Workshop on birds, oyster handling and invasive species
This workshop, held at the New Brunswick School of Fisheries in Caraquet, NB, on February 22 and 23, 2007, provided an opportunity for the members of the Association des conchyliculteurs professionnels du Nouveau Brunswick to discuss relevant information about their industry. The three main topics discussed at the workshop are closely related to current research.
The first topic was the attraction of birds to oyster bags. DFO and the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) presented the preliminary results on this topic. The members briefly discussed possible modifications to oyster rearing structures. The second topic was the handling of oysters prior to marketing. A discussion panel examined the topic of oyster handling and related issues (best time for turning oyster bags or oyster sorting, appropriate size at sorting, potential effective treatments against boring sponge). The third and final topic discussed was invasive species. The discussions considered their potential impact, such as additional labour costs, drying infested bags, vectors and the recent discovery of an invasive tunicate at the Tormentin wharf (2006).
Program Name
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
2007 to 2007
Principal Investigator(s)
Denise Méthé
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