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Regulating and monitoring British Columbia’s marine finfish aquaculture facilities 2015–2016: Reporting requirements and submissions

Table of Contents

  1. Summary of marine finfish aquaculture in British Columbia
  2. How aquaculture facilities are regulated
  3. Assessing compliance
    1. How DFO assesses the performance of aquaculture facilities
    2. Enforcement options
    3. Summary of charges and convictions, 2015-2016
    4. Enforcement activities
    5. Violations in 2015
    6. Violations in 2016
  4. Reporting requirements and reports submitted
    1. Reporting requirements
    2. Scheduled reports
    3. Event-based reports
  5. Monitoring and audits: Fish health
    1. Fish health management plans
    2. Fish health in 2015
    3. Fish health in 2016
    4. Sea Lice
    5. Fish Mortality
  6. Monitoring and audits: Environmental
    1. Benthic (seabed) monitoring
    2. DFO’s benthic audit program
    3. Escapes
    4. Incidental catch
    5. Interactions with marine mammals
    6. Use of lights
    7. Use of chemicals, and feed and other substances
    8. Aquaculture activities regulations
  7. Monitoring and audits: Inventory and aquaculture statistics
    1. Inventory plans and stock transfers
    2. Annual aquaculture statistical report
  8. Summary

Reporting requirements

Under the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations (PAR), licence holders are required to submit to DFO reports that fall into two broad categories: scheduled reports and event-based reports. DFO receives over 700 reports and documents per year from marine finfish aquaculture licence holders. All reports are reviewed by DFO to validate content, to ensure that they contain all elements required by the licence conditions, and to determine if they were submitted on time. When a report contains only minor administrative omissions or errors, and the licence holder corrects these in a timely manner, the reports may be considered complete and on time. Beginning in 2016, some reporting components required under PAR were removed to avoid duplication with reporting requirements under the new Aquaculture Activities Regulations (e.g. use of pesticides and therapeautants). Data for these reports are collected and reported nationally.

Scheduled reports

Reports are submitted on a pre-determined schedule (monthly, quarterly or annually):

Figure 6 summarizes the scheduled reports submitted to DFO from 2015 to 2016 and shows how many were complete and whether they were submitted on time.

Figure 6. Scheduled Reports Submitted to DFO, 2015-2016
Figure 6. Scheduled Reports Submitted to DFO, 2015-2016
Report Year Compliant Non-compliant
Use of Chemicals 2015 84 5
AAR Report 2015 112 4
Use of Lights 2015 71 0
Use of lights 2016 106 0
Inventory Plans 2015 99 21
Inventory Plans 2016 7 2
Stock Transfers 2015 48 4
Stock Transfers 2016 38 7
AASR 2015 78 38
AASR 2016 118 1
Sea Lice 2015 33 3
Sea Lice 2016 35 1
Mortality by Category 2015 34 2
Mortality by Category 2016 29 3
AAR Report 2016

Event-based reports

Event-based reports are submitted following specific incidents or events identified in the licence conditions. These reports include:

Data on the event-based reports can be found in subsequent sections of this report.

For specific reporting timelines and detailed requirements for each report, please refer to the marine finfish conditions of licence:

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