Assessment of oyster spat collection potential in Bouctouche Bay, New Brunswick
The oyster culture industry in New Brunswick depends entirely on the oyster spat collected at four sites – Bouctouche Bay, Cocagne Bay, Caraquet Bay and Miramichi Bay. In 2009, lower than average oyster spat collection rates were a source of concern for producers. To properly manage these fluctuations, an in-depth understanding of the various factors influencing collection rates and recruitment numbers within the system is needed. This will help to maintain the wild population and to support a growing culture industry. The impact of climate change on the oyster industry will also be considered as part of this project, particularly the impact of the accelerated coastal erosion of the Bouctouche spit (a depositional landform or sandspit/dune found along the coast).
This project will create a greater understanding of the factors influencing oyster spat collection in Bouctouche Bay, New Brunswick. The research will involve using modelling techniques to reproduce the oyster larval transport from spawning to recruitment for environmental conditions observed in situ (in the field) and assess the relative contribution of the various larval sources (wild versus cultured stock). This modeling will also help researchers evaluate the possible repercussions of one (or more) spit evolution scenarios on the hydrodynamics (examining the erosion effects on the flow of water and nutrients) and overall spat collection potential within the bay.
This project supports the environmental performance objective of the Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP), pertaining to the 2013-14 national ACRDP priority to evaluate the impact of the environment on shellfish aquaculture operations through the increase of the knowledge and understanding of how aquaculture shellfish operations interact with the environment.
Program Name
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
2013 to 2015
Atlantic: Gulf of Maine, Scotian Shelf
Principal Investigator(s)
Luc Comeau
Collaborating Government Department(s)
Ministère de l’Agriculture
de l’Aquaculture et des Pêches du Nouveau-Brunswick
Collaborative Partner(s)
Enterprise Baie Acadienne Ltée
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