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Impact of dissolved oxygen content on the survival, growth and metabolism of the Quebec strain of spotted wolffish under tank rearing conditions



The objective of this research project is to conduct a comprehensive examination of the effects of hypoxia, hyperoxia and fluctuations in dissolved oxygen (DO) content on survival, growth and several physiological parameters that are indicators of stress and health in juvenile spotted wolffish reared at densities similar to commercial densities. We will also measure the effects of DO, size and feeding on oxygen consumption (MO2) in spotted wolffish in order to gain a better understanding of the main source of DO fluctuations observed under rearing conditions. The planned experimental trials will make it possible to determine the tolerance of the Quebec strain of spotted wolffish to hypoxia and will provide information on the impacts of various DO contents on its growth and on compensation and physiological adjustment mechanisms. The parallel implementation of continuous characterization of oxygen conditions under intensive rearing conditions (growth of 15 g to 2 kg at high densities) will make it possible quantify the impacts of the various marine aquaculture activities on oxygenation conditions and to contribute to the identification of possible corrective or management measures that could be applied during commercial operations.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2009 to 2011


Atlantic: Gulf of St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence Estuary

Principal Investigator(s)

Denis Chabot

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