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Comparing culture gear and adapting off-shore giant scallop culture husbandry to Baie des Chaleur, NB



This study looks at the performance of giant scallops cultured in an exposed offshore environment using various husbandry approaches in order to minimize the negative impact of temperature fluctuations. Growth and reproductive condition of giant scallop cultured at an offshore site in Baie des Chaleurs

  1. in suspension using both lantern nets and in OysterGroTM cages and,
  2. on the bottom using OysterGroTM cages, will be compared.

The study will also assess fouling on the culture gear and monitor environmental parameters. An economic analysis of the feasibility of collecting giant scallop spat at the offshore site will be carried out.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2010 to 2014


Atlantic: Gulf of Maine, Scotian Shelf

Principal Investigator(s)

Leslie-Anne Davidson

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