Understanding the effects of long term holding on the blue mussel
The Newfoundland mussel culture industry is poised to undergo a period of significant expansion. This expansion will cause increased availability of harvested fresh product. In many cases the product may not immediately go to market but will be required to be held at processing facilities. Unfortunately, storage of mussels over longer periods has been found to result in reduced meat yield, quality and mortality. This two year project is investigating the effects of long-term holding on the physiology of cultured blue mussel by directed research focused on the measurement of morphometrical parameters, histological features, meat quality, mortality, genotype profile, immune function and physiological stress under current industrial standards for long-term holding in a commercial processing facility. Comparisons are being made between mussels held for specific time periods (1 week, 1 month, and 3 months) under standard conditions and those prior to harvest. Identical measurements are being made on samples of mussels harvested during different times of the year and held under similar conditions (i.e., spring, summer, fall, and winter).
Program Name
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
2010 to 2011
Atlantic: Newfoundland, Labrador Shelves
Principal Investigator(s)
Harry Murray
Email: Harry.Murray@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Gehan Mabrouk
Email: Gehan.Mabrouk@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
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