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Using and interpreting aquaculture data: 1. Overview/purpose

1. Overview/purpose

Aquaculture public reporting is the process through which Fisheries and Oceans Canada provides information on activities that have the potential to impact upon aquatic environments. This is to ensure openness and transparency with the Canadian public as part of the Department’s efforts to ensure the protection and conservation of fish and fish habitat.

Through regulations made under the Fisheries Act, Fisheries and Oceans Canada collects detailed information and data on the activities of the aquaculture industry. These data can be combined with other data sources, such as monitoring data collected under other programs and/or jurisdictions and data published directly by the aquaculture industry.

In accordance with Government of Canada policy, much of this data is published through the Open Government Portal. This is the mechanism through which a broad array of information is made accessible to the public.

Those accessing this data should be aware of several considerations to ensure that it is properly analyzed and interpreted in the proper context. The purpose of this guide is to describe these considerations, and assist users in better understanding the information that is being reported.

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