Workshop: Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA) Management
Fish Health Management has been identified by the New Brunswick Salmon Growers Association's Science Committee as a major research priority for the industry. In keeping with that commitment, the Board of Directors asked the Association's staff to sponsor a workshop on ISA Management for industry leaders, site managers, site crew members as well as associate members and friends of the industry and government colleagues to coincide with its Annual General Meeting on November 29, 2002.
An invitation was extended to various scientists who had been carrying out research or related to ISA Management or have been involved in developing management strategies to manage the disease. An application was made to the Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada for financial assistance to host the workshop. Approximately 75 people attended the workshop and many positive remarks were received by the organizers as to the value and importance of the information presented.
Dr. Tim Ogilvie, the Dean of the Atlantic Veterinary College, chaired the workshop and provided opening remarks. He told the audience that the industry, together with the science community, governments, and fish health professionals are doing something right here in Atlantic Canada, that we are building expertise and capacity in the management of fish health. He also stated that the Atlantic Veterinary College is building capacity as a center of fish health expertise with a presence on both the east and west coast and is planning to host an infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) workshop in the near future.
Following the morning sessions that provided an update on where we are with ISA management today, as well as presentations on vaccine studies, hydrographics, epidemiology and ISA research, participants also heard from the luncheon speaker, Richard Wex, the Director General of the Office of Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. A copy of his presentation entitles: "DFO's Aquaculture Policy Framework (APF) and the National Aquatic Animal Health Program (NAAHP)" is included in this report.
On behalf of the New Brunswick Salmon Growers Association, Mr. Wex thanked Dr. Ogilvie, the speakers and the participants for a valuable session on a topic that is of major importance to the New Brunswick salmon farming industry. He also acknowledged the funding contribution by Fisheries and Oceans Canada through the ACRDP program. An agenda for the workshop and copies of the various reports are included in this document for your information and continued use.
Program Name
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
2002 to 2003
Principal Investigator(s)
Denise Méthé
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