Predator and competitor interaction with bivalve culture: development of an effective management approach
The presence of predators and competitors in shellfish culture areas can negatively impact productivity of these sites; meanwhile, optimizing productivity on culture sites has become an important issue for shellfish aquaculture. Better knowledge of the biology and reproductive cycle of predator and competitors as well as the impact on shellfish health are crucial in order to establish effective management strategies. With the invasion of the tunicate Styela clava, competing with cultured bivalve, research efforts have been focused on reducing their impact on the shellfish industry. Objectives of this project are to document the reproductive cycle and early life history of this new invader. Competition level between mussels and the invasive tunicate for food resources will be evaluated. This information will be used to develop effective management strategies to minimize the impact of these competitors. This project is just one component of a larger research initiative to minimize S. clava impact. Other components are looking into reproductive status, distribution and spread, treatment regimes and epidemiology.
Program Name
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
2001 to 2005
Atlantic: Gulf of Maine, Scotian Shelf
Principal Investigator(s)
Daniel Bourque
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