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Cod Broodstock Nutrition Study



Knowledge on broodstock nutrition for Altantic cod is greatly limited as ability to perform these types of studies is restricted due to difficult access to proper broodstock as well as sufficient tank space. Previous work on cod broodstock in Atlantic Canada has been performed utilizing a diet of baitfish (herring, mackerel, squid) and vitamin supplementation with good success. However, a wild baitfish diet has numerous drawbacks including inconsistent supply and quality of product, as well as potential introduction of diseases. Previous preliminary studies in Newfoundland in 2004 using formulated experimental diets did not lead to positive results. However, as broodstock development moves towards using F1 generated captive broodfish and away from wild caught fish, the need for the use of a formulated manufactured diet is paramount as F1 broodfish are never fed a baitfish diet and are reared on formulated feeds from weaning. Continuation of formulated feeds on broodstock that are already stabilized on pelleted diet reduces the need to wean wild fish to formulated feeds, a process that is often very difficult, as wild fish are resistant or at best reluctant to take pelleted feed.

Gadid broodstock diets from some feed companies world wide have recently been developed. Fiskeriforskning in Norway is currently using a broodstock diet with its F1 broodstock. So far, comprehensive comparisons between current standard feeding practices and newly available diets have not been performed. This project will investigate the effect of these diets on fish condition, gamete quality, egg fertilization, larval performance, post-spawning condition and the ability of fish to recrudesce properly. Given our current ability to access the needed F1 broodstock and appropriate tanks for replicate diet trials, this research project will provide much needed information on broodstock diet improvement and bring renewed support to the cod industry.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2008 to 2011


Atlantic: Newfoundland, Labrador Shelves

Principal Investigator(s)

Dounia Hamoutene

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