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Research projects and events funded by ACRDP

The Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) jointly funds collaborative research between industry and DFO scientists that support DFO's mandate and the priorities of the aquaculture industry as they relate to optimal fish health and environmental performance.

Research projects and events funded by ACRDP
Description Code Region Year(s)
Cultivated oysters as sentinels of water quality: an autonomous alert system
Principal investigator: Luc Comeau
21-G-02 Gulf 2021 - 2024
Overwintering survival in juvenile oysters: Understanding the role of energetic physiology for Crassostrea virginica seed
Principal investigator: Jeff Clements
21-G-03 Gulf 2021 - 2024
Investigating the potential for microbiome modulation to support optimal Atlantic salmon and Lumpfish health in aquaculture applications
Principal investigator: Steve Leadbeater
21-M-01 Maritimes 2021 - 2024
Diversity of Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) bacteria in New Brunswick: a study on gene changes, severity and vaccine efficacy
Principal investigator: Steve Leadbeater
21-M-02 Maritimes 2021 - 2024
Evaluating the relationships amongst deposition, benthic footprint, and biological and chemical indicators at active salmon aquaculture sites: A deep-water Newfoundland setting
Principal investigators: Andry Ratsimandresy, Dounia Hamoutene
21-NL-01 Newfoundland and Labrador 2021 - 2023
Fitness consequences of bath exposure to hydrogen peroxide in salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)
Principal investigator: Simon Jones
21-P-01 Pacific 2021 - 2023
The role of environment in shaping resilience of Pacific oysters to summer mortality syndrome: a comparison of intertidal and deep-water culture sites
Principal investigator: Chris Pearce
21-P-02 Pacific 2021 - 2024
Characterizing HAB-toxin growth profile and physiology impairment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) upon exposure
Principal investigator: Terri Sutherland
21-P-03 Pacific 2021 - 2024
Use of insect meal and algal oil in Chinook feeds
Principal investigator: Ian Forster
21-P-04 Pacific 2021 - 2024
Oceanographic modelling for assessment of climate change impact on an offshore-influenced coastal fish farming region
Principal investigator: Laura Bianucci
21-P-06 Pacific 2021 - 2023
The development of an improved weather station network to support aquaculture on the west coast of Canada
Principal investigators: Peter Chandler, Laura Bianucci
21-P-07 Pacific 2021 - 2023
Addressing the risk of sturgeon herpesviruses in wild populations of Lake Sturgeon in the South Saskatchewan River basin
Principal investigator: Sharon Clouthier
21-CA-01 Ontario and Prairie Region 2021 - 2022

Improvement of methods to detect pathogens in water samples, infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV) as a model

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

20-G-01 Gulf 2020 - 2021

Characterization of virulence factors in the salmon lice using post-transcriptional silencing

Principal investigator: Marc Trudel

20-M-02 Maritimes 2020 - 2021

Validation of spatial benthic footprint predictions with monitoring of organic deposition

Principal investigator: Dounia Hamoutene

20-N-01 Newfoundland and Labrador 2020 - 2021

Factors affecting the efficacy of an oral vaccine against a Canadian isolate of Piscirickettsia salmonis

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

20-P-01 Pacific 2020 - 2021

Assessment of Chinook salmon residency in the Discovery Islands area and measurement of acoustic target strength of wild juvenile salmon to inform their migration dynamics and interactions with aquaculture facilities

Principal investigator: Stephane Gauthier

20-P-02 Pacific 2020 - 2021

Biofouling growth risk assessment on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farm nets: exploring links to environmental factors

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

20-P-06 Pacific 2020 - 2021

Winter storage of cultivated Eastern Oysters: survival and metabolic wastes

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

19-G-01 Gulf 2019 - 2022

The effect of environmental and seed origin on the health of cultivated mussels in Prince Edward Island

Principal investigator: John Davidson

19-G-02  Gulf 2019 - 2022

Comparison of oyster growth and survival pre- and post- establishment of the oyster parasite, MSX, in the Bras d’Or Lakes, Canada

Principal investigator: Michelle Maillet

19-G-03 Gulf 2019 - 2022

Assessing heritable variation in biological control of the salmon louse by cleaner fish and co-operative behaviour by their client, Atlantic salmon

Principal investigator: Steven Leadbeater

19-M-02 Maritimes 2019 - 2021

Assessing the evolution of virulence of the salmon louse in the Bay of Fundy

Principal investigator: Marc Trudel

19-M-03 Maritimes 2019 - 2022

Evaluation of large pelagic predator populations near salmon aquaculture cages

Principal investigators: Daria Gallardi, Sebastien Donnet

19-N-03 Newfoundland and Labrador 2019 - 2022

Assessment of the population genetics of wild and cultured cleaner fish in Atlantic Canada

Principal investigator: Ian Bradbury

19-N-04 Newfoundland and Labrador 2019 - 2022

Heritability of fatty acid synthesis in Arctic charr and the effect of n-3 / n-6 ratios of the feed, temperature, and their interaction

Principal investigator: Ian Forster

19-P-02 Pacific 2019 - 2021

Biofouling communities on Atlantic salmon farm nets: exploring links to fish gill health

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

19-P-03 Pacific 2019 - 2020

Selective breeding of Pacific oysters to improve resistance to summer mortality syndrome

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

19-P-04 Pacific 2019 - 2022

Optimizing sea urchin gonad enhancement with newly-designed formulated feeds and assessing benthic impacts of commercial-scale sea urchin farming to ensure environmental sustainability

Principal investigator : Chris Pearce

19-P-05 Pacific 2019 - 2020

Application of the FVCOM hydrodynamic model to support aquaculture on the West Coast of Vancouver Island

Principal investigator: Peter Chandler

19-P-07 Pacific 2019 - 2021

Linking environmental conditions to impacts of harmful algal blooms and associated biotoxins on farmed salmon in BC

Principal investigator: Andrew Ross

19-P-08 Pacific 2019 - 2022

Genomic characterization of Piscirickettsia salmonis and Aeromonas species isolated from British Columbia waters to inform fish health management and to support improved diagnostics

Principal investigator: Stewart Johnson

19-P-09 Pacific 2019 - 2021

Piscine reovirus (PRV): Characterisation, Atlantic Salmon susceptibility, and initial survey in farmed and wild salmonids in Atlantic Canada

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

16-1-G-01 Gulf 2016 - 2019

Physiological consequences of Piscine Orthoreovirus (PRV) infection of Atlantic and Pacific salmonids

Principal investigator: Kyle Garver

16-1-P-03 Pacific 2016 - 2018

A comparison of GIS- and hydrodynamic-based depositional modelling for the purpose of predicting freshwater finfish cage footprints

Principal investigator: Cheryl Podemski

18-CA-01 Central and Arctic 2018 - 2019

PRV susceptibility of Atlantic salmon at different life stages and Eastern Canadian vs European farmed salmon comparative study

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

18-G-01 Gulf 2018 - 2022

Salmon gill poxvirus (SGPV) characterisation in farmed and wild salmon-phase II

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

18-G-02 Gulf 2018 - 2022

Validation of genomic selection among Atlantic salmon for resistance to infection by sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), and concomitant susceptibility to Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus (ISAV)

Principal investigator: Steven Leadbeater

18-M-01 Maritimes 2018 - 2021

Assessing the potential for development of thermal resistance of sea lice to warm water showers

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

18-M-02 Maritimes 2018 - 2021

Prevalence and transmission dynamics of Piscine Reovirus (PRV) in the marine environment

Principal investigator: Kyle Garver

18-P-01 Pacific 2018 - 2020

Pile Perch (Rhacochilus vacca) as a cleaner fish for sea lice on farmed salmon: Identification of pathogens of concern with respect to salmon and perch health

Principal investigator: Stewart Johnson

18-P-02 Pacific 2018 - 2019

Occurrence, distribution and causes of gill disease in salmonids in British Columbia

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

18-P-04 Pacific 2018 - 2020

Visceral mycoses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): The role of opportunistic fungal pathogens in fish health and mortality in salmon aquaculture systems

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

18-P-05 Pacific 2018 - 2020

Acoustic monitoring of wild fish interactions with aquaculture sites – phase 2

Principal investigator: Stéphane Gauthier

18-P-06 Pacific 2018 - 2020

Characterization of the possible spread of an exogenous strain of cultivated sweet kelp originating from Bonaventure broodstock on the Gaspé Peninsula around the algoculture sites of Purmer (Baie des Sept Îles) and the MMAFMA (Paspébiac Bay)

Principal investigator: Rénald Belley

18-Q-01 Quebec 2018 - 2020

Acoustic monitoring of wild fish interactions with aquaculture sites

Principal investigator: Stéphane Gauthier

17-P-01 Pacific 2017 - 2018

Epidemiology of net pen liver disease in BC farmed salmon

Principal investigator: Stewart Johnson

17-P-02 Pacific 2017 - 2020

Development of diets and feeding strategies for the implementation of sea lice cleaner fish in salmon farms in BC

Principal investigator: Ian Forster

17-P-03 Pacific 2017 - 2019

Improving fertilization success of Arctic charr

Principal investigator: Ian Forster and Robert Devlin

17-P-04 Pacific 2017 - 2019

Seasonal mortality in Pacific oysters in Baynes Sound: Effect of environmental variables, spawning, and pathogens

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

17-P-05 Pacific 2017 - 2020

The validation of an FVCOM hydrodynamic model to support aquaculture on the West Coast of Vancouver Island

Principal investigator: Peter Chandler

17-P-06 Pacific 2017 - 2019

Defining the risk of sea lice infections: Analysing the early life history population dynamics of sea lice on Atlantic salmon aquaculture sites in the Bay of Fundy

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

17-M-01 Maritimes 2017 - 2020

Health status update of Mercenaria mercenaria in St-Mary’s Bay, Nova Scotia

Principal investigator: Michelle Maillet

17-G-01 Gulf 2017 - 2020

Assessment of factors leading to oyster mortality in Tracadie Bay (NB) and development of physical and biological tools for management

Principal investigator: Michael Coffin

17-G-02 Gulf 2017 - 2020

Performance of triploid mussels in Prince Edward Island

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

17-G-03 Gulf 2017 - 2021

Oyster aquaculture in an acidifying ocean: Effects of ocean acidification on Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and the mitigation potential of eelgrass (Zostera marina)

Principal investigator: Jeff Clements

17-G-04 Gulf 2017 - 2021

Production of oyster seed adapted for bottom culture

Principal investigator: Rémi Sonier

17-G-05 Gulf 2017 - 2020

Assessing the effect of climate-change-related summer heat wave on the condition and physiology of the cultured blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and monitoring of the carbonate system within Prince Edward Island bays

Principal investigator: Carla Hicks

15-1-G-02 Gulf 2015 - 2018

A study of the reproductive patterns of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis grown in deep and shallow water sites in Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador

Principal investigator: Dr. Harry Murray

15-1-N-03 Newfoundland and Labrador 2015 - 2017

Assessing sensitivity to emamectin benzoate (SLICE®) in sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis from farmed Atlantic Salmon in British Columbia

Principal investigator:Simon Jones

P-14-02-002 Pacific 2014 - 2015

An investigation of the relationship between environmental parameters, oceanographic zones of influence and the prevalence of parasitic copepods (sea lice) on Three-Spine Stickleback in Bay D'Espoir Newfoundland with specific reference to salmonid aquaculture sites

Principal investigator: Harry Murray

N-14-02-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2014 - 2016

Assessment of oyster spat collection potential in Bouctouche Bay, New Brunswick

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

G-13-01-002 Gulf 2013 - 2015

A survey of the seasonal abundance, prevalence and species diversity of sea lice on non-salmonid marine finfish species from Bay D’Espoir Newfoundland and Labrador with specific reference to areas neighboring Atlantic Salmon cage sites

Principal investigator: Harry Murray

N-13-01-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2013 - 2014

Assessing seasonal variations in the physiological health of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica

Principal investigator:

G-12-01-002 Gulf 2012 - 2015

Anaerobic digestion of fish offal and sawdust

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-11-03-004 Central and Arctic 2011 - 2013

An investigation of the lipid and fatty acid composition of the Blue Mussel, Mytilus edulis with reference to palatability and taste during conditions of extended holding

Principal investigator: Harry Murray

N-11-02-004 Newfoundland and Labrador 2011 - 2013

Arctic Charr swimming depth preferences and feeding behaviour in seawater cages

Principal investigator: Dounia Hamoutene

N-10-02-002 Newfoundland and Labrador 2010 - 2011

An assessment of the genetic and health status of the native Basket Cockle in BC for aquaculture operation facilitation

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-10-09-014 Pacific 2010 - 2012

A new method of growing bivalves in suspended culture

Principal investigator: Anya Dunham

P-10-09-012 Pacific 2010 - 2012

Assessing the feasibility of an integrated pest management approach for the control of Kudoa thyrsites in farmed Atlantic Salmon in British Columbia

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-09-01-001R Pacific 2009 - 2010

Assessing potential benthic impacts of intertidal and subtidal geoduck clam harvest

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-08-03-007 Pacific 2008 - 2010

Assessing potential benthic impacts of intertidal and subtidal geoduck clam harvest

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-08-03-006 Pacific 2008 - 2011

An examination of factors influencing the growth rate of cultured juvenile copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus)

Principal investigator: Steve MacDonald

P-07-08-017 Pacific 2008 - 2009

Atlantic Canada Aquaculture Industry R&D Workshop (ACAIRDN)

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-07-01-001 National 2007 - 2009

Assessment of the ecological risk associated with spat transfers in the mariculture industry and identification of mitigation methods

Principal investigator: Chris McKindsey

Q-07-01-005 Quebec 2007 - 2008

Assessment of Impacts to Natural Beaches and Culturally Modified Clam Gardens in the Broughton Archipelago

Principal investigator: Terri Sutherland

P-07-08-016 Pacific 2007 - 2010

Assessing the Efficacy of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Cells for the Treatment of Land-based Fish Farm Discharge

Principal investigator: Tom Pratt

CA-07-01-002 Central and Arctic 2007 - 2010

Analysis of the metabolic needs of Mytilus spp. that may cause gaping

Principal investigator: Marcel Fréchette

Q-07-04-002 Quebec 2007 - 2010

Assessment of four seeding strategies for sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, based on size

Principal investigator: Hugo Bourdages

Q-06-04-004 Quebec 2006 - 2010

Assessment of dissolved gases and temperature on Atlantic salmon broodstock maturation

Principal investigator: John Jensen

P-06-01-004 Pacific 2006 - 2008

A commercial strategy for minimizing fouling and maximizing production in floating bag oyster culture: an opportunity for the development of Best Management Practices

Principal investigator: Matthew Hardy

MG-06-04-001 Gulf 2006 - 2007

Assessment of Oxygen, Temperature and Salinity on Atlantic salmon Broodstock Maturation Phase II

Principal investigator: John Jensen

P-05-01-002 Pacific 2005 - 2006

Aquaculture-environment interactions: productivity and critical threshold, coordination, dissemination and networking

Principal investigator: Chris McKindsey

Q-05-09-001 Quebec 2005 - 2008

Advancing marine finfish aquaculture in the Bay of Fundy

Principal investigator: Debbie Martin-Robichaud

MG-05-08-006 Maritimes 2005 - 2009

Atlantic Salmon Egg Research, Part II

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-04-01-002 Pacific 2004 - 2006

Assessment of Oxygen, Temperature and Salinity on Atlantic Salmon Broodstock Maturation

Principal investigator: John Jensen

P-04-04-005 Pacific 2004 - 2005

Applying aquaponics to treatment of dissolved wastes in warmwater and coldwater recirculation systems in a northern climate

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-04-01-001 Central and Arctic 2004 - 2005

A Search for the Alternative Host of the Marine Myxozoan Parasite Kudoa thyrsites Among Commercial Salmon Farms and Departure Bay, Nanaimo

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-04-04-004 Pacific 2004 - 2005

Atlantic salmon egg research

Principal investigator: John Jensen

P-01-06-016 Pacific 2002 - 2004

Assessment of genetic diversity of the European oyster (Ostrea edulis) in Nova Scotia using microsatellite markers

Principal investigator: Bénédikte Vercaemer

MG-01-06-013 Maritimes 2002 - 2003

Alternative Protein Research in diets for Atlantic salmon

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-02-01-004 Gulf 2002 - 2007

Aquaculture Information review - An evaluation of Known Effects and Mitigations on Fish and Fish Habitat in Newfoundland and Labrador

Principal investigator: John O'Rourke

N-01-06-005 Newfoundland and Labrador 2001 - 2003

Adaptation of sequential population analysis for quahaug (Mercenaria mercenaria) bottom culture management in St. Mary's Bay, N.S.

Principal investigator: Marc Ouellette

MG-01-09-003 Maritimes 2001 - 2005

A genetic-based broodstock management approach in Atlantic halibut for the Maritime Canadian industry

Principal investigator: Debbie Martin-Robichaud

MG-01-06-005 Maritimes 2001 - 2007

Benthic culture of sea cucumbers: assessing interactions between cultured and wild populations and the mitigation of environmental impacts in shellfish co-culture

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-14-02-003 Pacific 2014 - 2015

Brown alga culture trials on the Gaspé Peninsula and the Magdalen Islands. Pre-industrial scale-up of an open-water and semi-enclosed mussel farm

Principal investigator: Louise Gendron

Q-10-02-003 Quebec 2010 - 2011

Bay-Scale filtration of cultivated oysters in relation to tidal flushing and phytoplankton renewal

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-10-01-003 Gulf 2010 - 2013

Broodstock management for the Bras d'Or Lakes oyster breeding program - resistance to MSX

Principal investigator: Bénédikte Vercaemer

MG-06-01-005 Maritimes 2006 - 2007

Broodstock Development of the Indigenous Cockle in BC

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-05-09-021 Pacific 2005 - 2007

Biological and Physical Oceanographic Interactions Affecting Northwest Atlantic Coastal Aquaculture Sites - Quantifying Mussel Seed Quality and Availability in Newfoundland, NL

Principal investigator: Cynthia McKenzie

N-05-01-004 Newfoundland and Labrador 2005 - 2010

Comparison of field isolates of Moritella viscosa: characterization and in vivo challenge model development to address winter ulcer mitigation in Canada

Principal investigator: Steven Leadbeater

M-14-01-003 National 2014 - 2015

Can hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) increase the rate of eelgrass (Zostera marina) recovery in areas impacted by oyster aquaculture?

Principal investigator: Monica Boudreau

G-14-01-004 Gulf 2014 - 2017

Comparison of the health and condition of cultured mussels from deep and shallow water sites in Newfoundland with reference to environmental conditions, condition index, physiological stress and lipid biochemistry

Principal investigator: Harry Murray

N-12-01-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2012 - 2015

Comparing culture gear and adapting off-shore giant scallop culture husbandry to Baie des Chaleur, NB

Principal investigator: Leslie-Anne Davidson

MG-10-02-002 Gulf 2010 - 2014

Comparison of saltwater rearing with standard freshwater methods for salmon

Principal investigator: Patrick O'Reilly

MG-09-02-002 Maritimes 2009 - 2012

Comparison of an offshore and inshore site for oyster aquaculture

Principal investigator: Mark LaFlamme

MG-09-02-004 Gulf 2009 - 2011

Comparative performance evaluation of selected mussel seedstocks

Principal investigator: Gehan Mabrouk

N-09-01-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2009 - 2011

Cage Culture Environmental Forum II

Principal investigator: Cheryl Podemski

CA-09-01-001 Central and Arctic 2009 - 2009

Cod Broodstock Nutrition Study

Principal investigator: Dounia Hamoutene

N-08-01-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2008 - 2011

Can manipulation of culture depth reduce summer mortalities in Pacific oysters?

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-08-01-002 Pacific 2008 - 2009

Commercial-Scale Testing of IMTA in Coastal British Columbia

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-07-01-004 Pacific 2007 - 2009

Canadian and International Scallop Aquaculture: Current Status and R&D Challenges

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-07-01-005 National 2007 - 2008

Caged Atlantic salmon as sentinels for the abundance and distribution of infective Lepeophtheirus salmonis copepodids in the Broughton Archipelago: a pilot study

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-07-08-013 Pacific 2007 - 2009

Culture trials with the brown alga Laminaria longicruris in Chaleur Bay

Principal investigator: Louise Gendron

Q-06-01-002 Quebec 2006 - 2008

Conversion of Aquaculture Waste to Saleable Compost

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-06-03-001 Central and Arctic 2006 - 2008

Controlled wet storage for shellfish - effects of micro-bubbling on bacterial contaminants of oysters

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-06-01-001 National 2006 - 2007

Characterization and surveillance assessment of INFECTIOUS SALMON ANEMIA VIRUS (ISAV) Field Isolates

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-06-01-001 Gulf 2006 - 2007

Challenges to Marine Aquaculture (AAC 2006)

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-06-09-002 National 2006 - 2007

Commercial Broodstock Development in Signal Crayfish: Determination of the Genetic Variability of Crayfish Stocks Harvested from 10 sites in the Lower Fraser Valley

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-05-06-014 Pacific 2005 - 2008

Cod Broodstock Development - Genetic Selection/Pedigree Program

Principal investigator: Lynn Lush

N-05-01-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2005 - 2009

Characteristics of Streams With and Without Atlantic Salmon Observations on Coastal Vancouver Island and Southwestern British Columbia

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-04-04-007 Pacific 2004 - 2006

Canadian Freshwater Aquaculture Symposium

Principal investigator: Charley Cyr

Q-04-04-002 National 2004 - 2005

Canadian Freshwater Aquaculture Symposium

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-04-04-002 National 2004 - 2005

Cadminum in Deep Water Cultured Pacific Oysters: The Potential Role of Phytoplankton

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-04-04-002 Pacific 2004 - 2006

Comparative Performance of Local and Imported Atlantic Salmon Strains for Aquaculture and their Broodstock Development in a Biosecure Landbased System

Principal investigator: Brian Glebe

MG-02-04-009 Gulf 2003 - 2007

Construction of a factorial phosphorus requirement model for salmonid fish across life stages

Principal investigator: Art Niimi

CA-02-01-002 National 2002 - 2005

Circulation and oceanography of the Broughton Archipeligo

Principal investigator: Dario Stucchi

P-01-09-005 Pacific 2002 - 2005

Cod Aquaculture - Strategies for Improved Hatchery Broodstock Management

Principal investigator: Randy Penney

N-01-06-002 Newfoundland and Labrador 2001 - 2005

Characterization of seabed environments suitable for bottom seeding of sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, in the Magdalen Islands

Principal investigator: Sylvie Brulotte

Q-01-06-007 Quebec 2001 - 2003

Developing the benthic component of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture to reduce the impact of organic nutrients from fish farms and evolving standard operating procedures

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

M-14-01-002 Maritimes 2014 - 2016

Developing a non-chemical means to effectively remove all forms of sea lice from aquaculture salmon using warm water

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

M-14-02-001 National 2014 - 2016

Description of oceanographic conditions within Hermitage Bay, NL, at sites with and without the occurrence of ISA outbreak

Principal investigator: Andry Ratsimandresy

N-14-01-003 Newfoundland and Labrador 2014 - 2015

Determination of the potential spatial overlap and interaction between commercial fisheries (American Lobster, Snow Crab) and finfish aquaculture activities in Connaigre Bay, Newfoundland

Principal investigator: Gehan Mabrouk

N-12-02-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2012 - 2016

Development of tools to evaluate American Oyster Crassostrea virginica shelf life

Principal investigator: Daniel Bourque

MG-11-01-003 Gulf 2011 - 2013

Development of diet and feeding regimes for Copper Rockfish larvae

Principal investigator: Ian Forster

P-11-01-004 Pacific 2011 - 2013

Development of a modified assay for use in temperate waters and its application through an assessment of stress tolerances among oyster stocks (Crassostrea virginica) with varying levels of heterozygosity

Principal investigator: Carla Hicks

MG-11-01-001 Gulf 2011 - 2013

Determination of optimal microalgal diets and feeding rations for larvae and seed of the Geoduck Clam (Panopea generosa)

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-10-01-007 Pacific 2010 - 2012

Design of protocols for the ozone disinfection of fish eggs for eradication of vertically transmitted diseases

Principal investigator: Dounia Hamoutene

N-10-02-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2010 - 2011

DNA vaccine models against ISA

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-09-01-002 Gulf 2009 - 2012

Development of novel RNA-based treatment against ISAV

Principal investigator: Mark LaFlamme

MG-09-02-003 Gulf 2009 - 2013

Development of husbandry protocols for the sustainable culture of wolf-eels (Anarrhichthys ocellatus)

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-09-01-003R Pacific 2009 - 2011

Development of genomic health assessment tools for marine mussels (MYT-OMICS)

Principal investigator: Stewart Johnson

P-09-03-005 Pacific 2009 - 2012

Determination of viral shedding rates, estimation of minimum effective dose, and development of a viral dispersion model for infections hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in Atlantic Salmon

Principal investigator: Kyle Garver

P-09-03-006 Pacific 2009 - 2011

Distribution and survival of farmed rainbow trout escaped from aquaculture operations in Lake Huron

Principal investigator: Paul Blanchfield

CA-08-02-002 Central and Arctic 2008 - 2011

Development of predictive modeling tools to assist with freshwater aquaculture site licensing decisions

Principal investigator: Cheryl Podemski

CA-08-02-003 National 2008 - 2012

Development of molecular genetic mapping capacity for Chinook salmon: Assessment of pigmentation ability, growth, and maturation

Principal investigator: Robert Devlin

P-08-01-003 Pacific 2008 - 2012

Dynamics, impact and control of epibionts on mussel spat collectors

Principal investigator: Bernard Sainte-Marie

Q-07-01-004 Quebec 2007 - 2010

Development of Novel Recombinant Vaccine Models Against Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus (ISA)

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-07-04-003 Gulf 2007 - 2009

Development of integrated management methods for soft-shell clam harvesting, seeding and culture activities at a clam culture site located in the St. Lawrence estuary

Principal investigator: Sylvie Brulotte

Q-07-01-003 Quebec 2007 - 2010

Development of diets to promote growth and stress resistance in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

Principal investigator: Denis Chabot

MG-06-09-004 Gulf 2007 - 2009

Development of a quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR assay for detection of IHNV and determination of optimal sampling protocols

Principal investigator: Kyle Garver

P-07-04-011 National 2007 - 2009

Development of a Melatonin Assay to Assess Effectiveness of Photoperiod Regimes Used to Reduce Grilsification

Principal investigator: Brian Glebe

MG-07-04-001 Maritimes 2007 - 2009

Development and Validation of Immune Response Genetic Markers to Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus (ISA)

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-07-04-002 Gulf 2007 - 2009

Development and optimizing commercial hatchery production techniques for the indigenous cockle (Clinocardium nuttalli)

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-07-01-006 Pacific 2007 - 2008

Developing strategies to optimize shell growth performance and quality of near market size oysters

Principal investigator: Matthew Hardy

MG-07-01-002 Gulf 2007 - 2009

Developing an Additional Biofilter for Organic Wastes Originating from Atlantic Salmon Farms Using Polychaete Worms at Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture Sites

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-07-04-006 Maritimes 2007 - 2009

Developing alternative fish species (barramundi/sea bass Lates calcarifer) for indoor warmwater re-circulating aquaculture

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-07-01-001 National 2007 - 2010

Depletion of Emamectin Benzoate (SLICE®) from Skeletal Muscle (and Skin) of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) following a Multiple Oral (Dietary) 50 µg/kg Dose Regimen, in Seawater at 10 ±1℃; One Laboratory and Two Field-based trials

Principal investigator: Phil Byrne

MG-06-04-004 Gulf 2006 - 2007

DNA-based family identification for Pacific scallop selective breeding program in BC

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-06-01-005 Pacific 2006 - 2008

DNA identification of Chinook salmon in the creative salmon and Marine Harvest selective breeding program

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-06-01-002 Pacific 2006 - 2007

Development of methods for ensuring a reliable supply of soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria) spat in an open environment in Quebec

Principal investigator: Sylvie Brulotte

Q-06-01-001 Quebec 2006 - 2008

Development of a tool for monitoring spat from aquaculture mussels based on mussels on navigation buoys

Principal investigator: Marcel Fréchette

Q-06-09-002 Quebec 2006 - 2010

Development of a Heavy Ice Avoidance submerging system for deep water exposed mussel sites

Principal investigator: Cynthia McKenzie

N-06-09-02 Newfoundland and Labrador 2006 - 2008

Development and application of microsatellite loci to support commercial broodstock development in signal crayfish

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-06-04-011 Pacific 2006 - 2007

Determination of Optimal Over-wintering Techniques for Juveniles Soft-shell Clams in the Passamaquoddy Region and Disease Surveillance Guidelines Developed in Phase I (Lepreau Harbour Lease) as well as Assessment of Survival Rates Following Seeding

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-06-09-003 Maritimes 2006 - 2009

Development of an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay (Elisa) as a Diagnostic Tool for the Detection and Quantification of Loma salmonae

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-05-06-011 Pacific 2005 - 2006

DNA-based Family Identification for Atlantic Salmon Selective Breedings Programs in British Columbia

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-05-01-001 Pacific 2005 - 2007

Development of Optimal Seeding Techniques and Guidelines for the Surveillance, Detection and Prevention of Diseases Relevant to the Culture of Softshell Clam (Mya arenaria)

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-05-01-002 Maritimes 2005 - 2007

Development of Cost Effective Technology for Culturing Juvenile Yelloweye and/or Copper Rockfish

Principal investigator: Dave Higgs

P-05-04-007 Pacific 2005 - 2007

Development of control strategies for the spread of Styela clava in PEI; an epidemiologic study of processing plants

Principal investigator: Daniel Bourque

MG-05-01-004 Gulf 2005 - 2008

Development of a recirculating aquaponics system for warm- and cool-water aquaculture and greenhouse crops

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-05-01-004 Central and Arctic 2005 - 2008

Development of a new assay for a marker for use in prediction of grilse in Atlantic salmon

Principal investigator: Brian Glebe

MG-05-04-003 Maritimes 2005 - 2007

Developing an Effective R&D Priority Setting Process for the BC Shellfish Aquaculture Industry

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-05-01-006 Pacific 2005 - 2006

Determination of the Protective Effect of IHNV Plaque Neutralizing Antibody Titres (PNT) when Passively Transferred to Naïve Atlantic Salmon

Principal investigator: Garth Traxler

P-05-01-005 Pacific 2005 - 2007

DEPOMOD Parameter Setting and Validation for Finfish Farms in British Columbia

Principal investigator: Dario Stucchi

P-05-06-015 Pacific 2005 - 2007

Defining the Appropriate Means for Surveillance and Monitoring of the BC Shellfish Industry in Relation to Animal Health and Disease

Principal investigator: Susan Bower

P-05-04-010 Pacific 2005 - 2006

Development and Validation of qPCR Methods for the Determination of Kudoa thyrsites Infection Levels

Principal investigator: Kristi Miller

P-04-01-006 National 2004 - 2006

Development and evaluation of mussel seed quality standards

Principal investigator: Thomas Landry

MG-04-01-007 Gulf 2004 - 2006


Principal investigator: Dario Stucchi

P-04-01-011 National 2004 - 2005

Defining the Appropriate Regulatory and Policy Framework for the Development of Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture Practices

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-03-110-005 Maritimes 2004 - 2004

Development of a broodstock genetic program for the European Oyster (Ostrea edulis) in Nova Scotia

Principal investigator: Bénédikte Vercaemer

MG-03-01-003 Maritimes 2003 - 2004

Development of molecular probes for sex and sexual maturity determination in spotted wolffish

Principal investigator: Robert Roy

Q-02-01-009 National 2002 - 2003

Developing optimal grow-out culture systems and diets for green sea urchin juveniles

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-02-01-003 National 2002 - 2005

Determination of the origin of sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) spat used in culture operations in the Magdalen Islands using genetic and metabolic indices

Principal investigator: Jean-Marie Sévigny

Q-02-01-013 Quebec 2002 - 2005

Development of rapid typing methods for teleost pathogens

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-01-06-017 Gulf 2001 - 2004

Development of probiotic strain diagnostics for the control of bacterial diseases in hatchery rearing of aquaculture species

Principal investigator: Kristi Miller

P-01-06-014 National 2001 - 2004

Development of monitoring and assessment tools for adaptive management of salmon aquaculture relative to sensitive marine invertebrate habitat

Principal investigator: Peter Lawton

MG-01-06-010 Maritimes 2001 - 2005

Development of guidelines for fish health consequences of water circulation patterns in Long Pond Bay, Grand Manan

Principal investigator: Fred Page

MG-01-06-014 Newfoundland and Labrador 2001 - 2005

Development and evaluation of standardized monitoring and data acquisition systems for the management of mollusc culture in Atlantic Canada

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-01-06-026 Gulf 2001 - 2005

Effect of wind forcing on the Oceanographic conditions of Fortune Bay - Belle Bay: Identification of changes in water physical conditions and ocean currents, and development of a forecasting tool

Principal investigators: Sebastien Donnet, Andry Ratsimandresy

15-1-N-02 Newfoundland and Labrador 2015 - 2018

Evaluation of benthic far-field and site recovery effects from aquaculture within the Letang Inlet, New Brunswick

Principal investigator: Andrew Cooper

M-13-01-003 Maritimes 2013 - 2016

Evaluating ecological impacts of seaweeds in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA)

Principal investigator: Hannah Stewart

P-13-01-003 Pacific 2013 - 2014

Estimating the potential for waterborne transmission of infectious hematopoietic necrosis (IHN) disease between salmon farms and wild sockeye in the Discovery Islands, British Columbia

Principal investigator: Kyle Garver

P-13-01-001 Pacific 2013 - 2015

Ecological interactions between benthic-ranched and wild California sea cucumbers

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-12-01-005 Pacific 2012 - 2014

Evaluation of Blue Mussel processing plant holding systems in PEI

Principal investigator: Daniel Bourque

MG-11-02-007 Gulf 2011 - 2014

Evaluation of the efficiency of non-chemical methods to reduce the impact of sea lice associated with salmon aquaculture sites using the principles of bio-filtration and trapping

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-10-02-005 Gulf 2010 - 2011

Evaluation of risk mitigation measures for the introduction of invasive alga in order to facilitate requests for mussel and scallop spat transfers

Principal investigator: Chris McKindsey

Q-10-02-001 Gulf 2010 - 2012

Effect of an immersed screen on the morphological characteristics and growth performance of oysters

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-10-02-001 Gulf 2010 - 2011

Ecosystem experiment to assess environmental impacts and recovery from freshwater cage aquaculture

Principal investigator: Cheryl Podemski

CA-10-02-002 Central and Arctic 2010 - 2013

Exploration of a visual based approach to benthic environmental monitoring of finfish cage culture in southern Newfoundland

Principal investigator: Gehan Mabrouk

N-09-01-002 Newfoundland and Labrador 2009 - 2011

Evaluation of the risks associated with scallop spat transfer from the Magdalen Islands

Principal investigator: Bernard Sainte-Marie

Q-09-01-003 Quebec 2009 - 2011

Establishment of rearing density and validation of the growth curve of the Quebec strain of spotted wolffish in the precommercial stage

Principal investigator: Denis Chabot

Q-08-02-001 Quebec 2009 - 2011

Effects of inshore and within-cage hypoxia on Atlantic salmon

Principal investigator: Brian Glebe

MG-09-01-001 Maritimes 2009 - 2012

Ecosystem approaches to aquaculture: strategies, tools and human dimensions

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-09-99-012 National 2009 - 2009

Evaluation of Alternate Diet Formulations Designed to Enhance Flesh-Quality of Canadian Farmed Salmon

Principal investigator: Michael Ikonomou

MG-08-01-001 Maritimes 2008 - 2010

Epidemiological analysis ISAV

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-07-09-004 Gulf 2008 - 2008

Enhancing sustainable mussel industry production and growth through the assessment and removal of constraints in seed supply

Principal investigator: Randy Penney

N-08-01-003 Newfoundland and Labrador 2008 - 2010

Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) on fin health in Pacific salmon, Phase II

Principal investigator: Max Bothwell

P-08-01-001 Pacific 2008 - 2010

Effect of Biofouling Control Methods on the Productivity of the Eastern Oyster

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-08-01-003 Gulf 2008 - 2010

Evaluating and optimizing mussel seed quality in Nova Scotia

Principal investigator: Thomas Landry

MG-06-04-002 Maritimes 2007 - 2009

Efficacy of the APEX vaccine in Atlantic salmon subjected to an IHNV exposure simulating natural and/or elevated field challenges

Principal investigator: Kyle Garver

P-07-04-010 National 2007 - 2007

Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) on Fin Health in Pacific Salmon

P-07-01-005 Pacific 2007 - 2010

Evaluation of a new method for stunning of farmed Atlantic salmon using electric stunner

Principal investigator: Henrik Kreiberg

P-06-04-012 Pacific 2006 - 2006

Efficacy and duration of efficacy of an inactivated IHN virus vaccine in Atlantic salmon

Principal investigator: Valerie Funk

P-06-04-009 Pacific 2006 - 2008

Examination of the Organohalogen Contaminant Concentrations and Nutritional Values in Farmed Salmon Fed with Different Formulated Diets.

Principal investigator: Michael Ikonomou

P-05-04-009 Pacific 2005 - 2007

Evaluation of the Flesh Quality of Farmed and Wild BC Salmon

Principal investigator: Dave Higgs

P-04-09-002 Pacific 2005 - 2005

Evaluation of Bay Management Area Scenarios for the Southwest New Brunswick Salmon Aquaculture Industry in the Context of Water Exchange, Fish Health and Resource Interactions and the System Framework of the Salmon Aquaculture Sustainability Plan

Principal investigator: Fred Page

MG-05-08-005 Maritimes 2005 - 2007

Environmental Decision Support Tools for Performance Based Management of Organic Waste Dispersal and Dissolved Oxygen Depletion Associated with Salmon Farm Sites in SWNB

Principal investigator: Fred Page

MG-05-04-007 Maritimes 2005 - 2008

Effects of immersion time, food supply and sexual maturity on the growth of soft-shell clam in Quebec

Principal investigator: Sylvie Brulotte

Q-05-01-004 Quebec 2005 - 2007

Effect of Promiscuous T-cell Epitopes in a Recombinant Subunit Vaccine against K. thyrsites: Do they Affect Onset and Duration of Immunity and Result in Increased Efficacy?

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-05-01-004 Pacific 2005 - 2006

Ecosystem experiment to assess environmental impacts and recovery from freshwater cage aquaculture

Principal investigator: Ken Mills

CA-05-01-003 Central and Arctic 2005 - 2009

Efficacy of a Nucleic Acid (NA) Vaccine against Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHNV) in Farmed Atlantic Salmon in British Columbia

Principal investigator: Garth Traxler

P-04-01-005 Pacific 2004 - 2005

Efficacy of a Kudoa thyrsites Subunit Vaccine in Atlantic Salmon when Administered Intramuscularly and Intraperitoneally

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-04-01-007 Pacific 2004 - 2006

Effect of skeleton shrimp populations on mussel spat recruitment using spat collectors

Principal investigator: Marcel Fréchette

Q-04-04-005 Quebec 2004 - 2007

Evaluation of effects of low-phosphorus diets on immune system function

Principal investigator: Charley Cyr

Q-02-09-001 National 2003 - 2006

Environmental carrying capacity of clam culture: Evaluation of biodeposition of macro and micro particles and their effects on the environment

Principal investigator: Chris McKindsey

Q-03-01-001 National 2003 - 2006

Evaluation of two strategies for securing the supply of soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria) spat for clam culture in the North Shore, Lower St. Lawrence, Gaspé Peninsula and Magdalen Islands sectors

Principal investigator: Sylvie Brulotte

Q-02-01-008 Quebec 2002 - 2005

Evaluation of a polyculture system utilizing several plant species to enhance phosporous and nitrogen removal from freshwater salmon farm effluent

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-01-06-003 Pacific 2002 - 2004

Encapsulation of microbial phytase to improve phosphorus digestibility from salmonids diet

Principal investigator: Grant Vandenberg

Q-02-01-004 National 2002 - 2005

Effects of cage aquaculture on native fish populations

Principal investigator: Ken Mills

CA-02-09-002 Central and Arctic 2002 - 2005

Ecosystem experiment to assess environmental impacts of freshwater cage aquaculture

Principal investigator: Cheryl Podemski

CA-01-09-001 Central and Arctic 2002 - 2005

Evaluation of two sea scallop suspension culture strategies in the Magdalen Islands

Principal investigator: Sylvie Brulotte

Q-01-06-005 Quebec 2001 - 2005

Evaluation of sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) spat collection success in two sectors of the Gaspé Peninsula

Principal investigator: Sylvie Brulotte

Q-01-06-004 Quebec 2001 - 2005

Evaluation of an Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica) transfer and grow-out strategy in the Mingan Archipelago

Principal investigator: Sylvie Brulotte

Q-01-06-010 Quebec 2001 - 2004

Field testing "green-technology" sea lice traps and documenting on-site dynamics of sea lice early life history

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

M-12-01-001 Pacific 2012 - 2014

Field validation of dietary medication to reduce the severity of Kudoa thyrsites in farmed Atlantic Salmon

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-11-03-011 Pacific 2011 - 2012

Freshwater Aquaculture Developments in Canada

Principal investigator: Grant Vandenberg

Q-06-01-006 National 2006 - 2008

Floating Oyster Gear in New Brunswick: Testing the Bird-Deterring Effectiveness of Various Gear Designs

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-06-04-003 Maritimes 2006 - 2008

Feed trials in Canada 2005 - 2006

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-05-01-002 Central and Arctic 2005 - 2007

Feed trials in Canada

Principal investigator: Grant Vandenberg

Q-04-04-004 National 2004 - 2005

Feed trials in Canada

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-04-04-001 Central and Arctic 2004 - 2005

Feasibility of Suspended Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and California Sea Cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) Polyculture

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-04-01-004 Pacific 2004 - 2006

Furunculosis Vaccine Efficacy for Atlantic Salmon

Principal investigator: Atef Mansour

N-01-06-004 Newfoundland and Labrador 2001 - 2006

Fencing the seabed to protect scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) from predators.

Principal investigator: Leslie-Anne Davidson

MG-01-06-024 Maritimes 2001 - 2004

Genomic characterization of jaundice-associated mortality events in cultured Chinook Salmon?

Principal investigator: Kristi Miller

P-11-02-007 Pacific 2011 - 2012

Grow lights in marine finfish aquaculture in British Columbia: Ecological effects

Principal investigators: Anya Dunham, Hannah Stewart

P-11-01-001 Pacific 2010 - 2011

Genetic tools for development of northern Chinook Salmon in culture

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-10-01-005 Pacific 2010 - 2012

Guidelines for culling oysters

Principal investigator: Marie-Hélène Thériault

MG-09-01-004 Gulf 2009 - 2011

Genetic Characterization of Infectious Salmon Anemia virus (ISAV) Field Isolates

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-05-11-005 Gulf 2006 - 2006

Growth efficiency and reproductive output of pond raised yellow perch

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-05-01-001 Central and Arctic 2005 - 2008

Genetic Rescue of 2001 Brood Year of the Heritage Atlantic Salmon Selective Breeding Program

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-05-06-013 Pacific 2005 - 2006

Genetic Improvement and Development of Haddock Broodstock

Principal investigator: Debbie Martin-Robichaud

MG-05-08-004 Maritimes 2005 - 2006

Genetic characterization of the main sea scallop beds in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

Principal investigator: Jean-Marie Sévigny

Q-05-01-002 Quebec 2005 - 2006

Gastric Dilation, Air Sacculitis Syndrome in Farmed Steelhead Trout and Its Association with Maturation, Nutritional Factors, Osmoregulatory and Environmental Stresses

Principal investigator: Atef Mansour

N-05-01-003 Newfoundland and Labrador 2005 - 2008

Growth optimization through compensatory growth in brook trout

Principal investigator: Charley Cyr

Q-02-01-002 National 2002 - 2005

Genetic variation at microsatellite DNA loci in cultured chinook salmon strains of British Columbia

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-02-01-005 Pacific 2002 - 2003

Genetic Variation at Microsatellite DNA Loci and MHC Genes in Domesticated Atlantic Salmon Strains of British Columbia

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-01-09-008 Pacific 2002 - 2003

Health of juvenile salmon during early seawater residency and migration past salmon farms

Principal investigator: Stewart Johnson

P-10-09-015 Pacific 2010 - 2014

Health and environmental interactions of two clam species, the soft shell clam (Mya arenaria) and quahaug (Mercenaria mercenaria), in the Bay of Fundy

Principal investigator: Marc Ouellette

MG-05-01-006 Maritimes 2005 - 2007

Harmful Phytoplankton and Bivalve Aquaculture in a Cold Ocean Environment

Principal investigator: Cynthia McKenzie

N-01-09-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2001 - 2005

Investigating probiotic bacteria and their bacteriocins as part of a disease management strategy in salmon aquaculture

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-14-01-003 National 2014 - 2015

Investigating Polydora outbreak in New Brunswick off-bottom cultured oysters

Principal investigator: Mary Stephenson, Daniel Bourque

G-14-01-002 Gulf 2014 - 2016

Improving physiological health of oysters by selecting seed for stress resilience

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

G-14-03-001 Gulf 2014 - 2017

Impacts of aquaculture operations on the genetic health of natural populations of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica

Principal investigator: Mark LaFlamme

G-13-01-001 Gulf 2013 - 2017

Investigation into the survival and spawning potential of the selected F1 oysters: Follow up to the Bras d'Or Lakes Oyster Breeding Program for MSX

Principal investigator: Bénédikte Vercaemer

M-13-01-004 Maritimes 2013 - 2014

Isolation, culture, and genomic analysis of harmful algal species affecting aquaculture on the west coast of Canada and analysis of the Harmful Algae Monitoring Program historical database

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-12-01-003 Pacific 2012 - 2014

Identification and treatment of gyrodactylid infections in cultured Wolf-Eels (Anahichthys ocellatus)

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-12-02-002 Pacific 2012 - 2013

Identification and quantification of Kudoa thyrsites -specific DNA in seawater

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-12-02-003 Pacific 2012 - 2013

Investigating temporal variability in macrofaunal recovery processes during fallow periods at finfish aquaculture sites in Newfoundland

Principal investigator: Dounia Hamoutene

N-11-02-003 Newfoundland and Labrador 2011 - 2011

Impacts of Pacific Herring on the health of farmed Atlantic Salmon in BC

Principal investigator: Kyle Garver

P-11-02-006 Pacific 2011 - 2011

Influence of Eastern Oyster aquaculture on eelgrass populations and their recovery

Principal investigator: Marie-Hélène Thériault

MG-10-01-001 Gulf 2010 - 2013

Implementation of commercial mode zoo-technical measures for maximizing rearing productivity of Arctic Charr

Principal investigator: Nathalie Le François

Q-10-01-001 Quebec 2010 - 2011

Invasive tunicates and shellfish aquaculture: Assessing impacts and testing solutions

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-09-03-011 Pacific 2009 - 2010

Impact of dissolved oxygen content on the survival, growth and metabolism of the Quebec strain of spotted wolffish under tank rearing conditions

Principal investigator: Denis Chabot

Q-07-09-001 Quebec 2009 - 2011

ISAV Prevalence and Sampling Strategy Development Project

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-07-09-005 Gulf 2008 - 2008

Investigating the Potential For Development of a Marine Anti-Foulant Treatment from Marine Bacteria

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-08-04-003 Maritimes 2008 - 2010

Investigating the Impacts of Intensive Oyster Farming in New Brunswick

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-08-01-004 Maritimes 2008 - 2012

Identification of ISAV Resistant Salmon Broodstock Families

Principal investigator: Brian Glebe

MG-07-04-008 Maritimes 2008 - 2008

Identificatioin of the Causal Agent of Malpeque Disease in Oysters

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-08-01-002 Gulf 2008 - 2010

Invasive Species Development Project (2007-08)

Principal investigator: Thomas Landry

MG-07-04-009 Gulf 2007 - 2008

International Invasive Sea Squirt Workshop

Principal investigator: Andrea Locke

MG-07-09-001 National 2007 - 2008

Improving feeding efficiency of farmed Atlantic salmon and its impact on fish production and near cage environment

Principal investigator: Atef Mansour

N-07-01-01 Newfoundland and Labrador 2007 - 2009

Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL's) associated with early maturation in a domesticated strain of Atlantic salmon

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-06-04-013 Pacific 2007 - 2009

ISA Research Strategy Workshop

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-06-09-001 National 2006 - 2007

International Invasive Tunicate Workshop

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-05-11-002 National 2006 - 2006

Identification of immunoreactive peptides to function as vaccine candidates in a recombinant subunit vaccine against Loma salmonae

Principal investigator: Valerie Funk

P-06-01-003 Pacific 2006 - 2007

Initiation of a Bras d'Or Lakes oyster breeding program for resistance to MSX

Principal investigator: Bénédikte Vercaemer

MG-05-01-005 Maritimes 2005 - 2007

Incorporating the Natural Cycles of Sea Lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) Production into a Management Strategy for Sustainable Aquaculture

Principal investigator: Robert Beamish

P-05-01-003 Pacific 2005 - 2007

Interactions between rock crab Cancer irroratus populations and mussel aquaculture productivity in PEI

Principal investigator: Marc Ouellette

MG-04-09-002 Gulf 2004 - 2008

Incorporating the Natural Cycles of Sea Lice (L. salmonis) Production into a Management Strategy for Sustainable Aquaculture

Principal investigator: Robert Beamish

P-04-01-001 Pacific 2004 - 2006

Investigation of grilsification in farmed Atlantic salmon: Causes and management solutions

Principal investigator: Brian Glebe

MG-02-04-007 Maritimes 2002 - 2004

Influence of alternate dietary lipid sources on growth and health of large (2.5 kg) Sablefish

Principal investigator: Dave Higgs

P-01-06-001 National 2001 - 2002

Impact of physical and biological variables on burrowing time in soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria)

Principal investigator: Sylvie Brulotte

Q-01-06-009 Quebec 2001 - 2004

Juvenile Geoduck Out-planting: Optimizing Methods for Maximizing Aquaculture Production and Minimizing Environmental Impacts

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-04-09-004 Pacific 2004 - 2006

Low pathogenic infections salmon anemia virus (ISAv) in vivo: a comparative genomic study

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-11-01-004 Gulf 2011 - 2015

Literature and technology review of starfish control

Principal investigator: Monique Niles

MG-05-11-004 Gulf 2006 - 2006

Larval abundance and settlement success in blue mussel (Mytilus spp.) in Havre de Gaspé and Cascapédia Bay

Principal investigator: Jean-Marie Sévigny

Q-06-04-002 Gulf 2006 - 2009

Microplastics and shellfish aquaculture: investigating presence, extent, potential impacts and mitigation measures

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

15-1-P-01 Pacific 2015 - 2018

Migration timing and distribution of juvenile salmon in Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait

Principal investigator: Stewart Johnson

P-14-01-001 Pacific 2014 - 2016

Microbial impacts on shellfish aquaculture in relationship to ocean acidification

Principal investigator: Kristi Miller

P-14-02-001 National 2014 - 2015

Monitoring variability of environmental factors impacting tunicate infestation on coastal shellfish farms in Nova Scotia

Principal investigator: Dawn Sephton

M-13-01-002 Maritimes 2013 - 2015

Monitoring and modelling of sea lice interaction with wild and farm salmon in the Broughton Archipelago

Principal investigator: Peter Chandler

P-12-01-006 Pacific 2012 - 2014

Modelling the benthic impacts of aquaculture waste deposition at Lake Huron cage farms

Principal investigator: Cheryl Podemski

CA-10-02-003 Central and Arctic 2010 - 2013

Management of coldwater disease caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum on Ontario trout farms: erythromycin efficacy and family susceptibility

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-10-02-001 Central and Arctic 2010 - 2011

Mouth rot - Tenacibaculum maritimum - tracking pathogenesis and typing

Principal investigator: Stewart Johnson

P-09-01-002R Pacific 2009 - 2010

Monitoring of environmental conditions on salmon sites of the Fortune Bay area and effects of hypoxia on the physiology of Atlantic salmon

Principal investigator: Dounia Hamoutene

N-08-01-002 Newfoundland and Labrador 2008 - 2010

Mechanized clam harvesting for coastal British Columbia - Environmental implications

Principal investigator: Kerra Hoyseth

P-08-03-005 Pacific 2008 - 2010

Management of coldwater disease caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum on Ontario trout farms

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

Central and Arctic 2007 - 2009

Measuring Chlorophyll Fluxes in an Oyster Farm

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-05-08-003 Gulf 2006 - 2008

Mussel Seed Quality Workshop

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-03-11-004 Gulf 2004 - 2004

Monitoring of pathogens in bivalve populations at commercial and experimental culture facilities

Principal investigator: Charley Cyr

Q-04-04-001 Quebec 2004 - 2007

Marine fish farming workshop

Principal investigator: Charley Cyr

Q-04-09-001 Quebec 2004 - 2005

Molecular characterization, surveillance and pathogenicity trials of nodaviruses strains of Atlantic Canada

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-03-01-002 Gulf 2003 - 2005

Microbial-mediated increase in phosphorus availability from animal protein-based ingredients fed to rainbow trout

Principal investigator: Grant Vandenberg

Q-02-01-003 National 2002 - 2005

Maritime regional efforts to accelerate Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) commercialization: Focus on broodstock expansion and egg quality, Part II

Principal investigator: Debbie Martin-Robichaud

MG-02-09-005 Maritimes 2002 - 2004

Maritime regional efforts to accelerate Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) commercialization: Focus on broodstock expansion and egg quality

Principal investigator: Debbie Martin-Robichaud

MG-02-01-006 Maritimes 2002 - 2004

Monosex strain development for white sturgeon (Acipenser tranmontanus) and salmonids

Principal investigator: Robert Devlin

P-01-06-002 Pacific 2001 - 2004

Marine finfish and suspended shellfish aquaculture: Water quality interactions and the potential for polyculture in coastal British Columbia

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-01-06-008 Pacific 2001 - 2003

Nutritional requirements for sustainable crayfish aquaculture

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-10-01-001 Pacific 2010 - 2012

Nutrient fluxes across the sediment-water interface and Nutrient release rates from freshwater sediments in a lake with cage fish farming

Principal investigator: Cheryl Podemski

CA-06-02-001 National 2006 - 2007

New Genes: Evaluation of Genetic Variation in Stofnfiskur Domesticated Atlantic Salmon imported to British Columbia

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-04-01-003 Pacific 2004 - 2006

Northern Quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria (notata variety), winter survival strategies

Principal investigator: Thomas Landry

MG-02-04-008 Gulf 2002 - 2004

New Brunswick arctic charr brood stock development, evaluation and selection program

Principal investigator: Brian Glebe

MG-01-06-030 Gulf 2001 - 2006

9th Canadian Workshop on Harmful Marine Algae and Aquaculture Association of Canada Conference (July 4-8, 2005), St. John's, NL

Principal investigator: Cynthia McKenzie

N-05-01-002 Newfoundland and Labrador 2005 - 2006

Optimization of growth performance in intensively cultured Wolf Eels (Anarrhichthys ocellatus)

Principal investigator: Steve MacDonald

P-11-01-002 Pacific 2011 - 2011

Ocean acidification effects on shellfish aquaculture

Principal investigator: Kristi Miller

P-11-01-003 National 2011 - 2012

Optimizing hatchery-based sea scallop settlement

Principal investigator: Jean-Marie Sévigny

Q-10-02-002 Quebec 2010 - 2012

Optimizing Oyster Nursery Systems Through the Use of Non-Traditional Sites

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-08-01-006 Gulf 2008 - 2010

On-growing investigations for the optimal commercialization of the indigenous basket cockle (Clinocardium nuttallii) Phase III

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-08-03-004 Pacific 2008 - 2009

Optimization of diagnostic methodologies for the detection and life history pathogenesis studies of Betanodavirus in production and broodstock Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-06-01-004 Gulf 2006 - 2008

Ozone disinfection of marine fish eggs for eradication of bacteria and vertically transmitted diseases such as piscine nodavirus, Part II

Principal investigator: Debbie Martin-Robichaud

MG-02-09-004 Maritimes 2003 - 2004

Otolith analysis for determination of feral versus escapee Atlantic salmon

Principal investigator: Andrew Thomson

P-02-01-001 National 2002 - 2003

Ozone disinfection of marine fish eggs for eradication of bacteria and vertically transmitted diseases such as piscine nodavirus

Principal investigator: Debbie Martin-Robichaud

MG-01-09-006 Maritimes 2001 - 2004

Optimal Cage Depth for Bay d'Espoir Salmonid Aquaculture

Principal investigator: Atef Mansour

N-01-06-003 Newfoundland and Labrador 2001 - 2003

Passive protection of mussel production through use of exclusion cages to prevent duck predation in the Gaspé (QC)

Principal investigator: Chris McKindsey

15-1-Q-01 Quebec 2015 - 2017

Pathogen susceptibility of Sockeye Salmon – phase 1: Infectious Salmon Anemia virus (ISAV) and Alphavirus (SPDV)

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

G-14-01-003 Gulf 2014 - 2018

Potential of using cunners to control sea lice infestation of Atlantic Salmon in Newfoundland.

Principal investigators: Dounia Hamoutene, Harry Murray

N-11-02-002 Newfoundland and Labrador 2011 - 2011

Production of single-sex Atlantic cod stocks

Principal investigator: Debbie Martin-Robichaud

MG-08-09-002 Maritimes 2009 - 2012

Pathogen Depletion by Cultured Mussels: Investigating the Further Benefits of Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-07-04-005 Maritimes 2007 - 2008

Physiological and genetic basis of growth in soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria

Principal investigator: Jean-Marie Sévigny

Q-06-04-001 Quebec 2006 - 2007

Proceedings of the Scallop Aquaculture Workshop: Halifax, NS January 24, 2004

Principal investigator: Leslie-Anne Davidson

MG-03-11-003 National 2004 - 2004

Phytoplankton Early Warning Approaches for Salmon Farmers in Southwestern New Brunswick

Principal investigator: Blythe Chang

MG-04-04-001 Maritimes 2004 - 2007

Production of farmed blue mussels on self-operating collectors in the Carleton region

Principal investigator: Marcel Fréchette

Q-03-01-003 Central and Arctic 2003 - 2007

Predator and competitor interaction with bivalve culture: development of an effective management approach

Principal investigator: Daniel Bourque

MG-01-06-029 Gulf 2001 - 2005

Phase feeding using phosphorus-deficient and phosphorus-replete diets to reduce total P output

Principal investigator: Grant Vandenberg

Q-02-01-005 National 2001 - 2005

Parasites Affecting Atlantic Aquaculture Development.

Principal investigator: Mary Stephenson

MG-01-09-004-005 Gulf 2001 - 2006

Quantifying the effect of winter siltation/burial on Crassostrea virginica's health

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

G-14-02-001 Gulf 2014 - 2016

Reduction of ammonia and solids from Chinook Salmon culture facilities

Principal investigator: Ian Forster

P-12-01-001 Pacific 2012 - 2014

Refinement of the principles of larval sea lice capture using a combination of biological filters and physical light traps in a commercial setting

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-11-02-002 Maritimes 2011 - 2012

Refinement of an Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis virus dispersion model for the Discovery Islands area and an extension to west coast of Vancouver Island

Principal investigator: Kyle Garver

P-11-01-005 Pacific 2011 - 2011

Reproduction trials between wild and farmed salmon

Principal investigator: Dounia Hamoutene

N-10-02-004 Newfoundland and Labrador 2010 - 2012

Reproduction, Environmental Tolerances and Recruitment Related to Tunicate Population Abundance

Principal investigator: Daniel Bourque

MG-08-01-007 Gulf 2008 - 2011

Revisiting and Re-establishing R&D Priorities for the BC Shellfish Farming Industry, 2007

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-07-08-018 Pacific 2007 - 2007

Remote setting and nursing of Crassostrea virginica in bouncing buckets

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-06-01-002 Gulf 2006 - 2007

Research and Development to Support Implementation of the Atlantic Canada Salmon Farming Sustainability Plan in Southwest New Brunswick

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-05-11-001 Maritimes 2005 - 2006

Relationship between mussel attachment strength to socks and passive losses caused by fall-off

Principal investigator: Jean-Marie Sévigny

Q-05-01-001 Quebec 2005 - 2006

Rapid Response for Aquatic Invasive Species; Effect of comprehensive treatment of Violet tunicate biomass on recruitment rates

Principal investigator: Thomas Landry

MG-05-08-007 Gulf 2005 - 2006

RT-PCR to identify replicative strands of RNA of ISAV

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

MG-01-06-018 Gulf 2001 - 2004

Reducing the impact of Kudoa thyrsites in farmed Atlantic salmon in British Columbia

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-01-06-010 Pacific 2001 - 2004

Rapid determination of pigmentation and lipid levels in fish flesh using fibre optic probe technology

Principal investigator: Ian Whyte

P-01-06-009 Pacific 2001 - 2004

Susceptibility of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to experimental infestations with sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

Principal investigator: Dounia Hamoutene

15-1-N-01 Newfoundland and Labrador 2015 - 2017

Screening of cultured Atlantic Salmon for resistance and susceptibility to infection by sea lice (Lepeoptheirus salmonis) and Renibacterium salmoninarum, the causative agent of Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD)

Principal investigator: Steven Leadbeater

15-1-M-01 Maritimes 2015 - 2018

Sustainable development of offshore bivalve culture in Îles de la Madeleine: production capacity and interactions with commercial fisheries

Principal investigator: Chris McKindsey

Q-13-01-001 Quebec 2013 - 2016

Sea lice course development and initial delivery

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-10-09-013 Pacific 2010 - 2010

Sablefish nutrition research: protein and energy needs

Principal investigator: Ian Forster

P-10-01-002 Pacific 2010 - 2012

Soft-flesh suppression technology: Inhibiting the post-harvest effects of Kudoa thyrsites infection in farmed Atlantic Salmon

Principal investigator: Stewart Johnson

P-09-03-007 Pacific 2009 - 2010

Sex-linked markers for arctic charr

Principal investigator: Brian Glebe

MG-09-01-003 Gulf 2009 - 2013

Synthesis and Analysis of Environmental Performance Data for Salmon Farming Industry in Southwestern New Brunswick

Principal investigator: Fred Page

MG-08-01-008 Maritimes 2008 - 2010

SEALab Workshop: (Developing a national implementation strategy for Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) under the Canada SEA-Lab Initiative)

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-08-99-009 National 2008 - 2008

Scale-up of a method for phase-feeding of dietary phosphorus (P) in rainbow trout to reduce P discharges

Principal investigator: Grant Vandenberg

Q-08-01-001 Quebec 2008 - 2011

Salmon priorities workshop

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-07-08-019 Pacific 2008 - 2008

Selective Breeding and Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) associated with Body Weight in a Domesticated Strain of Coho salmon

Principal investigator: Ruth Withler

P-07-08-014 Pacific 2007 - 2010

Study on domoic acid poisoning in scallops in the Lower North Shore sector

Principal investigator: Michael Scarratt

Q-06-01-005 Quebec 2006 - 2008

Stress indicators and the effect of environmental stressors in Pacific oysters

Principal investigator: Chris Pearce

P-06-04-014 Pacific 2006 - 2008

Surface Drifter Studies in the Broughton Archipelago

Principal investigator: Dario Stucchi

P-05-06-016 Pacific 2005 - 2007

Study on the commercial, environmental and physiological performance of brook trout fed new low-phosphorus, high-energy feed

Principal investigator: Grant Vandenberg

Q-05-01-005 Quebec 2005 - 2007

Soft-shell clam workshop

Principal investigator: Charley Cyr

Q-05-01-006 National 2005 - 2006

Shortening the reproductive cycle of spotted wolffish by manipulating the photoperiod and monitoring the cycle by measuring the levels of the steroids estradiol and 11-ketotestosterone and the female egg protein vitellogenin

Principal investigator: Robert Roy

Q-05-04-001 Quebec 2005 - 2008

Selective breeding and genetic improvement of Atlantic cod

Principal investigator: Edward Trippel

MG-05-01-003 Maritimes 2005 - 2008

Safety and Interference Studies of a Recombinant Subunit Vaccine against the Sea Louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Determination of the Efficacy and Duration of the Immunity

Principal investigator: Henrik Kreiberg

P-05-09-020 Pacific 2005 - 2009

Standardizing industry and regulatory genetic screening tests for detecting non-local strains in aquaculture and wild populations of Atlantic salmon in the Bay of Fundy area

Principal investigator: Patrick O'Reilly

MG-04-04-002 Maritimes 2004 - 2007

Study of fecal coliform dynamics in relation to environmental change and their impact on the shellfish industry

Principal investigator: Marc Ouellette

MG-02-09-001 Gulf 2003 - 2005

Salmonid aquaculture in Poole's Cove area

Principal investigator: Robin Anderson

N-02-09-001 Newfoundland and Labrador 2002 - 2005

Study of the impact of harvesting soft-shell clams using a hydraulic rake on the benthic community of the Malbaie barachois

Principal investigator: Lizon Provencher

Q-01-06-018 Quebec 2001 - 2005

Sablefish broodstock development

Principal investigator: Craig Clarke

P-01-06-007 Pacific 2001 - 2004

The impacts of pre-winter conditioning on the survival, growth, and reproductive yield of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) cultivated in suspension

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

15-1-G-01 Gulf 2015 - 2018

The effects of smolt size on the intensity of Kudoa thyrsites infections in Atlantic Salmon

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

15-2-P-01 Pacific 2015 - 2017

The effects of a hydraulic dredge and adding shells on the environment and soft-shell clam population dynamics

Principal investigator: Angeline LeBlanc

15-2-G-02 Gulf 2015 - 2018

The effect of dietary Camelina oil on health of salmon

Principal investigator: Ian Forster

15-2-P-03 Pacific 2015 - 2016

The development of an FVCOM hydrodynamic model to support aquaculture on the West Coast of Vancouver Island

Principal investigator: Peter Chandler

15-1-P-03 Pacific 2015 - 2017

Thermal and pH tolerance of farmed, wild and first generation farmed-wild hybrid salmon

Principal investigator: Dounia Hamoutene

N-14-01-002 Newfoundland and Labrador 2014 - 2015

The development of robust methodologies for sulfide probe calibration and sediment sampling

Principal investigator: Blythe Chang

M-14-01-001 Maritimes 2014 - 2016

The effects of prior exposure and body size on the intensity of Kudoa thyrsites infections in Atlantic Salmon

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-13-01-002 Pacific 2013 - 2015

The development of a robust methodology for sulphide probe calibration

Principal investigator: Blythe Chang

M-13-01-001 National 2013 - 2014

The ecological effects of clam harvesting by mechanical means in St Mary's Bay, Nova Scotia

Principal investigator: Thomas Landry

G-12-01-001 Gulf 2012 - 2014

The use of shells to increase recruitment and survival of Quahogs and Soft Shell Clams

Principal investigator: Angeline Leblanc

MG-10-01-004 Maritimes 2010 - 2012

Turning of OysterGro cages

Principal investigator: Angeline Leblanc

MG-09-02-001 Gulf 2009 - 2012

Test and evaluation of a commercial scale ultraviolet effluent water disinfectant system for fish processing plants

Principal investigator: Kyle Garver

P-09-03-009 Pacific: Strait of Georgia 2009 - 2010

The relative impacts of Lepeophtheirus salmonis on natural and hatchery stocks of juvenile pink salmon

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-07-01-001 Pacific 2007 - 2008

The Effects of Sediment Phosphorus Types and Water Temperature on the Release of Phosphorus and Nitrogen from Freshwater Sediments in a Lake with Cage Fish Farming

Principal investigator: Paula Azevedo

CA-07-01-003 National 2007 - 2008

The effect of rearing density on stress and welfare of farm reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) over an entire production cycle

Principal investigator: Jerry Corriveau

P-07-01-007 Pacific 2007 - 2009

The net effect of shellfish farming on bay productivity

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-04-09-005 Gulf 2005 - 2010

The effects of Water Temperature on Oyster Feeding Rates

Principal investigator: Luc Comeau

MG-04-01-003 Gulf 2004 - 2006

The effect of photoperiod and light intensity on growth and maturation of Atlantic cod in the Bay of Fundy

Principal investigator: Edward Trippel

MG-04-09-001 Maritimes 2004 20052006- 2007

The environmental impact of using non-permanent gear for oyster culture

Principal investigator: Thomas Landry

MG-02-04-002 Gulf 2002 - 2004

The effect of stressors on immunocompetence and susceptibility to Kudoa thyrsites as a measure of smolt quality

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-01-09-006 Pacific 2002 - 2004

The effect of photoperiod on growth and maturation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Bay of Fundy

Principal investigator: Brian Glebe

MG-01-06-008 Maritimes 2001 - 2003

Use of hydro-acoustic methods to assess the migration timing and distribution of juvenile salmon in Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait

Principal investigator: Stéphane Gauthier

15-1-P-02 Pacific 2015 - 2017

Understanding the distribution of a nemertean predator, Cerebratulus lacteus, in clam flats: implications for control measures

Principal investigator: Daniel Bourque

G-14-01-001 Gulf 2014 - 2017

Understanding the effects of long term holding on the blue mussel

Principal investigator: Harry Murray

N-10-02-003 Newfoundland and Labrador 2010 - 2011

Utility of continuous light and triploidy to control sexual maturation of Atlantic cod in the Bay of Fundy

Principal investigator: Edward Trippel

MG-07-01-003 Maritimes 2007 - 2010

Using cinnamaldehyde as an inhibitor of the common fungus, Saprolegnia parasitica, infecting brook trout and rainbow trout eggs and fry

Principal investigator: Grant Vandenberg

Q-06-09-001 Quebec 2007 - 2010

Using Stable Isotopes, Fatty Acids and Biochemical Tracers to Identify Products From Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) Sites

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-05-11-003 National 2006 - 2006

Use of Alternate Dietary Lipid Sources to Reduce Flesh Contaminant in Farmed Sablefish

Principal investigator: Michael Ikonomou

P-04-04-001 National 2005 - 2007

Use of Alternate Dietary Lipid and Protein Sources to Reduce Flesh Organohalogen Contaminant Concentrations in Farmed Atlantic salmon while Concurrently Maintaining EPA and DH

Principal investigator: Dave Higgs

P-05-04-008 Pacific 2005 - 2007

Validation of dietary medication and sterilised seawater to reduce the severity of Kudoa thyrsites in farmed Atlantic Salmon

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

P-11-02-008 Pacific 2011 - 2012

Validation of DEPOMOD with a comparison of visual techniques for observing spatial and temporal variability in the benthos at active and fallowed finfish sites in Newfoundland

Principal investigator: Andry Ratsimandresy

N-10-02-005 Newfoundland and Labrador 2010 - 2011

Validation of a preventive containment protocol for scallop spat

Principal investigator: Michael Scarratt

Q-09-01-002 Quebec 2009 - 2010

Workshop: R&D Network: Driving Industry Research

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

MG-08-04-005 National 2008 - 2009

Workshop: Oyster Culture Techniques and Presence of Birds

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-07-09-003 National 2008 - 2008

Workshop on birds, oyster handling and invasive species

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-07-01-004 National 2007 - 2007

Workshop Collaboration between salmon farming and wild Atlantic salmon conservation in Bay of Fundy

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-07-09-002 Maritimes 2007 - 2008

Workshop: Prince Edward Island Aquatic Invasive Species Research and Management Review

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-06-01-007 Gulf 2006 - 2006

Workshop: Science Priorities in support of environmental assessment and performance-based management approaches to finfish aquaculture

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-04-11-001 National 2004 - 2005

Workshop: Toward Diversified Marine Aquaculture in Southwest New Brunswick: Opportunities and Constraints

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-03-11-002 National 2003 - 2004

Workshop: Research and Monitoring Requirements to Optimize Shellfish Production

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-03-11-001 National 2003 - 2004

Workshop: MSX workshop

Principal investigator: Mary Stephenson

MG-02-11-002 National 2003 - 2003

Workshop: MSX and invasive species workshop

Principal investigator: Mary Stephenson

MG-02-11-005 National 2003 - 2003

Workshop: ISA research

Principal investigator: Gilles Olivier

MG-02-11-004 National 2003 - 2003

Workshop: Atlantic Canadian tunicate workshop

Principal investigator: Thomas Landry

MG-02-11-003 National 2003 - 2003

Workshop: Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA) Management

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

MG-02-11-001 National 2002 - 2003

Walleye aquaculture: A biological strategy to facilitate land-based culture of Stizostedion vitreum in recirculation systems

Principal investigator: Doug Geiling

CA-02-01-003 Central and Arctic 2002 - 2005

Yellow perch (Perca flavescens): Broodstock, feed development and commercial production

Principal investigator: Mike Papst

CA-02-01-004 Central and Arctic 2002 - 2005

2004 Rendez-vous de l'industrie maricole (symposium)

Principal investigator: Charley Cyr

Q-04-01-002 Quebec 2004 - 2004

2006 Rendez-vous de l'industrie maricole (symposium)

Principal investigator: Charley Cyr

Q-05-09-002 Quebec 2005 - 2006

6th Mariculture Industry Forum: 2008 Edition

Principal investigator: J. Roy

Q-08-09-001 Quebec 2008 - 2009

Salmon gill poxvirus-like (SGPV-like): Characterisation, Atlantic Salmon susceptibility, and initial survey in farmed and wild salmon

Principal investigator: Nellie Gagné

16-1-G-02 Gulf 2016 - 2020

Develop diagnostic markers to assess mussel population health in response to environmental stress

Principal investigator: Denise Méthé

16-1-G-04 Gulf 2016 - 2024

Refining the use of warm water showers to remove sea lice from Atlantic Salmon and understanding the fish health implications of the technique

Principal investigator: Shawn Robinson

16-1-M-01 Maritimes 2016 - 2018

Investigations into ulcerative skin disease agents, Moritella viscosa and Tenacibaculum spp. in Atlantic Salmon: Interactions and in vivo challenge development

Principal investigator: Steven Leadbeater

16-1-M-02 Maritimes 2016 - 2018

Fish farm site-to-site connectivity using GPS tracked surface drifters and FVCOM-based particle tracking model

Principal investigator: Fred Page

16-1-M-03 Pacific 2016 - 2019

Marine reservoirs of infectious agents associated with proliferative gill disorders in farmed salmon

Principal investigator: Simon Jones

16-1-P-02 Gulf 2016 - 2018
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