Evaluation of the Flesh Quality of Farmed and Wild BC Salmon
The overall objective of the study is to compare the flesh quality of farmed and wild BC salmon from different geographic locations of the coastline of BC. Parameters that will be assessed are:
- concentrations of classical persistent environmental contaminants, organochlorine pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and new era contaminants such as flame retardants
- concentrations of heavy metals and trace metals including mercury and methyl-mercury
- sensory attributes
- proximate composition ie: protein, lipid, moisture and ash and gross energy
- concentrations of fatty acids and
- concentrations of carotenoid pigments
- prevalence of Kudoa thyrsites and K. paniformis in salmon flesh
- genetic profiles of farmed and wild salmon
- indices of fish health based on haematological measurements and
- stress, metabolic and reproductive parameters.
Program Name
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
2005 to 2005
Pacific: Vancouver Island West Coast
Principal Investigator(s)
Dave Higgs
Email: HiggsD@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca
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