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Atlantic Canada Aquaculture Industry R&D Workshop (ACAIRDN)



ACAIRDN (Atlantic Canada Aquaculture Industry Research and Development Network) is a unified voice for the Atlantic Canadian Aquaculture Industry in matters of R&D, providing leadership, coordination and communication for the direct benefit of the industry.

The goal of ACAIRDN Research Workshop was to focus on industry R&D priorities and on ways of developing closer linkages and compatibility between funding programs to better assist industry. Attendees, included industry, funding agencies, academia, government and industry researchers, discussed current aquaculture industry R&D initiatives and priorities.

The ACAIRDN Funding Matrix was introduced at the Workshop. This document will serve as a central repository for Research and Development funding programs specific to the Aquaculture industry in Canada.

The focus of the ACAIRDN presentations given at this Workshop was specific regional research priorities and activities. The next step will be to develop a matrix of priorities by region and by sector, which can be used to develop joint projects. This matrix, combined with the ACAIRDN Funding Matrix, will enable industry, researchers and regulators to maximize the benefits of funding programs to accomplish the research goals of the industry.

The deficiency of scientific expertise in Atlantic Canadian universities was discussed, and it was suggested that ACAIRDN communicate the need for more expertise to University representatives. It was also recommended that ACAIRDN RDC's hold more frequent workshops with researchers and facility directors to facilitate communication between the research community and industry.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2007 to 2009



Principal Investigator(s)

Denise Méthé

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