Le, Han Hoan Dong, Nang Thang Ngo, Van Tien Ngo and Dai Thi Trang Tran | Fanny Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,50410 | -124.81816 |
277 | Installation conchylicole | Han Duc Tran and Dung Thi Dau | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,57799 | -124.84034 |
278 | Installation conchylicole | Pacific Northwest Shellfish Company Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,52954 | -124.81310 |
279 | Installation conchylicole | Fred Stern | Malaspina Peninsula, North of Turner Bay | 50,04942 | -124.83477 |
280 | Installation conchylicole | Malcolm Hugh McDonald | Lancelot Inlet | 50,05038 | -124.70981 |
281 | Installation conchylicole | Andre Comeau and Chris Roberts | West Side of Okeover Inlet | 49,97256 | -124.68900 |
282 | Installation conchylicole | Robert Langley | Okeover Inlet | 49,97819 | -124.68369 |
283 | Installation conchylicole | Satoru K Suttles and Stephen Lamb | Anderson Cove, S.E. Lasqueti Island | 49,47851 | -124.21082 |
288 | Installation conchylicole | Jilane Kariatsumari | NW Lemmens Inlet, Meares Island | 49,21162 | -125,88632 |
295 | Installation conchylicole | Klahoose Shellfish Limited Partnership | Squirrel Cove | 50,12286 | -124.91924 |
296 | Installation conchylicole | C AND C SHELLFISH COMPANY LTD. | Fanny Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,48076 | -124.79289 |
298 | Installation conchylicole | Phat Fanny Oyster Farm Ltd. | Denman Island, N. of Repulse Point, Baynes Sound | 49,48432 | -124.74907 |
299 | Installation conchylicole | Little Wing Oysters Ltd. | Coode Peninsula, Okeover Inlet | 50,01989 | -124.72946 |
316 | Installation conchylicole | Canadian Benthic Limited | Roquefeuil Bay, Baie Barkley | 48,85050 | -125,11262 |
320 | Installation conchylicole | Canadian Benthic Limited | Roquefeuil Bay | 48,85414 | -125,11195 |
321 | Installation conchylicole | Richard Steed | Useless Inlet, Baie Barkley | 48,97806 | -125,07571 |
323 | Installation conchylicole | 377331 British Columbia Ltd. | North of Denman Point, Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,57141 | -124.85053 |
324 | Installation conchylicole | 377332 British Columbia Ltd. | SW Mussel Rock, Cypress Bay | 49,26331 | -125,87612 |
327 | Installation conchylicole | Theodosia Seafoods Inc. | SW Theodosia Inlet | 50,06547 | -124.69587 |
328 | Installation conchylicole | Nor-Pac Oysters Incorporated | Vanguard Bay, Nelson Island | 49,75050 | -124.09750 |
330 | Installation conchylicole | British Coastal Bi Valve + Ltd | Malaspina Inlet | 50,03958 | -124.76917 |
342 | Installation conchylicole | Todd Phillips and Kelly Phillips | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,52776 | -124.81083 |
343 | Installation conchylicole | Ammy Chui, Keith Chui, Huan Zhang and Jia Tian | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,48137 | -124.73551 |
345 | Installation conchylicole | Cooper's Cove Oyster Farm Ltd. | Billings Spit, Sooke Harbour | 48,38071 | -123,70138 |
347 | Installation conchylicole | Pacific Northwest Shellfish Company Ltd. | Trevenen Bay, Malaspina Inlet | 50,03377 | -124.76242 |
348 | Installation conchylicole | Coode Island Oyster Farms Ltd. | Coode Island, Trevenen Bay | 50,02489 | -124.74086 |
360 | Installation conchylicole | Bruce Dryden | Stuart Channel, Coffin Point | 48,98992 | -123,76025 |
365 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Okeover Inlet | 50,02062 | -124.73707 |
366 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Waddington Channel | 50,26356 | -124.79062 |
367 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Allies Island, Waddington Channel | 50,22168 | -124.81821 |
368 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | NW Shore Allies Island, Waddington Ch. | 50,21654 | -124.81129 |
371 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | West Side Allies Island | 50,21210 | -124.81342 |
394 | Installation conchylicole | Andrzej Just | Quartz Bay, Cortes Island | 50,15626 | -125,00517 |
397 | Installation conchylicole | Imperial Eagle Clam Company Ltd. | Sechart Channel | 48,95398 | -125,24976 |
403 | Installation conchylicole | Comfort Cove Shellfish Ltd. | N. Tuwanek Point, E. Sechelt Inlet | 49,56603 | -123,78195 |
415 | Installation conchylicole | Kilo Sea Farm Ltd. | Thors Cove, Lancelot Inlet | 50,06065 | -124.70469 |
436 | Installation conchylicole | Katherine Mclaggan and Stuart Victor Mclaggan | Heriot Bay, Quadra Island | 50,10794 | -125,21880 |
438 | Installation conchylicole | Alan Schmidt and Eunice Schmidt | Lambert Channel | 49,53989 | -124.75333 |
439 | Installation conchylicole | Alan Schmidt | Lambert Channel, Denman Island | 49,53789 | -124.75262 |
441 | Installation conchylicole | Tony Paul Bishop | Effingham Inlet | 49,01172 | -125,16249 |
453 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | West of Coode Isl., NW Trevenen Bay | 50,02942 | -124.74736 |
461 | Installation conchylicole | Ry Huynh | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,51490 | -124.78870 |
479 | Installation conchylicole | R.I.O. Sea Farms Inc. | Redonda Bay, West Redonda Island | 50,26288 | -124.95609 |
484 | Installation conchylicole | Effingham Oysters Inc | Effingham Inlet | 49,01735 | -125,17419 |
485 | Installation conchylicole | Read Island Quest Co-operative | Burdwood Bay, Read Island | 50,16621 | -125,09926 |
489 | Installation conchylicole | Beulah Island Oyster Company Ltd. | Parker Harbour, Malaspina Inlet | 50,05628 | -124.79581 |
490 | Installation conchylicole | Odyssey Shellfish Ltd. | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,45811 | -124.74655 |
493 | Installation conchylicole | Ristol Seafarms Ltd. | Sechelt Inlet | 49,56800 | -123,78294 |
494 | Installation conchylicole | D. Ritchie Holdings Ltd. | Douglas Bay, Uganda Passage, Cortes Is. | 50,09612 | -125,03885 |
496 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Refuge Cove, West Redonda Island | 50,12295 | -124.84904 |
497 | Installation conchylicole | Lucky 2's Oyster Co. Ltd | Joyce Point, West Redonda Island | 50,17168 | -124.90115 |
499 | Installation conchylicole | Delia Becker | Lewis Channel | 50,18010 | -124.92683 |
501 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Martin Islands, Desolation Sound | 50,11275 | -124.81853 |
502 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Desolation Sound | 50,11297 | -124.83101 |
503 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Refuge Cove | 50,12625 | -124.84526 |
515 | Installation conchylicole | Gary Wick and Allan Morrison | Anderson Cove, Sooke Basin | 48,35998 | -123,65295 |
518 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Heriot Bay, Quadra Island | 50,10984 | -125,21802 |
519 | Installation conchylicole | Pamela McLellan and Gordon McLellan Sr. | Ships Point, Littles Bay | 49,48863 | -124.79273 |
521 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Base Flats, Baynes Sound | 49,51990 | -124.82522 |
522 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,52597 | -124.83641 |
523 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,52334 | -124.82817 |
525 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | North of Fanny Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,50784 | -124.82852 |
528 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Fanny Bay | 49,51219 | -124.82796 |
529 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,51545 | -124.82586 |
530 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,48939 | -124.79040 |
531 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Ships Point | 49,49034 | -124.79299 |
532 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Ships Pt | 49,49029 | -124.78874 |
533 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Mystery Beach & Eagle Point | 49,54167 | -124.86161 |
534 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Buckley Bay | 49,52845 | -124.85065 |
535 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Berray Beach, Baynes Sound | 49,46968 | -124.77136 |
536 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Ships Point, Baynes Sound | 49,49497 | -124.79033 |
545 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,51406 | -124.78948 |
559 | Installation conchylicole | Wet Coast Ventures Ltd | Telescope Passage, Nelson Island | 49,74433 | -124.15324 |
711 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Lot 119, Inner Ladysmith Harbour | 49,01508 | -123,83825 |
712 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Ladysmith Harbour, Sibell Bay | 48,98488 | -123,77469 |
713 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Davis Lagoon, Ladysmith Harbour | 48,96572 | -123,77301 |
716 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Ladysmith Harbour | 48,98288 | -123,80103 |
717 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Houston Passage, Saltspring Island | 48,93149 | -123,56558 |
718 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Preedy Harbour, Thetis Island | 48,97151 | -123,67402 |
719 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Lot 288, Preedy Harbour | 48,98035 | -123,68541 |
722 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Lot 267, North Cove, Thetis Island | 49,00814 | -123,68081 |
723 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Lot 41, North Cove, Thetis Island | 49,01167 | -123,68434 |
724 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Lot 322, North Cove, Thetis Island | 49,01225 | -123,68398 |
727 | Installation conchylicole | Miss Sunshine Oysters Ltd. | Vanguard Bay, Nelson Island | 49,75105 | -124.10406 |
729 | Installation conchylicole | Musgrave Shellfish Company Ltd. | Sansum Narrows, Bold Bluff | 48,77454 | -123,54944 |
753 | Installation conchylicole | Maaqutusiis Hahoulthee Stewardship Society | Cormorant | 49,25719 | -125,92441 |
756 | Installation conchylicole | BC Pacific Oysters Ltd. | Hardy Island, Jervis Inlet | 49,75106 | -124.18671 |
760 | Installation conchylicole | New Growth Shellfish Company Ltd. | South of Tiber Bay, Cortes Island | 50,06725 | -124.88564 |
763 | Installation conchylicole | Comox Shellfish Ltd. | Deep Bay, Cook Creek | 49,46245 | -124.74978 |
764 | Installation conchylicole | New Growth Shellfish Company Ltd. | 1 km North of Mary Point, Cortes Island | 50,06632 | -124.88079 |
765 | Installation conchylicole | John Anins | False Bay, Lasqueti Island | 49,49446 | -124.37472 |
774 | Installation conchylicole | Alex R. Munro and Shannon L. Munro | San Mateo Bay | 48,94044 | -124.98711 |
779 | Installation conchylicole | Maplestar Seafood Ltd. | Nanoose Bay | 49,25901 | -124.17557 |
780 | Installation conchylicole | Islanders Eco Service Ltd. | Burdwood Bay, Steamboat Island | 50,15884 | -125,09564 |
781 | Installation conchylicole | Hung Van Dui | Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,47359 | -124.78995 |
805 | Installation conchylicole | Tiber Bay Holdings Ltd. | Tiber Bay, N Mary Point | 50,06962 | -124.88794 |
816 | Installation conchylicole | Jin Lai Holdings Inc. | Ship's Point, Baynes Sound | 49,49328 | -124.78994 |
829 | Installation conchylicole | Seascal Enterprises Ltd. | Penn Islands | 50,19367 | -125,02957 |
832 | Installation conchylicole | 9-Mile Island Enterprises Inc. | 9-Mile Point, Sechelt Inlet | 49,59922 | -123,78797 |
838 | Installation conchylicole | Maria Killins, Brian Killins and John Greig | Lemmens Inlet, Meares Island | 49,22307 | -125,85537 |
840 | Installation conchylicole | Sara E. De Rose and Tim Paul John Coertze | W Hornby Island, Lambert Channel | 49,52689 | -124.70955 |
841 | Installation conchylicole | Marcel Cyr, Nick Vandermolen and Sandra Vandermolen | NE Effingham Inlet | 49,08011 | -125,16533 |
842 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Okeover Inlet | 50,02408 | -124.71624 |
843 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Hyacinthe Bay | 50,11221 | -125,21737 |
845 | Installation conchylicole | Walter Belobaba and Joan Barbara Belobaba | Silverado Creek, King Passage | 49,63062 | -126.37176 |
846 | Installation conchylicole | Yves Page | White Rock Passage, Read Island | 50,25770 | -125,08868 |
847 | Installation conchylicole | Island Sea Farms Inc. | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,09447 | -124.98969 |
849 | Installation conchylicole | Rocky Island Shellfish Co. Ltd. | Hyacinthe Bay, Quadra Island | 50,11890 | -125,22794 |
851 | Installation conchylicole | David Geoffrey Nikleva | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,09918 | -125,01768 |
880 | Installation conchylicole | Joseph McLellan | Nanoose Bay | 49,26417 | -124.17556 |
882 | Installation conchylicole | Northwest Aquaculture Ltd. | Effingham Inlet | 49,02278 | -125,14984 |
890 | Installation conchylicole | New Growth Shellfish Company Ltd. | McGuffy's Bay, West Redonda Island | 50,13331 | -124.86205 |
891 | Installation conchylicole | Timothy Oyster Co. Ltd. | Dayman Island | 48,97349 | -123,69148 |
894 | Installation conchylicole | David Geoffrey Nikleva | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,10028 | -125,02625 |
895 | Installation conchylicole | Imperial Eagle Clam Company Ltd. | Useless Inlet, Baie Barkley | 48,99646 | -125,05129 |
897 | Installation conchylicole | Aphrodite's Garden Oyster Company | Trevenen Bay, Okeover Inlet | 50,00952 | -124.72608 |
898 | Installation conchylicole | Garth Walton, Alex Nicholl and Martha Cripps | Cortes Island | 50,08759 | -125,02199 |
899 | Installation conchylicole | Bold Point Shellfish Company Ltd. | Quadra Island, Crescent Channel | 50,16777 | -125,17043 |
900 | Installation conchylicole | Bold Point Shellfish Company Ltd. | Quadra Island, Cresent Channel | 50,16958 | -125,16609 |
902 | Installation conchylicole | Truong Tran, Thuan Tran and Trung Tran | Denman Island, N of Repulse Point, Baynes Sound | 49,48298 | -124.74332 |
903 | Installation conchylicole | Evening Cove Oysters Ltd. | Booth Bay, Saltspring Island | 48,86914 | -123,55518 |
909 | Installation conchylicole | Bee Islets Growers Corp. | Bee Islets, Cortes Island | 50,09569 | -125,01825 |
911 | Installation conchylicole | Diana Rae | Agamemnon Channel, Nelson Island | 49,74413 | -124.05286 |
912 | Installation conchylicole | Sailor Johnson | False Bay, Lasqueti Island | 49,48467 | -124.35168 |
914 | Installation conchylicole | Sailor Johnson | Lasqueti Island, Johnson's Lagoon | 49,48177 | -124.35530 |
915 | Installation conchylicole | Timothy Oyster Co. Ltd. | Coffin Point, Stuart Channel | 48,98927 | -123,75933 |
916 | Installation conchylicole | Timothy Oyster Co. Ltd. | Degnen Bay, Gabriola Island | 49,13332 | -123,71715 |
917 | Installation conchylicole | Innovative Aquaculture Products Ltd | Bull Passage, Lasqueti Island | 49,50053 | -124.23500 |
919 | Installation conchylicole | Innovative Aquaculture Products Ltd | Boho Island | 49,49794 | -124.22578 |
922 | Installation conchylicole | Ronald O. Block and Gary Block | Squirrel Cove, Cortes Island | 50,11281 | -124.90540 |
923 | Installation conchylicole | Gregory Kay Williams | Sansum Narrows, North Cowichan | 48,78882 | -123,56409 |
926 | Installation conchylicole | Harmony Seafoods Ltd. | Goliath Bay | 49,82556 | -123,95738 |
927 | Installation conchylicole | Harmony Seafoods Ltd. | Granville Bay | 49,83672 | -123,99548 |
928 | Installation conchylicole | Brent Petkau | West of Shark Spit, Marina Island | 50,08653 | -125,05583 |
931 | Installation conchylicole | Island Sea Farms Inc. | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,09910 | -124.98287 |
935 | Installation conchylicole | Charles Cecil Robinson | Whaletown Bay | 50,10987 | -125,04954 |
936 | Installation conchylicole | Island Sea Farms Inc. | Stove Island | 50,09982 | -125,00543 |
939 | Installation conchylicole | S & J Fishing Ltd. | Lasqueti Island | 49,51864 | -124.34757 |
940 | Installation conchylicole | Joseph McLellan | Nanoose Bay | 49,26742 | -124.17986 |
945 | Installation conchylicole | Effingham Oysters Inc | San Mateo Bay | 48,93778 | -124.98433 |
958 | Installation conchylicole | Stephen Nikleva | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,08775 | -125,00694 |
961 | Installation conchylicole | 1302820 B.C. LTD. | Scottie Bay, Lasqueti Island | 49,51872 | -124.33997 |
962 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Henry Bay, Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,58326 | -124.84233 |
963 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Baynes Sound | 49,47986 | -124.78389 |
964 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Fanny Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,50461 | -124.80384 |
965 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Baynes Sound | 49,50215 | -124.79978 |
968 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,57020 | -124.87764 |
975 | Installation conchylicole | Casanova Seafoods Inc. | Sproat Bay | 48,90379 | -125,08019 |
976 | Installation conchylicole | David Kulhawy | Tzartus Island, Sproat Bay | 48,90728 | -125,07934 |
977 | Installation conchylicole | Sawmill Bay Shellfish Company Ltd. | Evans Bay, Read Island | 50,19761 | -125,06354 |
983 | Installation conchylicole | James Shaw | Burdwood Bay, Read Island | 50,16381 | -125,09434 |
985 | Installation conchylicole | Sea Spray Aquaculture Ltd. | Espinosa Inlet, Baie Nootka | 49,93967 | -126.91724 |
986 | Installation conchylicole | Sea Spray Aquaculture Ltd. | Little Espinosa Inlet | 49,95527 | -126.91147 |
987 | Installation conchylicole | Mink Island Holding Company, Inc. | Mink Island, Desolation Sound | 50,10641 | -124.75679 |
989 | Installation conchylicole | Island Sea Farms Inc. | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,09772 | -124.98471 |
991 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | Henry Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,58780 | -124.83980 |
992 | Installation conchylicole | Bonne Le, Ai Thuy Tran and Tuan Anh Le | Comox Harbour, Baynes Sound | 49,60943 | -124.89836 |
993 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | Fanny Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,50407 | -124.81160 |
996 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,54698 | -124.83779 |
999 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | West side of Hornby Island | 49,51908 | -124.70755 |
1000 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | Henry Bay, West Denman Island | 49,59744 | -124.83586 |
1001 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,58829 | -124.83846 |
1002 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,56971 | -124.84303 |
1004 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | Denman Point, Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,55945 | -124.84681 |
1005 | Installation conchylicole | Baynes Sound Oyster Co. Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,56832 | -124.87630 |
1007 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Trevenen Bay, Malaspina Inlet | 50,02193 | -124.74207 |
1009 | Installation conchylicole | Super Shell Enterprises Ltd | Trevenen Bay | 50,02956 | -124.75303 |
1010 | Installation conchylicole | British Coastal Bi Valve + Ltd | Trevenen Bay | 50,03641 | -124.76499 |
1012 | Installation conchylicole | Twin Islands Aquaculture Ltd. | Twin Islands | 50,03158 | -124.93385 |
1013 | Installation conchylicole | Ian D. Winter | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,10156 | -125,03044 |
1014 | Installation conchylicole | Ian D. Winter | Pill Island, Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,10047 | -124.99357 |
1015 | Installation conchylicole | Lasqueti Island Seafoods Ltd. | SE Wells Point, Tucker Bay, Lasqueti Is. | 49,50257 | -124.27685 |
1018 | Installation conchylicole | Mary McLellan and Pamela McLellan | Denman Island | 49,56628 | -124.84392 |
1019 | Installation conchylicole | Timothy Oyster Co. Ltd. | Ladysmith Harbour, Sibell Bay | 48,98991 | -123,77835 |
1024 | Installation conchylicole | Robert Paquin and Ray Bloomquist | Okeover Inlet | 49,98987 | -124.69171 |
1029 | Installation conchylicole | Baie Nootka Shellfish Ltd. | Hanna Channel, Baie Nootka | 49,67728 | -126.47509 |
1030 | Installation conchylicole | Cooper's Cove Oyster Farm Ltd. | Phipps Point, Hornby Island | 49,53756 | -124.71266 |
1050 | Installation conchylicole | Baie Nootka Shellfish Ltd. | Plumper Harbour, Kendrick Inlet, Baie Nootka | 49,69642 | -126.63598 |
1054 | Installation conchylicole | Shayne Sadler and S&H Mariculture Ltd. | N. of Adventure Cove, Lemmens Inlet | 49,21164 | -125,84134 |
1071 | Installation conchylicole | Skaiakos Point Oysters Inc | Sechelt Inlet | 49,57225 | -123,81386 |
1072 | Installation conchylicole | Innovative Aquaculture Products Ltd | Bull Passage, Lasqueti Island | 49,50020 | -124.23550 |
1114 | Installation conchylicole | Aaron Trant | N.W. side of Hornby Island | 49,54662 | -124.70072 |
1119 | Installation conchylicole | Lucky 1's Oyster Co. Ltd. | Nanoose Bay | 49,26929 | -124.16661 |
1121 | Installation conchylicole | Katherine Mclaggan and Stuart Victor Mclaggan | N. of Quartz Bay, Cortes Island | 50,17448 | -124.98532 |
1123 | Installation conchylicole | Seascal Enterprises Ltd. | N.W. side of Cortes Island | 50,19787 | -124.97634 |
1132 | Installation conchylicole | Webster Isle Transport Ltd. | Effingham Inlet | 49,00372 | -125,19246 |
1155 | Installation conchylicole | Pacific Northwest Shellfish Company Ltd. | Fanny Bay, West of Ship Point | 49,50626 | -124.81534 |
1163 | Installation conchylicole | 377333 British Columbia Ltd. | Baynes Sound | 49,54296 | -124.85561 |
1177 | Installation conchylicole | 401619 British Columbia Ltd. | East of Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,47382 | -124.76441 |
1186 | Installation conchylicole | Granscal Sea Farms Ltd. | Kanish Bay, Quadra Island | 50,24669 | -125,32619 |
1202 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | NE of Church Point | 50,19195 | -124.77058 |
1204 | Installation conchylicole | Edward A Woodard | Moon Bay, Agamemnon Channel | 49,67194 | -124.08610 |
1216 | Installation conchylicole | Happy As A Clam Shellfish Ltd. | Bay at northern end of Twin Islands | 50,04054 | -124.96524 |
1218 | Installation conchylicole | Theodosia Seafoods Inc. | Theodosia Inlet | 50,06648 | -124.69456 |
1221 | Installation conchylicole | Rene Rey Swiss Chocolates Ltd. | Agamemnon Channel | 49,72438 | -124.03668 |
1235 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | S. End Okeover Inlet | 49,96580 | -124.68312 |
1247 | Installation conchylicole | Snuneymuxw First Nation | Dodd Narrows | 49,12379 | -123,80647 |
1251 | Installation conchylicole | Snuneymuxw First Nation | Stuart Channel, Mudge Island | 49,12915 | -123,79612 |
1253 | Installation conchylicole | Snuneymuxw First Nation | Degnen Bay, Gabriola Island | 49,13156 | -123,71553 |
1261 | Installation conchylicole | Odyssey Shellfish Ltd. | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46040 | -124.74417 |
1274 | Installation conchylicole | Katherine Mclaggan and Stuart Victor Mclaggan | Burdwood Bay, Read Island | 50,16075 | -125,09834 |
1276 | Installation conchylicole | Kristen L. Scholfield-Sweet and John Shook | Plunger Passage, Cortes Island | 50,12152 | -125,05687 |
1310 | Installation conchylicole | Island Scallops Ltd. | East of Bowser | 49,44533 | -124.65461 |
1328 | Installation conchylicole | Effingham Shellfish Producers Inc. | Effingham Inlet, Near Webster Island | 49,00748 | -125,16938 |
1337 | Installation conchylicole | Snuneymuxw First Nation | False Narrows Between Gabriola and Mudge Islands | 49,13040 | -123,77047 |
1373 | Installation conchylicole | Island Sea Farms Inc. | Fredric Bay, Read Island | 50,18711 | -125,05011 |
1396 | Installation conchylicole | Benjamin Michael Rendall | Deadman Island, Uganda Passage | 50,07853 | -125,00153 |
1405 | Installation conchylicole | Fan Seafoods Limited | Crescent Bay, Texada Island | 49,76868 | -124.62691 |
1411 | Installation conchylicole | Oh La La Oyster Corporation - Inc | Okeover Inlet | 49,98725 | -124.70447 |
1415 | Installation conchylicole | Colin Calvert | Fidalgo Passage, Bligh Island | 49,65604 | -126.54309 |
1428 | Installation conchylicole | Tammy Nguyen, Bonne Le, Tuan Anh Le and John J. Le | Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,48413 | -124.79233 |
1429 | Installation conchylicole | Matthew Daniel Carey | NE side of Marina Island | 50,07708 | -125,03615 |
1441 | Installation conchylicole | Fan Seafoods Limited | Marina Island, NE of Marina Reef | 50,04359 | -125,04901 |
1443 | Installation conchylicole | Fan Seafoods Limited | S.W. Marina Island | 50,04920 | -125,05935 |
1468 | Installation conchylicole | Dale Williamson & Martin Ellis | West Redonda Island | 50,25926 | -124.96805 |
1477 | Installation conchylicole | Fan Seafoods Limited | South of Savary Island | 49,93190 | -124.79948 |
1478 | Installation conchylicole | Fan Seafoods Limited | North of Savary Island | 49,95029 | -124.81368 |
1487 | Installation conchylicole | 1109276 B.C. LTD. | Okeover Inlet | 49,97162 | -124.68016 |
1488 | Installation conchylicole | Fan Seafoods Limited | Thorp Island, Malaspina Inlet | 50,05146 | -124.78872 |
1489 | Installation conchylicole | Red Star Seafoods Ltd. | Okeover Inlet | 50,02907 | -124.71848 |
1491 | Installation conchylicole | Chuong Huynh, Luan Van Nguyen, Tham Thi Hong Le and Nhan Thi Kim Nguyen | SW of Deep Bay, Vancouver Island | 49,46141 | -124.75312 |
1493 | Installation conchylicole | Dale Williamson & Martin Ellis | Cortes Island, N. of Quartz Bay | 50,17129 | -124.98726 |
1495 | Installation conchylicole | Lucky 7's Oyster Co. Ltd. | Near Denman Pt., Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,55031 | -124.84397 |
1517 | Installation conchylicole | Pacific Northwest Shellfish Company Ltd. | Fanny Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,50516 | -124.82192 |
1519 | Installation conchylicole | Seascal Enterprises Ltd. | South of Bullock Pt., Cortes Island | 50,21566 | -124.99732 |
1522 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Trevenan Bay | 50,01781 | -124.73812 |
1523 | Écloserie de coquillages | Island Sea Farms Inc. | Trincomali Channel | 48,89800 | -123,51100 |
1543 | Installation conchylicole | Klahoose Shellfish Ltd. Partnership | W. end of Talbot Cove in Teakerne Arm | 50,17168 | -124.88811 |
1546 | Installation conchylicole | Sheila Nilsson and Roland Nilsson | Nanoose Bay, Lot 119 | 49,25591 | -124.17191 |
1549 | Installation conchylicole | Dao Thi Pham and Sinh T. Phuong | Coulter Bay, Cortes Island | 50,13135 | -125,04669 |
1553 | Installation conchylicole | William Robert Mounce | Humpback Bay, NE Porcher Island | 54.08656 | -130.39259 |
1556 | Installation conchylicole | Richard Lozon | Skidegate Inlet, Kagen Bay at Scalus Is. | 53.20284 | -132.22332 |
1560 | Installation conchylicole | Khuynh Van Nguyen | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,54105 | -124.83193 |
1572 | Installation conchylicole | Joanne Mccoy and Dale Mccoy | East Marina Island | 50,07436 | -125,03368 |
1582 | Écloserie de coquillages | 1195895 B.C. Ltd | Cedar, South of Nanaimo | 49,10100 | -123,80100 |
1584 | Installation conchylicole | Totem Sea Farm Inc. | St. Vincent Bay, Jervis Inlet | 49,83453 | -124.05347 |
1605 | Installation conchylicole | Yves Page | Kinghorn Island | 50,08192 | -124.83902 |
1606 | Installation conchylicole | Oltabi Shellfish Co. Ltd. | Lloyd Creek, Homfray Channel | 50,19794 | -124.60826 |
1607 | Installation conchylicole | Aphrodite's Garden Oyster Company | Trevenen Bay, Coode Peninsula, Okeover Inlet | 50,01723 | -124.73612 |
1612 | Installation conchylicole | Shoreline Seafood Ltd. | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,53140 | -124.81597 |
1617 | Écloserie de coquillages | Manatee Holdings Ltd. | Gartley Point | 49,64195 | -124.92403 |
1622 | Installation conchylicole | Huu-ay-aht First Nation | Numukamis Bay | 48,90586 | -125,01308 |
1623 | Installation conchylicole | Ehattesaht First Nation | Little Espinosa Inlet - Site 5 of 5 | 49,94575 | -126.89820 |
1627 | Installation conchylicole | Ehattesaht First Nation | Little Espinosa Inlet - Site 1 of 5 | 49,95913 | -126.87765 |
1628 | Installation conchylicole | Ehattesaht First Nation | Little Espinosa Inlet - Site 2 of 5 | 49,95980 | -126.88888 |
1629 | Installation conchylicole | Huu-ay-aht First Nation | Poett Nook, Numukamis Bay | 48,87809 | -125,05119 |
1630 | Installation conchylicole | Ehattesaht First Nation | Little Espinosa Inlet - Site 4 of 5 | 49,93335 | -126.90746 |
1632 | Installation conchylicole | Ehattesaht First Nation | Little Espinosa Inlet - Site 3 of 5 | 49,94593 | -126.90789 |
1636 | Installation conchylicole | Toquart Bay Shellfish Ltd. | N/W Side of Stopper Island, Toquart Bay | 49,00468 | -125,34855 |
1637 | Installation conchylicole | Toquart Bay Shellfish Ltd. | N/E Side of N. Stopper Island, Toquart Bay | 49,00393 | -125,33962 |
1638 | Installation conchylicole | Canadian Benthic Limited | West Side of Effingham Inlet, Eastern Baie Barkley | 49,01525 | -125,17919 |
1641 | Installation conchylicole | Toquaht Management Ltd | Bazett Island, Toquart Bay | 49,01767 | -125,30746 |
1657 | Installation conchylicole | R & N Resources Ltd. and 167432 BC Ltd. | Pinkerton Islands | 48,95643 | -125,27707 |
1662 | Installation conchylicole | Halalt First Nation | Halalt Island | 48,89369 | -123,65594 |
1673 | Installation conchylicole | Nesook Bay Seafood Ltd | U/F South East Shore, Nesook Bay | 49,75975 | -126.40839 |
1688 | Installation conchylicole | Toquaht Management Ltd | Refuge Island, Toquart Bay | 49,02503 | -125,30832 |
1707 | Installation conchylicole | Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation | Cachalot Inlet | 49,99827 | -127.14273 |
1708 | Installation conchylicole | Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation | Cachalot Inlet | 49,99792 | -127.13213 |
1709 | Installation conchylicole | Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation | Malksope Inlet | 50,13624 | -127.42556 |
1710 | Installation conchylicole | Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nation | Malksope Inlet | 50,12588 | -127.43555 |
1712 | Installation conchylicole | Tla'amin Nation | West side of Okeover Inlet | 49,97716 | -124.69250 |
1716 | Installation conchylicole | Tla'amin Nation | South end of Theodosia Arm | 50,07463 | -124.66514 |
1717 | Installation conchylicole | Tla'amin Nation | Thors Cove, Lancelot Inlet | 50,06007 | -124.70019 |
1718 | Installation conchylicole | Tla'amin Nation | East side of Okeover Inlet | 49,97527 | -124.67930 |
1721 | Installation conchylicole | Tla'amin Nation | Head of Okeover Inlet | 49,96642 | -124.67919 |
1722 | Installation conchylicole | Tla'amin Nation | Theodosia Arm - Okeover Inlet | 50,07890 | -124.66379 |
1723 | Installation conchylicole | Tla'amin Nation | Lancelot Inlet | 50,04039 | -124.71285 |
1728 | Installation conchylicole | Penelakut Seafoods Incorporated | "The Cut", Clam Bay, Penelakut Island | 48,98239 | -123,66272 |
1729 | Installation conchylicole | Penelakut Seafoods Incorporated | Houston Passage, Penelakut Island | 48,95130 | -123,62669 |
1730 | Installation conchylicole | Penelakut Seafoods Incorporated | Lamalchi Bay, Penelakut Island | 48,94076 | -123,63991 |
1736 | Installation conchylicole | Toquaht Management Ltd | Toquart Bay | 49,03774 | -125,34738 |
1744 | Installation conchylicole | Nuchatlaht Tribe | Espinosa Inlet | 49,98640 | -126.94236 |
1747 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Kw'ulh - Seal Islets | 49,63278 | -124.86422 |
1751 | Installation conchylicole | Nuchatlaht Tribe | Espinosa Inlet | 49,97481 | -126.94303 |
1752 | Installation conchylicole | Nuchatlaht Tribe | McBride Bay | 49,85441 | -126.70382 |
1753 | Installation conchylicole | Stz'uminus First Nation | Ladysmith Harbour | 49,01785 | -123,84334 |
1766 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Ihet'lha7t'ay - Gartley Point, Baynes Sound | 49,63943 | -124.91986 |
1767 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Chich7atixw - Coal Beds, Union Point, Baynes Sound | 49,59692 | -124.88740 |
1768 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | T'amxwayksen - Base Flats, Baynes Sound | 49,52442 | -124.84312 |
1771 | Installation conchylicole | Super Shell Enterprises Ltd | Okeover Inlet, Malaspina Inlet | 49,98969 | -124.69452 |
1772 | Installation conchylicole | Dao Thi Pham and Sinh T. Phuong | Coulter Bay, Cortes Island | 50,12886 | -125,04533 |
1781 | Installation conchylicole | Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC | Mud Bay, Nanaimo District | 49,47477 | -124.78469 |
1787 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Akwt - Comox Harbour, Baynes Sound | 49,66785 | -124.91685 |
1788 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Jaji7em - Sandy Island #4 | 49,62083 | -124.84716 |
1791 | Installation conchylicole | David Leslie Planes | Hutchinson Cove, Sooke Basin | 48,38815 | -123,63534 |
1793 | Installation conchylicole | Granscal Sea Farms Ltd. | Easternmost Chained Island, Kanish Bay | 50,24967 | -125,33595 |
1794 | Installation conchylicole | Limberis Seafoods Ltd. | Ladysmith Harbour | 49,01343 | -123,83553 |
1798 | Installation conchylicole | Baie Nootka Shellfish Ltd. | Kendrick Creek | 49,72601 | -126.64394 |
1803 | Installation conchylicole | Roderick S. Vowles, Wayne D. Vowles and Holly L. Vowles | Near Whiffen Spit, Sooke Harbour | 48,36313 | -123,73111 |
1804 | Installation conchylicole | Fu Hua Seafoods | Mud Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,47742 | -124.78831 |
1817 | Installation conchylicole | T'Sou-ke Nation | Roche Cove | 48,37065 | -123,62565 |
1818 | Installation conchylicole | T'Sou-ke Nation | Pim Head, Sooke Basin | 48,36495 | -123,66480 |
1819 | Installation conchylicole | T'Sou-ke Nation | Sooke Basin | 48,38051 | -123,68852 |
1820 | Installation conchylicole | T'Sou-ke Nation | Wickoms, Sooke Basin | 48,38494 | -123,68521 |
1826 | Installation conchylicole | Vancouver Island University | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46171 | -124.73277 |
1829 | Installation conchylicole | Troy James Hutchings | Okeover Inlet | 49,98875 | -124.69037 |
1831 | Installation conchylicole | Cleanwater Shellfish Ltd. | Smith Inlet | 51,30794 | -127.53064 |
1836 | Installation conchylicole | Halalt First Nation | South of Willy's Island, Stuart Channel | 48,88803 | -123,64845 |
1845 | Installation conchylicole | Klahoose Shellfish Limited Partnership | Turn Point, Cortes Island | 50,06472 | -124.88020 |
1848 | Installation conchylicole | Klahoose Shellfish Limited Partnership | Goldmine Beach, Cortes Island | 50,06523 | -124.90722 |
1850 | Installation conchylicole | Sinh Thi Tran and Tan Van Tran | Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,52149 | -124.80059 |
1852 | Installation conchylicole | Richard Stanley Fair | NE Hardy Island, Jervis Inlet | 49,75543 | -124.15792 |
1853 | Installation conchylicole | Fan Seafoods Limited | Savary Island, Strait of Georgia | 49,92913 | -124.79981 |
1864 | Installation conchylicole | Granscal Sea Farms Ltd. | Kanish Bay, Quadra Island | 50,25686 | -125,33372 |
1869 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Ihet'lha7t'ay - Royston | 49,64912 | -124.94048 |
1871 | Installation conchylicole | Manatee Holdings Ltd. | West of Savary Island, Strait of Georgia | 49,93462 | -124.87214 |
1878 | Installation conchylicole | Argosy Sea Farms Ltd. | Squirrel Cove, Cortes Island | 50,10423 | -124.90251 |
1879 | Installation conchylicole | UHA Research Society | Hernando Island, Strait of Georgia | 49,96783 | -124.93405 |
1880 | Installation conchylicole | Klahoose Shellfish Limited Partnership | Squirrel Cove, Cortes Island | 50,13563 | -124.93139 |
1882 | Installation conchylicole | Lorindale Holdings Ltd. | Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,45894 | -124.73335 |
1883 | Installation conchylicole | Henry Matti Syrjala and Glenda Faye Syrjala | McBride Bay | 51,30325 | -127.53261 |
1885 | Installation conchylicole | Stz'uminus First Nation | Ladysmith Harbour | 49,02256 | -123,84818 |
1915 | Installation conchylicole | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Stephen's Passage | 54.12400 | -130.64300 |
1916 | Installation conchylicole | Gwaalagaa Naay Corporation | Skidegate Inlet, vicinity Burnt Island | 53.22006 | -132.15447 |
1921 | Installation conchylicole | Snaw'naw'as Aquaculture Ventures Inc. | Maelstrom Cove, Nanoose Bay | 49,27170 | -124.17232 |
1922 | Installation conchylicole | Snaw'naw'as Aquaculture Ventures Inc. | Nanoose Bay | 49,26341 | -124.18368 |
1923 | Installation conchylicole | Snaw'naw'as Aquaculture Ventures Inc. | Nanoose Bay, Lot 464 | 49,25601 | -124.12411 |
1928 | Installation conchylicole | Westbeach Shellfish Ltd. | S.W. Deep Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,46221 | -124.74748 |
1931 | Installation conchylicole | Halalt Shellfish Development Corporation | North end of Willy Island | 48,90780 | -123,67679 |
1933 | Installation conchylicole | Cape Mudge Indian Band | Sutil Channel, South of Rebecca Spit | 50,08757 | -125,16784 |
1942 | Installation conchylicole | Snaw'naw'as Aquaculture Ventures Inc. | Nanoose Bay, East of Eby Road | 49,25550 | -124.10209 |
1947 | Installation conchylicole | Pacific Aquaculture International Inc. | Malaspina Inlet/Thorpe Island | 50,04824 | -124.78455 |
1968 | Installation conchylicole | Nicalena P Chidley | Crowther Channel | 50,04043 | -127.27760 |
1976 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Xelikw - Henry Bay, Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,58989 | -124.84282 |
6667 | Écloserie de coquillages | Nova Harvest Ltd. | Bamfield | 48,83195 | -125,13608 |
6669 | Installation conchylicole | Klahoose Shellfish Limited Partnership | Gorge Harbour, Cortes Island | 50,09703 | -124.99367 |
6674 | Installation conchylicole | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Wolfe Island | 54.32000 | -130.38000 |
6675 | Installation conchylicole | Madrona Shellfish Ltd. | Nanoose Bay | 49,26494 | -124.16995 |
6690 | Écloserie de coquillages | Super Shell Enterprises Ltd | Trevenen Bay | 50,02800 | -124.75300 |
6699 | Installation conchylicole | Peter Kinver | Evans Bay, Read Island | 50,20642 | -125,08624 |
6701 | Installation conchylicole | Venh Sui Hoong | Metcalfe Bay, Denman Island, Baynes Sound | 49,50645 | -124.77379 |
6704 | Installation conchylicole | Henry Matti Syrjala and Glenda Faye Syrjala | Margaret Bay | 51,33480 | -127.49967 |
6710 | Installation conchylicole | Tla'amin Nation | SE Harwood Island | 49,84189 | -124.64717 |
6711 | Installation conchylicole | 0997211 B.C. LTD. | Treadwell Bay | 51,09956 | -127.53786 |
6712 | Installation conchylicole | Maplestar Seafood Ltd. | Nanoose Bay | 49,25675 | -124.17713 |
6715 | Installation conchylicole | Maplestar Seafood Ltd. | Nanoose Bay | 49,25901 | -124.17021 |
6718 | Écloserie de coquillages | Seed Science Ltd. | 2678 Munroe Rd, Nanaimo | 49,18940 | -124.02420 |
6720 | Installation conchylicole | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Digby Island, Chatham Sound | 54.25567 | -130.45517 |
6723 | Installation conchylicole | Klahoose Shellfish Limited Partnership | West Redonda Island | 50,15170 | -124.87245 |
6726 | Installation conchylicole | T'Sou-ke Nation | Central Sooke Basin | 48,37841 | -123,65947 |
6727 | Installation conchylicole | Klahoose Shellfish Limited Partnership | Squirrel Cove | 50,13653 | -124.92178 |
6728 | Installation conchylicole | Haida Enterprise Corporation | Legace Island | 53.21167 | -132.18383 |
6733 | Écloserie de coquillages | Vancouver Island University | Deep Bay Marine Field Station | 49,45592 | -124.73504 |
6794 | Installation conchylicole | Emerald Sea Farms Ltd. | Cape Cockburn Site 2 | 49,66526 | -124.17197 |
6814 | Installation conchylicole | Island Shellfish Ltd. | Union Bay, Baynes Sound | 49,55642 | -124.86566 |
6815 | Installation conchylicole | Emerald Sea Farms Ltd. | Cape Cockburn Site 1 | 49,66967 | -124.18717 |
6854 | Installation conchylicole | T'Sou-ke Nation | Anderson Cove, Sooke Basin | 48,36090 | -123,65922 |
7013 | Installation conchylicole | Tla'amin Nation | Cannery Bay Water Site | 49,97498 | -124.69043 |
7233 | Installation conchylicole | Penelakut Seafoods Incorporated | Clam Bay - NE of Penelakut Island | 48,98221 | -123,64421 |
7253 | Installation conchylicole | Odyssey Shellfish Ltd. | Deep Bay Harbour, Baynes Sound | 49,46040 | -124.74417 |
7553 | Installation conchylicole | Thuy'She'Num Property Management Limited Partnership | Burleith Arm, Ladysmith Harbour | 49,48333 | -124.75000 |
7554 | Installation conchylicole | Thuy'She'Num Property Management Limited Partnership | Dunsmuir Island, Ladysmith Harbour | 48,99302 | -123,79143 |
7555 | Installation conchylicole | Thuy'She'Num Property Management Limited Partnership | NW of Bute Island, Ladysmith Harbour | 48,99692 | -123,79228 |
7593 | Écloserie de coquillages | Hummingbird Cove Lifestyles Ltd | Hummingbird Cove, BC | 49,78255 | -124.18508 |
7853 | Installation conchylicole | Hollie Wood Oysters Ltd | Hollie Wood Oysters Nursery - Fanny Bay | 49,50755 | -124.82792 |
8133 | Installation conchylicole | Mac's Oysters Ltd. | Fanny Bay Wharf | 49,50756 | -124.82737 |
8273 | Installation conchylicole | Paradise Oyster Company Ltd. | Deep Bay Harbour Marina FLUPSY | 49,48302 | -124.68545 |
9129 | Installation conchylicole | T'Sou-ke Nation | Possession Point, Sooke, BC | 48,34098 | -123,71625 |
9149 | Installation conchylicole | Penelakut Seafoods Incorporated | Booth Bay | 48,86797 | -123,55016 |
9189 | Installation conchylicole | Halong Oysters Ltd | Fanny Bay Wharf | 49,50816 | -124.82764 |
9209 | Installation conchylicole | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Pike Island | 54.31278 | -130.47873 |
9249 | Installation conchylicole | Klahoose Shellfish Limited Partnership | Baker Passage | 50,00200 | -124.93258 |
9289 | Installation conchylicole | Abrupt Shellfish Inc. | Preedy Harbour west | 48,97835 | -123,68996 |
9589 | Installation conchylicole | Metlakatla Development Corporation | Naden Islets | 54.37301 | -130,26996 |
9590 | Installation conchylicole | Toquaht Nation | Macoah Passage | 49,0006 | -125,36658 |
9710 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Comox Harbour (FLUPSY) | 49,66836 | -124,92537 |
10090 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Jaji7em - Sandy Island #1 | 49,62395 | -124,85564 |
10091 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Jaji7em - Sandy Island #2 | 49,62205 | -124,86308 |
10092 | Installation conchylicole | Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. | Jaji7em - Sandy Island #3 | 49,61995 | -124,86452 |
10290 | Installation conchylicole | KCFN Fisheries Enterprises Inc. | Amai Inlet | 50,02835 | -127,08433 |
Installations d’aquaculture terrestre en Colombie-Britannique
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Carte des installations d’aquaculture terrestre en Colombie-Britannique
1 : 2 000 000
Système de coordonnées : NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers.
Produit par la Division de la gestion de l'aquaculture du MPO.
- Données : installations autorisées du MPO au 6 janvier 2025
- Dernière mise à jour : 7 janvier 2025
Cette carte est fournie aux fins d'information seulement et ne doit pas être utilisée pour la navigation. Pour obtenir la liste des détenteurs depermis actuels, veuillez consulter : Octroi de permis pour l'aquaculture en Colombie-Britannique.
- Diamant vert gai – installations terrestres (67)
Numéro de référence de l’installation | Type de permis | Titulaire de permis | Nom commun du site | Latitude (degrés decimaux) | Longitude (degrés decimaux) |
47 | Installations terrestres | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Dalrymple Hatchery | 50,26478 | -125,82695 |
49 | Installations terrestres | Glenn Ruby | Silverbrook Farm | 49,02680 | -122,42720 |
79 | Installations terrestres | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Écloserie Big Tree Creek | 50,23628 | -125,76382 |
154 | Installations terrestres | Kootenay West Aqua Resources Ltd. | 1km sud de Winlaw | 49,61700 | -117,56700 |
164 | Installations terrestres | Island Scallops Ltd. | Écloserie Island Scallops | 49,39128 | -124,60150 |
180 | Installations terrestres | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Écloserie Ocean Farm | 48,75975 | -123,68102 |
199 | Installations terrestres | Kenneth E. Brown | Campbell L.[Demers L.] Nord de Little Fort | 54,56888 | -128,65497 |
210 | Installations terrestres | Richard Henly | 1km au sud de West Creek, Langley | 49,15080 | -122,53440 |
218 | Installations terrestres | John Heath | Yellow Island Aquaculture (1994) Ltd. Écloserie | 50,13328 | -125,31527 |
271 | Installations terrestres | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Écloserie Freshwater Farms | 48,77053 | -123,68555 |
275 | Installations terrestres | 1195895 B.C. Ltd | Cedar, Unique Sea Farms Ltd. | 49,10010 | -123,80135 |
285 | Installations terrestres | Karl Eha | 31474 Townshipline Avenue, Mission (Trout Creek Farm) | 49,17830 | -122,35327 |
317 | Installations terrestres | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Écloserie White Duck | 49,48607 | -124,80045 |
353 | Installations terrestres | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Georgie Lake Site 1 | 50,74605 | -127,64805 |
387 | Installations terrestres | Paradise Trading Corporation | Écloserie Lena Creek | 49,92123 | -124,02142 |
445 | Installations terrestres | Creative Salmon Company Ltd. | Écloserie Sea Spring | 48,87635 | -123,70997 |
447 | Installations terrestres | Mowi Canada West Inc. | 8470 Berray Road, Fanny Bay [United] | 49,46105 | -124,77112 |
457 | Installations terrestres | Saltstream Engineering Ltd. | Écloserie de Doctor Bay | 50,25200 | -124,82200 |
504 | Installations terrestres | Omega Pacific Hatchery Inc. | Rive sud du Grand lac central | 49,33652 | -125,12400 |
506 | Installations terrestres | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Écloserie de la baie de Little Bear | 50,33807 | -125,52272 |
585 | Installations terrestres | Northern Divine Aquafarms Ltd. | Écloserie de Gray Creek | 49,53687 | -123,76280 |
640 | Installations terrestres | Grayden Chandler | 1979 Impala Rd, au nord de la route de Sooke | 48,40482 | -123,60120 |
667 | Installations terrestres | Société de mise en valeur des salmonidés de la côte sud | Chapman Creek | 49,44513 | -123,71645 |
676 | Installations terrestres | Miracle Springs Inc. | Miracle Springs Inc. | 49,22828 | -122,24944 |
691 | Installations terrestres | Cermaq Canada Ltd | Boot Lagoon Hatchery | 49,32375 | -124,99102 |
703 | Installations terrestres | Mark Teasdale | Carbonate Creek, au sud de Golden | 51,12862 | -116,73863 |
1040 | Installations terrestres | Gavin A. Tims | 23006 - 50th Avenue, Langley | 49,09299 | -122,58600 |
1111 | Installations terrestres | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Georgie Lake Site 2 | 50,74895 | -127,68403 |
1128 | Installations terrestres | West Coast Fishculture (Lois Lake) Ltd. | Lois Lake, à l'est de Powell River | 49,86477 | -124,23068 |
1449 | Installations terrestres | Golden Eagle Aquaculture Ltd. | Golden Eagle Aquaculture Ltd. | 49.24510 | -121.78240 |
1523 | Installations terrestres | Island Sea Farms Inc. | Trincomali Channel | 48,89800 | -123,51100 |
1582 | Installations terrestres | 1195895 B.C. Ltd | Cedar, au sud de Nanaimo | 49,10100 | -123,80100 |
1594 | Installations terrestres | Harold Steven Atkinson | Taste of BC Aquafarms Inc. | 49,17307 | -124,03842 |
1602 | Installations terrestres | C.H.Baykey Ltd | Posby Lake | 50,82167 | -119,55333 |
1617 | Installations terrestres | Manatee Holdings Ltd. | Gartley Point | 49,64195 | -124,92403 |
1625 | Installations terrestres | Cedar Aquaculture Research & Development Ltd. | Cedar Aquaculture Research and Development Ltd | 49,10010 | -123,80135 |
1680 | Installations terrestres | Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. | Écloserie Gold River | 49,68538 | -126,12353 |
1689 | Installations terrestres | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Ocean Falls | 52,34800 | -127,69000 |
1692 | Installations terrestres | Mowi Canada West Inc. | Écloserie Tsulton | 50,52100 | -126,88100 |
1696 | Installations terrestres | Golden Eagle Sable Fish Inc. | Écloserie de morue charbonnière | 48,88945 | -123,49945 |
1740 | Installations terrestres | Donald A. Barnes | Levin Crescent, Nanaimo | 49,10732 | -123,92417 |
1893 | Installations terrestres | Viva Aquaculture and Seafood Distribution Ltd | 21422 4th Avenue, Langley, C.-B. | 49,00900 | -122,63000 |
1920 | Installations terrestres | Sumas Lake Aquafarm Ltd. | Sumas Lake Aquafarm | 49,04600 | -122,09400 |
5116 | Installations terrestres | Teresa Erb | 1775 Sooke Lake Rd, Shawnigan Lake | 48,58665 | -123,62390 |
5142 | Installations terrestres | Kuterra General Partner Inc | Projet de système d'aquaculture en circuit fermé au Namgis | 50,56430 | -126,99860 |
6666 | Installations terrestres | Société en commandite d'aquaculture au Sth'oqi | Sth' oqi Aquaculture | 49,17868 | -121,84838 |
6667 | Installations terrestres | Nova Harvest Ltd. | Bamfield | 48,83195 | -125,13608 |
6673 | Installations terrestres | Dorocco Developments Ltd. | Gary E. Klassen | 49,11790 | -119,57120 |
6690 | Installations terrestres | Super Shell Enterprises Ltd | Trevenen Bay | 50,02800 | -124,75300 |
6693 | Installations terrestres | Société des pêches en eau douce de la Colombie-Britannique | Écloserie de truites Clearwater | 51,64640 | -120,06270 |
6694 | Installations terrestres | Société des pêches en eau douce de la Colombie-Britannique | Écloserie de truites de la vallée du Fraser | 49,01762 | -122,27415 |
6695 | Installations terrestres | Société des pêches en eau douce de la Colombie-Britannique | Écloserie de truites Kootenay | 49,47270 | -115,46020 |
6696 | Installations terrestres | Société des pêches en eau douce de la Colombie-Britannique | Écloserie de truites de l'île de Vancouver | 48,77473 | -123,68623 |
6697 | Installations terrestres | Société des pêches en eau douce de la Colombie-Britannique | Écloserie de truites de Summerland | 49,60260 | -119,65320 |
6709 | Installations terrestres | Université de l'île de Vancouver | Université de l'île de Vancouver | 49,15690 | -123,97000 |
6718 | Installations terrestres | Seed Science Ltd. | 2678 Munroe Rd, Nanaimo | 49,18940 | -124,02420 |
6731 | Installations terrestres | TR Agriculture Ltd | Tran Aquaculture Ltd | 49,07389 | -122,15667 |
6733 | Installations terrestres | Université de l'île de Vancouver | Station de recherche marine de Deep Bay | 49,45592 | -124,73504 |
7093 | Installations terrestres | Bryan Bradford | 4520 Lindholm Road, Victoria | 48,38831 | -123,58076 |
7113 | Installations terrestres | Tree To Me Organics Inc. | Tree To Me Agricultural Products Inc. | 49,23330 | -119,82435 |
7593 | Installations terrestres | Hummingbird Cove Lifestyles Ltd | Hummingbird Cove, C.-B. | 49,78255 | -124,18508 |
8093 | Installations terrestres | Emerald Holdings Ltd. | Ferme biologique Emerald Acres, « Oyster River » | 49,88088 | -125,13308 |
9329 | Installations terrestres | Habitat Farms Ltd. | Deepwater | 50,82167 | -119,55333 |
9429 | Installations terrestres | EDP Enterprises Inc. | Winlaw | 50,82167 | -119,55333 |
9569 | Installations terrestres | Living Waters Koi&Aqua Farm Ltd. | Living Waters Koi&Aqua Farm Ltd. | 51,60145 | -119,92082 |
9831 | Installations terrestres | Association autochtone de récolte durable de l'Upper Fraser | UFISH | 52,10573 | -121,99885 |
10150 | Installations terrestres | Gold River Aquafarms Ltd. | Gold River Mill | 49,68079 | -126,12523 |
Aquaculture de mise en valeur en Colombie-Britannique
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Carte : Aquaculture de mise en valeur en Colombie-Britannique
1 : 2 000 000
Système de coordonnées: NAD 1983 BC Environment Albers.
Produit par la Division de la gestion de l’aquaculture du MPO.
- Données : installations autorisées du MPO au 6 janvier 2025
- Dernière mise à jour : 7 janvier 2025
Cette carte est fournie aux fins d’information seulement et ne doit pas être utilisée pour la navigation. Pour obtenir la liste des détenteurs de permis actuels, veuillez consulter : Octroi de permis pour l’aquaculture en Colombie-Britannique.
Installations amélioration de l’aquaculture par type de permis (125) :
- triangle bleu clair - écloseries principales du PMVS (18)
- triangle bleu foncé- écloseries communautaires de PMVS (100)
- carré vert avec point noir - empoissonnement pour la pêche récréative (7)
Numéro de référence de l’installation | Type de permis | Titulaire de permis | Group d'exécution | Nom commun du site | Latitude (degrés decimaux) | Longitude (degrés decimaux) |
9067 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Intérieur central : Nord de 100 Mile House, et nord-est de la Colombie-Britannique. | Université du Nord de la Colombie-Britannique, Centre de recherche de la rivière Quesnel | Projet de centre de recherche de la rivière Quesnel | 52,61744 | -121,58193 |
9068 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, de Mission/Abbotsford à Past Hope ; de la rive sud du Fraser à Abbotsford | Société de mise en valeur du saumon du parc Ravine d'Abbotsford | Projet Ravine Park | 49,04527 | -122,29834 |
9069 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Burrard Inlet, Indian Arm, Vancouver | Société de mise en valeur des ressources marines du bras de mer Burrard | Projet Reed Point/Ioco | 49,28983 | -122,87131 |
9071 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, rive nord du fleuve Fraser, de Burnaby à Mission | Projet de mise en valeur du saumon de River Springs | Projet River Springs | 49,28953 | -122,77129 |
9072 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Community Advisor, Central Coast: Cape Caution to Caamano Sd, E to Tatla Lake | Wuikinuxv Fisheries | Rivers Inlet Project | 51,01115 | -127,00454 |
9073 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, côte est de l'île de Vancouver : Parksville à Oyster R, Gold R, Tahsis | Amélioration des salmonidés du ruisseau Roy | Écloseries Roy Creek | 49,65504 | -124,98923 |
9074 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, île de Vancouver inférieure, îles Gulf S et bassin versant de la rivière Cowichan | Première nation Tsawout et Sidney Anglers | Projet Saanich Seapens | 48,59902 | -123,38839 |
9075 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Haida Gwaii (SEPCAA) | Haida Gwaii Salmon Unlimited Society | Projet Salmon Unlimited Society | 53,93975 | -132,11659 |
9076 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, île de Vancouver inférieure, îles Gulf méridionales et bassin versant de la rivière Cowichan | Island Streams | Saltspring Island / Écloserie Cusheon Creek | 48,80970 | -123,45420 |
9077 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, côte ouest centrale de l'île de Vancouver : De l'est à Nanaimo, du sud à Chemainus | Société de mise en valeur du saumon de Tofino | Projet Tofino | 49,11400 | -125,87400 |
9078 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, côte est de l'île de Vancouver : Parksville à Oyster Road, Gold River, Tahsis | Société de restauration du fleuve Tsolum | Écloserie Tsolum River | 49,61508 | -125,12320 |
9080 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Côte centrale : De Cape Caution à Caamano Sd, de l'est au lac Tatla | Premières nations de Kitasoo | Projet Victor Creek | 52,54900 | -128,49900 |
9081 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | CConseiller communautaire, côte ouest centrale de l'île de Vancouver : De l'est à Nanaimo, du sud à Chemainus | Ladysmith Sportsmen Club - Projet de mise en valeur du saumon | Projet Walker Creek (GSVI) | 49,01139 | -123,87780 |
9082 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Burrard Inlet, Indian Arm, Vancouver | Fortis C.-B. | Projet Westridge Terminal | 49,28868 | -122,96218 |
9083 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Île de Vancouver Nord ; Mainland, Knight Inlet à Cape Caution | Nimpkish Valley Rod and Gun Club | Projet Woss Community | 50,21336 | -126,60483 |
9084 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Île de Vancouver Nord ; Mainland, Knight Inlet à Cape Caution | Partenariat pour la mise en valeur du saumon entre la Première nation Ehattesaht et l'école secondaire élémentaire Zeballos | Projet Zeballos River | 49,98943 | -126,85755 |
9085 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, côte est de l'île de Vancouver, de Parksville à Oyster River, Gold River, Tahsi | Société du bassin versant de la rivière Nootka | Projet Nootka Sound | 49,61500 | -126,05722 |
9088 | Programme de mise en valeur du saumon Installation majeure | Responsable de la mise en valeur des bassins versants, Écloserie de saumon de Rosewall | n/a | Écloserie de saumon de Rosewall | 49,44182 | -124,85040 |
9109 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Île de Vancouver Nord ; Mainland, Knight Inlet à Cape Caution | Campbell River Fish & Wildlife Association | Projet Mohun Creek | 50,11230 | -125,37350 |
9110 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, côte ouest centrale de l'île de Vancouver : De l'est à Nanaimo, du sud à Chemainus | Huu-ay-aht Première nation (Écloserie Sugsaw) | Huu-ay-aht Project | 48,80646 | -125,11438 |
9870 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Intérieur central : Du Boston Bar au 100 Mile House | N'Quatqua Première nation | N Quatqua Hatchery | 50,54725 | -122,47258 |
10170 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Intérieur central : Au nord de 100 Mile House et au nord-est de la Colombie-Britannique | Takla Nation | Takla HIB | 55,48340 | -125,97800 |
10190 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Intérieur central : Au nord de 100 Mile House et au nord-est de la Colombie-Britannique | Nak'azdli Whut'en | Nak'azdli HIB | 54,44993 | -124,26478 |
10370 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, côte ouest centrale de l'île de Vancouver : De l'est à Nanaimo, du sud à Chemainus | Maaqutusiis Hahoulthee Stewardship Society | Ahousaht HIB | 49,27737 | -126,06280 |
10410 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, rive nord du fleuve Fraser, de Burnaby à Mission | Kwikwetlem Première nation | Écloserie de saumon rouge de Kwikwetlem | 49,34079 | -122,77200 |
10450 | Écloseries communautaires de PMVS | Conseiller communautaire, Intérieur central : Nord de 100 Mile House, et nord-est de la Colombie-Britannique. | Gouvernement national de Tsilhqotin | Tsilhqot'in HIB | 51,92005 | -123,04393 |
Carte des zones de transfert des salmonidés (C.-B.)
Carte des zones de transfert des salmonidés (C.-B.)
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Version textuelle
Carte : Zones de transfert des salmonidés ; Zones de transfert des salmonidés :
- Zone 1 - Transfrontalier (enclave)
- Zone 2 - Bassin versant Liard
- Zone 3 - Bass in versant Peace
- Zone 4 - Bassin versant Skeena Nass
- Zone 5 - Côte centrale
- Zone 6 - Îles de la Reine-Charlotte
- Zone 7 - Côte sud Zone
- Zone 8 - Ba ssin versant Fraser
- Zone 9 - Bassin versant Columbia
Dernière mise-à-jour : 17-10-2016.
Zones de transfert des mollusques et crustacés (C.-B.)
Zones de transfert des mollusques et crustacés (C.-B.)
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Version textuelle
Carte : Zones de transfert des mollusques et crustacés ; Frontière de la zone de transfert de mollusques et de crustacés:
- Zone 1 : Haida Gwaii
- Zone 2 : Côte nord et côte centrale
- Zone 3 : Détroit de la Reine-Charlott
- Zone 4 : Détroit de Georgie
- Zone 5 : Côte ouest de l’île de Vancouver
Dernière mise-à-jour : 17-10-2016.
- Date de modification :