Growth efficiency and reproductive output of pond raised yellow perch
Pond rearing is considered a viable production method for yellow perch, but is subject to geographic constraints where surface water temperatures can be maintained near the 21℃ growth optimum for sufficient time. Southern latitudinal constraints (~40o N. latitude) and locations of U.S. pond facilities suggests that southwestern Ontario holds good promise for commercial production of pond reared perch. There are no studies documenting production of yellow perch from Canadian ponds necessary to develop successful business plans and to evaluate the competitiveness of this culture method against U.S. operations. The first objective of this project is to document yellow perch production parameters in a set of nine southwestern Ontario aquaculture ponds, and time required for fish to achieve market size. The second objective of this research will be to evaluate growth, tissue composition and reproductive output in pond reared perch fed isonitrogenous (40-45% protein) commercially available finfish feeds of varying lipid content (5%, 10% and 23% lipid). The project will specifically test if high fat salmonid feeds contribute to excess mesenteric lipid accumulation in yellow perch, stimulating greater over-wintering losses of fillet production due to reproductive output. This effect will be measured directly by comparing productivity parameters (growth, fillet yields and gonad production) across the three feed treatments in aquaculture ponds.
Program Name
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
2005 to 2008
Central Canada: Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Freshwater Drainage Basin
Principal Investigator(s)
Doug Geiling
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