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ISA Research Strategy Workshop



Since 1998, the Atlantic salmon farming industry in New Brunswick has faced a major challenge with respect to Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA). In 2003, DAFA, DFO and the NBSGA hosted a research workshop on ISA. This workshop helped focus government, industry and researchers on ISA. This was an extremely beneficial exercise. However, over the past few years, efforts to further control and manage ISA have been challenging. As part of implementing the outcomes of the Task Force of Sustainable Aquaculture for Atlantic Canada, the industry is moving toward a new production system framework involving a 3 site - 3 year growout strategy. One of the major reasons for moving in this direction is to further control and minimize the effects of ISA. However, it is felt that further research efforts are required to be completed to complement this strategy.

The objectives of this workshop/strategy session are:

  1. To bring various researchers, scientists, veterinarians, industry and government officials together in a forum to discuss pressing and long-term Infectious Salmon Anaemia research needs to support the sustainability of the Atlantic salmon farming industry in New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada
  2. To identify ISA research priorities for Atlantic salmon aquaculture
  3. To promote and establish better communications between industry and researchers
  4. To bring together industry, fish health experts, and government to review and plan future strategies to ensure the impact of ISA on the industry is further reduced and kept in check.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2006 to 2007



Principal Investigator(s)

Denise Méthé

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