6th Mariculture Industry Forum: 2008 Edition
This project consists in a forum held in Quebec City on April 21, 22 and 23, 2008. The main purpose of the forum was to gather and disseminate to all stakeholders new information and knowledge in the field of mariculture and to promote new ideas and possible solutions to development problems. The forum plays a very important role in knowledge transfer, as witnessed both by the technology and trade missions, which have led to major improvements at the production stage, and by results and progress that are more difficult to measure, the effects of which will be felt in the longer term. As with the 2006 edition, we combined, in one event, "technology transfer" days and the shellfish growers' forum. The presentations were grouped into five sub-themes: mussel farming, scallop farming, soft-shell clam farming, diversification opportunities and general issues affecting all enterprises. The presentations were complemented by a trade show and open scientific poster session. The forum also afforded an opportunity for dialogue and networking, which enabled participants to expand their network of professional contacts.
Program Name
Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)
2008 to 2009
Atlantic: Gulf of St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence Estuary
Principal Investigator(s)
J. Roy
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