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Scale-up of a method for phase-feeding of dietary phosphorus (P) in rainbow trout to reduce P discharges



This project is a logical continuation of ACRDP project Q-02-01-005 Phase-feeding using phosphorus deficient and replete diets to reduce total P output, which showed very promising results for the aquaculture industry (discharge of 2 kg of P per tonne of fish produced). More specifically, it is designed to optimize the formulation of a P-deficient diet and the alternating sequence of diets (P-deficient and P-sufficient) to maximize rainbow trout growth and minimize phosphorus discharge.

The functional objectives of the project are:

  1. to optimize a phosphorus-deficient diet, consisting of readily available ingredients;
  2. to measure the impact of alternating diets (commercial diet alternating with a P-deficient diet developed in Objective A for rainbow trout (100 g initial weight) at relatively high frequencies of four, eight and twelve weeks on growth and phosphorus balance (accumulation, discharges);
  3. to test the option that yielded the best results in Objective B under industrial conditions at a fish farm (Ferme piscicole des Bobines);
  4. to conduct a technical and economic study to assess the impact of the new P-deficient dietary regime and of the periodic feeding of fish for commercial production.

Program Name

Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)


2008 to 2011


Atlantic: Gulf of St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence Estuary

Principal Investigator(s)

Grant Vandenberg

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