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Genetic Improvement and Development of Haddock Broodstock



The aquaculture industry relies largely on wild fish (just removed or few generations removed from the wild) for broodstock. Genetic selection programs on marine cold water species have only recently been developed due to their more recent entry into commercial aquaculture industries.

The haddock industry has relied on a small number of wild broodstock and selection of F1 fish for broodstock has already commenced with little or no genetic information pertaining to family structure. It is our goal to use biotechnology and genetic selection protocols to improve the existing broodstock, direct communal spawning with unrelated fish and consolidate genetic and morphological data from all haddock holding sites in the Maritimes to comprise a comprehensive haddock genetic database.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2005 to 2006


Atlantic: Gulf of Maine, Scotian Shelf

Principal Investigator(s)

Debbie Martin-Robichaud

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