Turning of OysterGro cages
Our project aims to develop a reliable approach to cage flipping in order to control biofouling of the cages and the oysters they contain, with a view to improving net productivity and the economic viability of the oyster breeding industry.
The first objective is to determine the optimal frequency for flipping, the one which will eliminate the largest possible quantity of biofouling while reducing economic losses due to raising the cages out of the water and to breaking of the frill. This will be useful to the entire industry in southeastern New Brunswick.
The second objective is to determine the shortest out-of-water time that will achieve a high degree of elimination of fouling organisms. The longer the period during which the oysters are out of the water, the greater their mortality. To reduce mortality as well as the growth loss that results from being out of the water, the optimal out-of-water time for eliminating biofouling needs to be determined, based on the size of the oysters.
Program Name
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
2009 to 2012
Atlantic: Gulf of Maine, Scotian Shelf
Principal Investigator(s)
Angeline Leblanc
Email: Angeline.Leblanc@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
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