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Evaluation of two strategies for securing the supply of soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria) spat for clam culture in the North Shore, Lower St. Lawrence, Gaspé Peninsula and Magdalen Islands sectors



In 2000, a research and development program (MIM) was carried out in the Magdalen Islands to examine the potential of developing clam culture based primarily on the transfer of young clams from natural beds to private seeding sites. Spat supply based solely on the transfer of juveniles from natural beds, although an attractive option, is not sufficient to secure the supply of juveniles required for clam culture operations. Moreover, the approach consisting of the transfer of juveniles being considered for the Magdalen Islands sector will not necessarily be applicable in other marine sectors in Quebec. Diversifying the sources of supply of juveniles is therefore critical to securing the supply and maintaining the commercial development of clam culture in all marine regions of Quebec. In addition to the transfer of juveniles from natural beds, there are two other options for supplying clam culture operations with juveniles, i.e., natural spat collection and seed production in hatcheries. The purpose of this project is to explore these two options, attempting to better describe the soft-shell clam reproduction cycle (without, however, establishing the relationships with predictor variables), to assess the potential of soft-shell clam collection on the North Shore, in the Lower St. Lawrence, in the Gaspé Peninsula and in the Magdalen Islands, and to develop expertise in the hatchery production to support the development of clam culture in Quebec.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2002 to 2005


Atlantic: Gulf of St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence Estuary

Principal Investigator(s)

Sylvie Brulotte

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