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Investigating probiotic bacteria and their bacteriocins as part of a disease management strategy in salmon aquaculture



The susceptibility of farmed salmon to bacterial disease and sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus species) is a health management issue for the aquaculture industry. Currently, antibiotics and antiparasitics are used to treat bacteria and sea lice respectively, however, there are concerns regarding the effectiveness and long term sustainability of these methods. This research project will evaluate the potential for probiotic bacteria (microorganisms associated with beneficial effects to humans and animals) and bacteriocins (antimicrobial, naturally occurring compounds produced by certain bacteria) to aid in the reduction of antibiotics currently used to treat bacterial diseases in salmon. Another point of focus will be on the potential of Bacillus and PaeniBacillus bacterial species to aid in reducing the use of emamectin benzoate (SLICE®), i.e. chemical therapy, as a treatment of sea lice infections in salmon. This research will offer the first comprehensive assessment of the antibiotic properties of known and unknown bacteriocins, and as such, constitutes an investigation into a novel category of drug treatment. The results of this research will help inform disease management strategies to minimize the impact of pathogens and ultimately improve fish health.

This project supports the optimal fish health objective of the Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP), and pertains to the 2014-15 national ACRDP priority of health management through increasing knowledge, understanding and developing better management practices with respect to disease impacts on finfish cultured species.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2014 to 2015



Principal Investigator(s)

Simon Jones

Collaborating Government Department(s)

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has provided funding for a post-doctoral position in relation to this research.

Collaborative Partner(s)

Cermaq Canada

Marine Harvest Canada Inc.

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