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Workshop: Prince Edward Island Aquatic Invasive Species Research and Management Review



Recently the appearance of several aquatic invasive species in Prince Edward Island estuaries, and particularly the potential affect these aquatic invasive species have on aquaculutre operations, has caused great concern among the members of the aquaculture industry. The increased cost in attempting to reduce the spread of these invasive species has proven a challenge to government and industry members alike. Industry and government have worked in collaboration to establish rapid response protocols as well as introductions and transfer protocols to be used within the aquaculture industry. The re-establishment of the Tunicate sub-committee as well as the formation of the Aquatic Invasive Species Steering Committee have served to provide industry input into regulatory policy regarding transfer of infested product in PEI waters, thereby allowing production and harvest regimes to continue while attempting to safeguard clean areas.

In addition, several research initiatives have been undertaken over the course of the past year to investigate and better understand these organisms. These projects have also addressed the possibility of mitigation strategies for use by the industry. The purpose of the workshop is to provide information to the industry regarding developments in current research, explore new research initiatives, as well providing a forum for industry feedback on the management strategy currently in place and suggested improvements for 2006.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2006 to 2006


Atlantic: Gulf of St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence Estuary

Principal Investigator(s)

Denise Méthé

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